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just one day before conclusion of definitive treaties with America, France, and Spain,[43] Holland condescended to accede to preliminaries of peace, and this not in consequence of the Russian mediation, but through the influence of France.] I knew, indeed, she was unequal to the task; but I knew, too, how greatly her vanity would be flattered by this distinction, and was well aware that
when once engaged she would persist, and be inevitably involved in our quarrel, particularly when it should appear (and appear it would), that we had gratified her with Minorca. The annexing to the mediation the other (Austrian) Imperial Couurt, entirely overthrew this plan. It not only afforded her a pretence for not keeping her word, but piqued and mortified her; and it was under this impression that she made over the whole business to the colleague we had given her, and ordered her Minister at Vienna to subscribe implicitly to whatever the Court proposed. Hence all the evils which have since arisen, and hence those we at this moment experience. I myself could never be brought to believe that the Court of Vienne, as long as Prince Kaunitz directs its measures, can mean England any good,