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human defecation in the University of El Salvador’s hallways, a fetid, revolting environment in the hallways of the country’s main university thanks to human defecation that must be carefully avoided. Moya, the library is more suited for a kindergarten on the outskirts of some other decent city, a library in which are found only Soviet manuals, it’s a university in which the few humanities and social sciences still taught are taught from Soviet manuals. I couldn’t believe it, Moya, this university is a defecation, the University of El Salvador is nothing more than a defecation expelled from the rectum of the military and the communists, the military and communists allied in their war to convert the University of El Salvador into a pile of crap: the military, with its criminal interventions, and the communists, with their congenital stupidity, conspired to convert the oldest center of study in this country into a fetid and revolting defecation, said Vega. My brother must be an imbecile of the highest stripe to think I’d be willing to leave my chair of the art history department at McGill University to give classes at a corrupt kindergarten calling itself a university instead of a defecation maintained by state funds, he must be an utter imbecile to think I’d be willing to leave my chair to come teach a herd of cattle interested only in getting a degree in business administration. You’d have to be crazy, definitively, like yourself, Moya, to believe that you can change anything in this country, to believe it’s worth it, to believe that the people are interested in changing anything, said Vega, not even eleven years of civil war served to alter anything, eleven years of slaughter and the same rich people remain, the same politicians, the same fucked plebes, the same imbecility permeating everything. It’s all a hallucination, Moya, you understand: the people who think for themselves, who are interested in knowledge, the people dedicated to science and the arts, should get away as fast as they can from this country. Here you’ll rot, Moya, I don’t know what you’re trying to do, your idea of starting a new kind of newspaper is truly naive, a stupid idea of feverish brains like yours that refuse to see reality. The people of this country are fighting against knowledge and intellectual curiosity, Moya, I’m completely sure that this country is out of sync with time and the world, it only existed when it was a bloodbath, it only existed thanks to the thousands who were assassinated, thanks to the criminal capacity of the military and the communists, beyond this criminal capacity, the people of this country have no possibility of demonstrating their existence in the world, said Vega. The newspapers are precisely the best evidence of the intellectual and spiritual misery of the people in this country, Moya, until you leaf through the two morning newspapers you can’t understand what country you’re in; to understand the intellectual and spiritual misery of those who create and buy these newspapers, you have to understand that these newspapers aren’t made to be read but to be leafed through, because no one in this country is interested in reading, and because there aren’t people at the newspapers capable of writing readable articles, it’s actually not about