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"Mmmmmm… Paul… it was worth waiting for."

But her lover wasn't finished with the pleasures he wanted to give her. His mouth slid down her stomach, between her legs and covered the cave his big cock had just vacated. His talented tongue whipped into the slit, sweeping and swirling the combination of their juices around her insides.

"Ooohhhh… Paul!" Penny cried with delight.

Chapter 13

Monday afternoon turned into a big frustration for Charles P. Kingston. His wife had returned from her trip and kept calling him to see if he had heard from Penny and Steve. When he explained that he hadn't, she complained each time that he was neglecting the children. Then at two o'clock he received a collect call from Puerto Rico. It was Steve calling to inform his father that he was about to get married. There was a pause, as Steve waited for his father to explode with rage and criticism, and his father searched for something to say. The news hardly disturbed the elder Kingston at all, even when Steve asked him to wire money. But by the time Steve put Liz on the phone, his father was over the initial shock and welcomed her to the family with all his blessings, which suddenly seemed to be the thing to say, though he had never met the girl.

But within the same hour he received a call from Las Vegas, and was completely shaken by his daughter's announcement that she too had eloped. He felt as though his whole world had suddenly crumbled in around him. Paul Lagarde's voice infuriated him, but he covered his hatred and wished them happiness. His conscience wouldn't let him do otherwise, for fear his real motives would be exposed.

Penny got back on the phone and talked to her father for a while, surprised to hear that Steve had also decided to get married at the very same time. She could detect the despair in his voice and knew the reason for it.

"Now, Daddy, I don't want you to feel upset or depressed by what's happened. Paul and I are going to spend a week here in Las Vegas and then fly to Hawaii for two weeks. But as soon as we get back, I want you to plan on spending the next weekend with us at Paul's house up in the Thousand Islands. I promise you'll have a fantastic time there. It straightened out your son and daughter, and I just know it will help you immensely."

When Penny put the receiver down, she looked up into the surprised but grinning face of her new husband.

"Penny," Paul said, shaking his head in disbelief, "you absolutely fracture me. In one breath you tell me I have to sell the island and do away with all my interests in sex education, and in the next breath you invite your father to spend a weekend at my 'terrible' island."

"Wellll," Penny smiled sheepishly, "it will take a little time to dismiss everyone and make arrangements for the sale, so my father might as well enjoy a weekend there."

"You're too much, Penelope."

"When I heard that all those little children were paying off debts that their parents owed you, I was furious. I hated you for making innocent children do the things they were doing, until I saw…

"Until you saw what?" Paul teased her. "Until you saw that when they were left alone, -just as I had explained, they discovered their own sex games? That the children played sex games without being taught?"

"Yes," Penny admitted sheepishly.

"And didn't you find that everyone on the island was there of his or her own free will? Doing only what they wanted to do?"

"Yes, but one thing still puzzles me."

"Please, Penny, no more questions. We're supposed to be on our honeymoon, and I want you."

"First answer just one last question," she said firmly, but allowing him to pull her back onto the bed. "All those wealthy, important, powerful people that you invited… and the young, struggling actors and actresses… wasn't there a terrible risk of someone possibly blackmailing the quests?"

"Not really," Paul said, pulling off her robe and bringing her naked body down on top of his. "In my vault I have enough evidence on each and every person on the island. That was the only thing necessary to insure closed mouths. Plus the fact that if any of the young people got too ambitious they knew they'd never get work again, anywhere!"

Paul's hand slid down Penny's smooth back, down to her firm ass and he pressed, causing his stiff cock to force its way between her tightly closed legs. She was teasing him, he realized. Holding out already! he said under his breath.

"And do you have something in your vault on me?" she asked coyly.

"You promised you wouldn't ask any more questions," Paul said as his hands pulled her ass-cheeks apart in an attempt to get her to open her legs.

"But I want to know if you have something in your vault on me. I have to know before we can go any further," she said, giggling as he tried unsuccessfully to force her legs open. "I want to know if you took pictures of me while I was your guest."

"Don't be silly," he answered, trying to capture her mouth with his to put an end to all the talk.

"Then answer my question," she insisted, lifting her head away from his and squeezing her legs tighter, capturing his throbbing cock in a viselike grip so he couldn't move it.

"No! I didn't have to get any evidence, certainly not pictures, on you," he said with a sigh of defeat, "or Steve, either. You both come from a wealthy, prominent family. If, for some crazy reason, either of you did want to blackmail anyone, I would have dealt with the matter when it happened."

Penny grinned at him, hesitated a moment as she considered teasing him further, but decided against it. In one quick move she slid back to his cock and gave him a tantalizing smile as she kissed the pulsing knob. A tight-lipped kiss. Then her tongue danced down and around the thick meat, teasing him with its delightful sensations, while her wide eyes sparkled with devilish delight, daring him to make a move as she tantalized his longing cock with her teasing mouth.

Paul grabbed her by the hair, quickly wrestled her over on her back and got between her legs. Then he placed his huge spear at the entrance to her weeping cunt.

"Cunt-teasing I don't mind," he said between clenched teeth, "but I won't stand for cock-teasing."

Penny felt the blunt head force its way into her burning cunt. The full length and width of it sweeping into the depths of her body made her suddenly very willing to accept his terms.