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My smile creeps across my face. “Very good. You may go.” I waggle my fingers at the door and spin back around in my seat to look in the mirror again.

“Problems?” Dr. Friar asks.

“None. Everything is going exactly according to plan.”


As always, turning a manuscript into a novel takes many more people than just the lonely author, writing in her garret. I will never be able to thank everyone who’s helped make the mess of words that was originally Revelations into the book it is now without making this a novel itself, so I’m not even going to try. *smiles*

A huge thanks to my wonderful agent, Natalie Lakosil, for being in my corner when I needed her the most. And to my editor, Mel, for her awesome insight and for seeing once again the story I was trying to tell and helping me pull it out. And as always, a huge thanks to the cover artist, Eithne, and Tor’s art director Seth for yet another beautiful cover.

I definitely couldn’t have done this without the support of my family, specifically, my husband, for all those late nights helping me see the simple solutions to the problems I was trying to make more complicated than they needed to be, and for my children for putting up with all the time my imaginary friends took all my attention.

And to my crit partner Liz Czukas for all the brainstorming sessions and for talking me down from all the last-minute freak-outs. Thank you so, so much.

And to my crit partner Larissa Hardesty for making sure my story had heart and soul and wasn’t just a mess of words.

A special shout-out and thank-you to Ryan Campbell and his daughter Cordelia for being my first “outside” readers. Your excitement and enthusiasm for my characters and writing gave me the courage to persevere through the dark until I saw the light. You both rock!

And, of course, thank you to God for giving me the talent and perseverance to make my dream a career.

And last but not least, a huge thank-you to all my fabulous readers that loved Renegade and loved and rooted for Evie and Gavin. I hope you enjoy the new chapter of their story. I couldn’t do this without you. XOXO.

About the Author

J. A. Souders is the author of the Elysium Chronicles and lives with her husband and two children in the land of sunshine and palm trees, where she spends her time writing about the monsters under the bed, daydreaming about living in an underwater colony, and failing miserably at playing video games. She can usually be found wandering around the Internet at www.jasouders.com.