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Pope Paul If, by planning to marryl'homass daughter Sophia (Zoë) Palaeologus to Ivan Ill, and basing himself on the decisions of the Union of Florence, hoped to consolidate his power over the Russian Orthodox Church.

Ivan III married Sophia Palacologus on November 12, 1472, under Pope Sixtus IV. Ivan III used this marriage to enhance Russias prestige in international affairs and his own authority as a Grand Prince in Russia.

122 In this chapter, Marx drew on one of Engelsarticles about Pan-Slavism, written for the New-York Daily Tribune in 1856, but never published. The manuscripts of these articles, which the editors of the newspaper returned to Marx, have not been traced. Soon after the Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century had been published, Marx wrote to Engels on April 9, 1857: “In the last one I used the text of one of your articles, in which you speak of Peter I” .

123 This refers to the Russo-Turkish Wars of 1686-99 and 1710-13 and Peter Is campaign to the Persian possessions near the Caspian Sea in 1722-23.