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When we reached the security checkpoint, I stood there panting and surveyed the line. It looked like at least a twenty-minute wait.

Rick nudged me and nodded at the people in line. "Time to turn on the blonde. See if you can move us ahead any."

One by one I explained the situation to the people in front of us. "Please sir, we have to reach my sister before she boards the plane."

I felt like the teenage version of Tiny Tim, but everyone let us through. We reached the front of the line where you had to show your boarding pass to a screener. I ought to have turned around, given one last, God bless you everyone, to the people behind us, but instead Rick and I hurried through it and ran to the gate.

The line had already formed to board the plane and Adrian stood in it, staring ahead with vacant eyes. She hadn't done her hair or makeup and she looked young, tired, and afraid. I knew my father was in Chicago, but it felt like he stood on the other side of that door, and once Adrian stepped across it, he would never let her go again.

She saw us and her eyes flew wide. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at auditions."

I walked to her, breathless, wanting to hug her but afraid she'd push me away. "We left because you're more important to us," I said. "No matter what happens, your home is here with Mom and me, and it was Tanner—I'm crazy about Tanner, okay? I don't like Rick at all."

Rick nodded. "And I don't like Chelsea."

She looked back and forth between the two of us hopefully. "You still hate each other?"

"Yes," we both proclaimed cheerfully. Then we glanced at each other.

"Well, I mean, he's okay as your boyfriend," I said.

"And I guess I don't mind her dating Tanner," Rick said, "but you have to know that you and I . . . well, you and I . . ." He took her hand and pulled her out of the line. "Here, sit down. I want you to listen to this."

Then right there at the gate, he turned on his boom box and sang to her. The music was to "Dangerously Blonde," but instead of those lyrics, he sang,

Adrian, let me start

To tell you the way I feel.

Though others try to stop us,

You are my ideal.

I'm dangerously in love.

We shouldn't fight,girl,

It isn't right,girl,

Letting them tell us what to do.

Believe in me and I'll worship you.

I'm dangerously in love.

There was more of it, all just as cheesy; which goes to show you there is a reason why rebellious-fringe guys don't generally write love songs. But Adrian started crying after the first verse and didn't let up until Rick finished and she'd thrown her arms around him. Everyone at the gate clapped for them and tears I didn't even realize I had ran down my cheeks.

When she let go of Rick she turned to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry," she said.

I said, "I'm sorry too." And then both of us cried harder, but it felt good because finally things were right between us.

After a minute I said, "Let's go home," and then the three of us walked back toward the security area, Adrian and Rick holding hands.

When we got to Tanner, Adrian blinked in surprise and said, "You came too?" and then before anyone could say anything she tilted her head as though she should have known beforehand and said, "That's right, you and Chelsea . . . they told me." She leaned in toward him confidingly and added, " I 'm glad that she's crazy about you. You guys make a great couple." Then she and Rick walked on, absorbed in each other, while Tanner watched me with one eyebrow raised.

He didn't comment right then, although as he followed after Rick and Adrian I could tell that he was considering what she'd just said. I didn't say anything. I mean what does one say after that? Yes, I really am crazy about you. So tell me, are you still interested in me at all?

Rachel said guys got scared away if you acted needy. What happened when a girl called a guy and accused his brother of framing her, then got mad at him for taking his brother's side, when it had been her sister all along? Rachel never covered that topic, but I figured the results would not be good.

By the time we reached the parking lot, I needed to say something, anything to anyone, just so I wouldn't blurt out something to Tanner that I'd immediately regret. To Rick I said, "Hey, I really like the new version of your song. Are you going to rewrite the rest of those cheerleading songs? Because that would be so romantic to have the whole album dedicated to Adrian."

Adrian looked at him brightly.

"Sure." Rick put his arm around Adrian and pulled her in to a walking hug, but over her head he looked at me and said, "You are so manipulative."

I blinked back at him innocently. "And it got us to the front of the airport lines, so don't knock it."

Tanner let out a sigh. "No fighting, you two. From now on you get along, agreed?" He looked at Rick and then me, waiting for an answer.

"Okay," I said. "No more arguing."

Rick shrugged and held up one hand in surrender. "Okay."

Adrian leaned over so she could see past me to Tanner. "Thank you. The way they get sometimes—it drives me insane."

"Tell me about it." Then Tanner exchanged a look with Adrian that said he understood her suffering. It was like they'd bonded over the issue of how hard it was to deal with us.

I looked at Rick and rolled my eyes. Rick nodded in agreement.

Chapter 20

I probably should have driven our car home with Adrian and let Tanner drive his car home with Rick. But I didn't. When Rick suggested that he drive Adrian back in our car, I said, "Okay, just as long as you drive the speed limit and stop when the light is yellow."

"You're arguing with me," Rick said.

"No, I'm trying to save our car and your life."

He let out a grunt. "Fine. I'll stop when the light is yellow."

I didn't press the point because I wanted time alone with Tanner to talk. And we did. On the way back we talked about everything, everything but us. I wish guys came with maps like they have in malls. The kind that show the insides of the building, point an arrow to the spot, and proclaim, "You are here." It seemed like we'd been through so much that I had no idea where I stood when it came to him.

When we'd almost reached Pullman, my mom called me. She'd already called Adrian so she knew what had happened, but she still wanted to hear about it from me. I answered her questions, and told her that everything would be okay, because even though Adrian would be in trouble with the school, at least she was happy, wanted to live with us, and no longer hated me.

Mom made a few more comments about that, and then in an almost after thought said, "And let me get this straight—you're dating Rick's brother now?"