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She looked surprised. “Luke knows my name?”

“Luke probably knows your date of birth, address and social security number too. He’s that organized.”

“I’m Australian. I don’t have a social security number.”

“Your phone number then,” he amended.

“That I have.”

“May I have it?”


“Your phone number.”

She looked baffled. “Why would you need it?”

“Oh, I don’t know. To phone you, maybe?”

“But I’m touring with you. There’s no need to phone me. Now that you know it, you can just call my name, and I’ll respond.”

“Eve.” He liked the way it sounded, rolling over his lips.

“That’s me.”

“You’re the first person I’ve given flowers to in a very long time.”

Again she looked surprised. “Well, in that case, Jonah, I’m honored.”

He smiled. He liked the way she said Jonah, but couldn’t help wondering how Zachary would sound coming from those cherry-red lips. “Would you like a drink?”

“No, thank you.”

“Something to eat?”

“I’m good.”

She looked good. Good enough to eat.

“Would you come with me then, to get some food?”

Eve gnawed on her lower lip. Her eyes filled with trepidation. “Why me, Jonah?”

“Why would I like you to come and get food with me?”

“No. Why did you choose to send flowers to me, of all people?”

“You don’t like flowers?”

“I love them. Especially fresh ones meant for me.” She smiled shyly. “But that doesn’t answer my question. Why did you choose to give me flowers when you haven’t given them to anyone else in ages?”

“You really need to ask?”

“Mate, you’re Jonah Speed. I’m…well, I’m just me. A scarred girl living in Sydney. It makes no sense.”

Did she say scarred or scared? It was tough to tell with her accent. And why would she be either? “You’re…scarred?”

She waved his question away. “Uh-uh. No getting sidetracked. You’re evading the issue. Why me?”

“Why do you think a man would give a beautiful woman flowers?”

She huffed out a breath. “Do you answer all questions with more questions, or just mine?”

For the second time since meeting her, Jonah found himself apologizing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was. Do I really do that?”

She glared at him for asking another question, and he grinned in response.

“So?” she pushed. “Why me?”

Apparently she really did need to ask. “Because once I laid eyes on you, it was difficult to look away. But when you caught me staring, I couldn’t just keep ogling you. That would have been creepy. So I gave you the flowers.” He snorted with humor. “Thought it would be a good idea at the time.”

“The roses in my room were a good idea. A really good idea.”

Zachary’s stomach chose that moment to growl. “Are roses edible?”

“Uh…” She wrinkled her nose. “I have no idea. Why?”

“Because if you don’t come with me to find some food now, I may have to eat this damn flower.”

She grabbed it back from him. “No way, mate. If you’re hungry, go get food. Leave my rose alone.”

“Come with me?”

“You can’t find the buffet table alone?”

“It’s not that I can’t find it. It’s that I’ll never reach it alone.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“There’s a woman on your right, about ten feet away, who’s eyeing me like I’m breakfast, a reporter behind me who wants to get me alone for an exclusive Jonah Speed interview, a sex-starved cameraman by the bar, and three women who’ve been giving you the evil eye ever since I walked over here.”

“You picked up on all this while talking to me?”

Zachary shrugged. “I’ve learned to become aware of the people around me.”

“And my accompanying you to the buffet table will help you how?”

“People tend to give me more space if I’m not alone.”

“Ah. So you want me for security.”

He eyed her petite form. “Yeah, Tiny. One ominous glare from you, and you’ll send the crowds packing.”


He shrugged. “Hey, if the name fits…”

“That’s the best you could come up with?”

“Well, short-shit came to mind, but I figured you’d like that as much as you like secondhand roses.”

“Uh, yeah. You figured right.”

“So Tiny it is.”

She pointed a thumb at her chest. “I might be short, but I bet I could eat you under the table.”

“I thought the expression was ‘drink you under the table’?”

“I don’t drink.”

“You don’t?”

“I don’t. Now let’s get you some food before you pass out. Or worse, attack my flower.”

Zachary didn’t budge, but he did give her his best smile. “I’d like to see you eat me under the table.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Am I picking up on hidden innuendo, Mr. Speed?”


There it was again. The jolt of lust that smacked him in the chest.

“No, Tiny. When you eat me, we won’t be anywhere near a table.”

“When?” This time she snorted, as if the idea were hilarious.

“Hey, a man can always hope.” Damn, knocked back again. Eve Andrews was not good for his ego. Not good at all. Yet Zachary couldn’t deny he was enjoying her company immensely.

“Hope for a dessert table then,” Eve said. “I need sugar. Do you think there’s chocolate mousse?”

Zachary curled his upper lip. “God, I hope not.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and urged her towards the other side of the room, where the food had been set out.

“You don’t like chocolate mousse?” She looked horrified.

He let his hand drift down until it rested on her lower back. He left it there, liking how she felt, liking how the rise of her ass pressed against his palm. He’d like to press his lips to it too. And his cock. “I don’t like chocolate, period.”

“What? How can anyone not like chocolate?”

“It’s too sweet and too rich. Plus it gets stuck on the roof of your mouth, and the only way to wash it away is with a good swallow of beer.”

She shook her head in disbelief. “At least now I understand why you think I’m beautiful. Your taste sucks great big dingo balls.”

His jaw dropped. “My taste what?”

“Sucks. You have poor taste in food and drink. It’s obvious.”

“Dingo balls?”

“It’s an expression.”

“Strange expression.”

“Strange taste.”

“Good taste,” he amended. “And you are beautiful.”

“Chocolate’s beautiful. Here, I’ll prove it.” They’d reached the table, and Eve made a beeline for the assortment of desserts. She scanned the plates and helped herself to a saucer, which she loaded with chocolate truffles. “No mousse,” she said, regret evident in her tone. “But open up and try one of these.” She held a chocolate truffle to his mouth.

“Tempted as I am…no thanks.” The temptation had nothing to do with the candy, and everything to do with the hand it rested in.

“You’re not even going to try it?”

“Not even.”

“But…but it’s delicious.”

“So you eat it.”

“You won’t have even a bite?”

“Not even a nibble.” Unless it had all melted on her fingers, and then he doubted he’d stop at a nibble.

“You’re nuts.”

“I eat nuts, just not chocolate.”

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “I suspect you may not be fully human.”

He half suspected she was right, especially considering the animalistic way his body responded to her presence. She had him starved for a taste…of Eve. The chocolate may not appeal, but he could tuck into her with zest. “I suspect that chocolate is about to disappear into your mouth.”