L'n controlled everything from a computer console in a dark corner of the club near the door that led to their private quarters and offices. At first she had curtained off the console area. But as she grew more confident, she had the curtain removed. If one looked in her direction, she could be seen playing at the board with all the flair and drama of a concert pianist.
St. Clair edged around the room so as not to disturb the audience. Spotting her, L'n toggled a few switches, spun a control wheel, then joysticked the lights to a higher crescendo. Then she motioned with her head to the door.
Someone was waiting in the office. St. Clair mimed a "who is it?" but L'n merely smiled. It was all very mysterious.
She went through into the hallway and marched to the office door. She did not remember it opening. But it must have, because standing in the middle of the room was Horatio, an immense grin on his face. St. Clair shouted and sobbed and hurled herself across the room into his arms. And she was kissing his neck, and hair, and anything else she could find. And Horatio was doing the same until the sudden heat in her loins brought her back to reality. Of all the men she had ever met, this guy was way up there on her hatred list. The slimy so-and-so was probably there to...
St. Clair shoved him roughly away, eyes blazing, finger stabbing into his chest. "Listen here, you son of a bitch," she said. "I'm not in your clottin' military, remember? I'm a civilian. And you guys can't touch one mill of our hard-earned. Got it, buster?"
Sten gaped. What the clot did he care? Besides, he was as confused about what had just happened as she was. What was with this woman, anyway?
"Fine with me," he said.
"I suppose you think you're here to rescue me," St. Clan-said. "Well, think again, bud! I've got transponders blaring out a coded SOS, here we are, on half the Tahn freighters in the merchant marine.
"Although I don't know what's taking those clots so long. I've got a sweet thing going here. And a hell of a deal to offer. Why, we've got customers who are generals and admirals, and—"
"I know," Sten said. "We got your message."
"Say clottin' what? What are you blabbering about? Who got what message? When?"
And then St. Clair got it. Sten smiled, admiring how lovely she still looked even with her jaw nearly brushing the floor in surprise.
"Let's start all over," he said. "First off, the introduction. If anyone calls me Horatio, or Horde, or whatever starts with an H again, I'll kill them. My name is Sten. So much for boy meets girl. Now, where do you want to go from here?"
St. Clair started to say something terribly biting and terribly clever. She had about six well-tested ways to emasculate this insufferable little... Except that was somebody else, wasn't it? That was—
She bit off the remark. She just looked up at Sten, waiting.
It was a good thing the office desk was a museum relic. Because what happened next had probably happened to it many times before.
His name was Chapelle.
Until recently, he had been a landing controller at one of the Empire's busiest spaceports. Like most controllers, he was very young and very intense. The pressures of his career guaranteed burnout by the age of forty. Unlike most controllers, his entire life was spaceports. He spent all of his offshift times haunting the port. He had walked the hills around the port time and again. He had been through all the buildings around that port. He boasted—only to himself, since Chapelle was a neurotically shy man—that even if all radar, laser ranging, and the port's other artificial GCA systems went out, he could land a ship by mind and voice. He could visualize "his" spaceport from any angle, under any weather conditions.
Chapelle's proudest possessions were two holographs. One was of the Imperial yacht Normandie settling onto "his" field, and the other was an autographed portrait of the Eternal Emperor. His leader, whom he had brought safely to a landing. Of course, the portrait was machine-autographed and had been routinely provided by the Emperor's flack as part of another show-the-flag tour.
Chapelle had known he was being recognized for his abilities when he was unexpectedly promoted and transferred to the main port on Prime World.
Immediately he began the same self-education program he had used before. Perhaps his superior did not understand what he was doing. Or perhaps Chapelle's obsession was becoming worse. It did not matter. The supervisor had mildly suggested that Chapelle might consider taking some time off, with no loss in status at all. But... he seemed so very intense. Perhaps he might consider consulting a specialist. Chapelle had barely kept himself from striking the man. Perhaps his supervisor was right—about being too dedicated. Of course he was not right about Chapelle needing psychological help. Yes, he would take the time off.
At that point, Tanz Sullamora's agents discovered Chapelle's lovely profile.
Chapelle, feeling rested, was ready to return to work when the fax in his high-stack apartment complex delivered a notice, placing Chapelle on extended unpaid leave. Chapelle found the guts to vid his department and ask why.
"The reason is sealed."
Sealed, Chapelle wondered. Why? Who could do such a thing? Who had the right? No one... except... and his eyes found the smiling portrait on the wall.
He was the Emperor's most dedicated subject. Had he not, after all, saved the Normandie from a possible crash?
Chapelle sat for hours in the tiny apartment, staring at that picture. He barely picked at the meager, welfare-provided rations that slid out of the dining slot. There had to be something wrong.
He determined to visit the library. Perhaps he needed to know more about his Emperor.
While he was away, his apartment was visited.
Several hours passed after he returned before he noticed. That portrait, the portrait he had always thought was smiling benevolently at him, had a cruel edge to it. The twinkle in the Emperor's eye was not that of a kindly leader, but that of someone who thought it humorous to play a meaningless practical joke on his most loyal subject. Yes. Perhaps he was wrong about his Emperor. The histories he had read suggested that the Emperor was more than die universe's paterfamilias.
He needed to learn more.
And again his apartment was visited. And again the picture of the Emperor was changed.
It was, Chapelle recognized, the face of all evil. He had been a fool. He would have served the Empire better if he had allowed the Normandie to crash.
That night, the voices began.
It should have been a routine meeting, Kilgour's third for the day. All he had to do was be sitting quietly in the dispatch clerk's efficiency apartment when the man returned. After the man recovered, Kilgour would apologize for letting the man, one of Tahn Counterintelligence's most valued agents, fall out of contact. But, he would explain, the man's control had been desperately needed in a fighting sector, and unfortunately, there was a bit of disarray. Now he, Senior Specialist Fohch, was reactivating the man.
Nothing would change. He should continue to report any anti-Tahn sentiments at his workplace and, most importantly, describe exactly how those affected the efficiency of his plant. There was no more important part of the war effort than the continued production of Imperium X, which was used for shielding Anti-Matter Two.