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Grademan was seen in a bookstore in Canton, Ohio, not more than five days ago, and we have every reason to expect that he has received some definite information from the Superior Agency. We are trying to get some inside information there ourselves, as to just what progress they have made in finding you. We will, of course, do everything in our power to forestall their activities.

A further report is enclosed, and I can only re-state my assurances that you have nothing to worry about. With our men on his track, he can’t go far without our finding him. We are trying every bookstore in every city within a hundred miles of where he was seen, on the chance that his bibliomania will make him turn up there. And when he is located, the total discrimination of this Agency will be employed in quietly eliminating his danger to you.

Please be calm, and be assured we are with you all the way.

Yours most respectfully,

Harrison Talmadge,

for Talmadge Services, Inc.


enc: 3rd Field Report-8pp.

4 June 1975


I repeat … I’m in terrible danger! You must find Grademan at once. Before he finds me. Spare no expense but hurry — Please advise at once!


Loretta Parish

June 6th, 1975

Miss Loretta Parish

RFD #2

Stimson, Ohio

Dear Miss Parish:

I feel you are becoming unduly emotional about a situation that will soon be cleared up nicely. In that respect I have good news for you again.

Grademan was traced as far as Columbus, Ohio, which seems to be narrowing his track of approach. We are confident he will be turned up shortly. Then our special service will return the value you have paid out. We have hired a man for this single service alone. However, the cost of this expert was slightly higher than anticipated. You will find a bill enclosed to cover this factor. I trust that it will be satisfactory to you.

We hasten to remind you that all transactions are strictly private.

Certain you’ll understand, I remain most respectfully.

Harrison Talmadge,

for Talmadge Services, Inc.

HT: lt

enc: 4th Field Report-16pp.

Bill for Services

June 9th, 1975

Dear Miss Parish:

On the 7th he was in Dayton. On the 8th (yesterday) he was in Springfield. His searching is bringing him closer to you and, accordingly, our men closer to him. Our operations are swinging into high gear.


H. Talmadge

1961 JUNE 10 PM 7 09





June 10th, 1975; 6:00 PM

Miss Loretta Parish

RFD #2

Stimson, Ohio

Dear Miss Parish:

Having received my telegram I hope you took immediate steps to protect yourself. Our man lost Grademan’s track when he disappeared in Springfield, Ohio. We feel certain now that Grademan has received definite information as to your present whereabouts.

We believe the most prudent thing to do now is to advise us immediately, and we will provide another of our services, which is protection, in the form of an agent.

In point of fact, our Mr. Schneider, who has been closest to Grademan through this entire affair, is now in your vicinity, and if you will advise by return mail or telegram, we will have him proceed immediately to you, to act as your guard. I might also note the bill for the hiring of our “special” agent has not yet been paid.

Respectfully yours,

Harrison Talmadge,

for Talmadge Services, Inc.

HT: lt

enc: Protection Rate Table

Bill for Services


16 Cherry Street

Stimson, Ohio

August 2, 1973

Talmadge Services, Inc.

545 Fifth Avenue

New York 17, N.Y.


I am sure you will be saddened to learn of the passing of Loretta Parish,neé Elizabeth Fernig, who succumbed to an ailing heart last June.

As the beneficiary of Miss Parish’s will, I have recently discovered, among her effects, several statements for services rendered by your organization.

Please find check enclosed. I’m sure you will be as happy as I to mark “finis” to these outstanding charges.

Yours most respectfully,

Philip Grademan, Prop.