- And as a result there was a fight?
The Lucifer indulgently grinned:
- No! They quickly enough got on. But Hitler very much liked to prove that he lost World War II incidentally and if he did not stop army near Dyuker - everything would be on other!
Marat noted:
- If Britain dropped out of the war, then chances at friyets would appear. Especially considering their opportunity in this case to receive raw materials from Africa, and also to use the Arab and European divisions on fronts. At reasonable policy in occupied territories, the USSR gradually could lose war of attrition!
Timoshishin doubted it:
- You so think?
Marat surely noticed:
- Potential of economy of Europe, and the occupied Soviet territories is three-four times higher than what remained at the USSR. Human resources of Germany are lower, but not much more. If to add satellites and a feature to form foreign divisions, and also Khiva, then ... And human resources on the party of the Third Reich. And there and ...
The Lucifer interrupted professors and replaced the good-natured shape with much more terrible:
- Enough! From different AI at people, feels sick! Especially wore out a subject of World War II and everyone popadanets there. Let's finish development of portal movement better!
Marat asked the Satan quite natural question:
- And why it to you?
The Lucifer answered with soft tone:
- And when the government gives this or that task to scientists, they surely have to ask what for?
Marat logically noticed:
- If it is scientists from capital letter, and people responsible, to surely have to ask!
The heavy pause followed. However, work did not stop. Einstein, despite all enthusiasm for process, noticed:
- Know I about Hiroshima and Nagasaki never would write the letter on need to develop a nuclear bomb to Roosevelt!
Marat on it noticed:
- In general the main responsible for the project in Manhattan is the German physics of Dibro. It, having run away into America, told everything that Hitler already gave the order to create an atomic bomb. Though the Fuhrer learned about the possibility of nuclear reaction only in the summer of 1942. It is possible to add that without the American initiative, all the same atomic bomb appeared for at most twenty years later ...
- And in the USSR! - Timoshishin added.
Einstein pomorshchit the young, nice face and having hastily crossed, cautiously glancing at the same time at the Satan, murmured:
- Then glory to the Creator ... Could be worse!
The Lucifer seeing confusion of the ingenious physicist, calmed him:
- I to nobody and forbade never to be christened. The cross is a symbol of many pagan cults. - The son of a dawn melodiously burst out laughing and added. - I in general am surprised why many consider as if angels oppositionists are frightened an incense, or holy water?
Einstein expressed the opinion:
- If God influences things, then can make also ordinary water dangerous to disgraced angels. It generally is also belief of people that is similar to an image of the brazen serpent, they will be protected by a sacred icon, either a cross, or the father with a censer.
Kot demon shrank and noticed:
- It can work, but is selective. I quite often was also in temples, and the consecrated apartments, took a crucifixion in hand ... But was, as threw out - for example from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. At the same time feelings, as at people after strong blow electricity.
The Lucifer applied a finger to lips and warned:
- It is better not to lift this subject. There can be an intervention from above and now. And then our works were gone!
. HEAD NO. 3
Artemka did not know of course that he with him did the honor to hang out Lucifer. To a Satan it was a little ridiculous and amusing with the boy, very talented, but terribly lazy to study, too. It was remembered how the boy, being absolutely pretty, hid under a pillow an icon with the Virgin Maria and it was christened in dark corners, being afraid that there the Devil hid. Sometimes the Satan seemed to the child and under a bed, and Artemka was afraid that it will be dragged off directly to hell. And in general, fondly considered that all dark and secluded places - concentrations of demons, and devils (the last word generally and not bible.)
The image of the devil with horns and tails, is obviously not true. Angels of opposition of course can accept any shape, but very few people from them want to look quite so not esthetically: curve horns, nose of type piggy, hoofs, and tail.
Usually demons try to give themselves more civil look. Here for example to give themselves for space newcomers, such shining light, obviously unearthly origin which can appear as if angels from darkness, passing through walls.
Or to use the diskoleta created by magic ... Just for fun, it is possible and to play with people. Then memory is sometimes erased, and sometimes remains and many diseases pass, people find magic abilities.
But though forces of opposition are big - angels much, but allow them a little. A pier Lucifer has a haven - Hell, there it can do everything! Both good, and bad. On Earth already intermediate territory. And out of limits of Solar System access is closed at all. Strangely enough, but it is the most difficult to create a good deed in the sublunary world. For example, to cure, return youth, to shower the person necessary to you with gold. There was also at demons a bad reputation.
By the way, one of them which accepted shape of pagan god Pang is really similar to the devil and the big mischievous person. But of course, attributed to it much what that and did not do ...
Really, it would be desirable to win round Lucifer of the person. For example, that it prayed, and from above or from below the answer followed! Here it is impossible. It is easier to create deeds of evil, but they give pleasures a little. Especially frank evil. But here to tempt on a sin and then to arrange that it is allegedly kind and fair ...
After a rough scene with the night fairy, Artemka felt a little bad. While young flesh was overflowed with testosterone and other hormones, it got and terribly concerned. Especially, if you still together with the beautiful maid do it.