Timoshishin strained a forehead. Professor, worthy to take a place of honor in the first row of world stars, obviously tried to understand what the demon cat talks about. In general, the idea to contact the Satan seemed to the honorary academician and the author of many tens of scientific works including some philosophical, doubtful. Whatever one may do, God is stronger than the Devil and at any time can finish their games in Gehenna or in the place even worse. And they help the Satan with his dirty deed, risking to ruin quite real-life soul.
Timoshishin on views the convinced atheist who is excellently knowing both the Scripture, and many religions, doctrines and other. But not the Satanist. And in general at the word Satan at most of the normal people who even are not differing in special religiousness begins to suck unpleasantly in the pit of the stomach.
The Lucifer caught Timoshishin's thoughts. Not the serious young man disappeared, having turned into the delightful girl with gold, heavy locks of hair and a translucent dress. Suntanned, brawny legs of the girl Satan are almost entirely open, transparent shoes on a high heel do not hide natural beauty, but add modulations of the purest diamonds to golden and olive skin.
Really, the press of perfection and a wreath of beauty, even air changed and became filled with honey aromas: as in the familiar terrestrial flowers, and something unknown, as if from other planets where the flora grows under the stranger, but not less fine sun.
All turned to Lucifer, and the girl with a smile noticed:
- Be not afraid people ... The power of Antichrist to last times, time and still half-time, and it ... It is possible to interpret as three and a half years, and it is possible also ...
- Infinity! - Answered, Marat who too is quite grounded in Sacred texts. - Such accord in a certain option matters: which time of the end it is impossible to wait!
The little girl Satan burst out laughing and added:
- That's it! And when Lucifer's power will set in over the planet, the izlitiya of seven ulcers and executions can not come ... And then all of you - can live forever in happiness, and good!
Young beautiful Einstein, having smiled to the seducing Devil beauty, added:
- There are two infinite things: the Universe and a human ingenuity - however the first relative, and the second is absolute!
The Lucifer forced Einstein to fly up to himself and juicy maiden lips stuck to the great scientist into lips. Kiss of the Devil incarnate of a female angeclass="underline" it is what cannot be described. The tsunami of memoirs as they rushed on foamy quarks of the voluptuous tornado stretched on all universe gushed over Marat again. But unless it is possible to compare human women to the finest of all created entities in the Universe?
Einstein looking athletically the put, beautiful young man, blossomed as if poppy and its redness of the yellow-beaked boy, but not the person who lived seventy five years on Earth and several decades in an underworld.
The Satan little girl smiled and again changed a look, for the conventual. And, the gray cassock hid legs to toe, and magnificent hair were hidden by a cap. The tender voice sang:
- First of all, first of all march in space ... Well, and girls, and girls then!
Einstein muttered:
- Oppengeymer would help ...
Kot demon playfully exclaimed:
- Trakh-tibidokh and to a ku-k!
Oppengeymer looked as Apollo, in embraces of two beauties at once: black and white star. The bronze brawny athlete - probably Lucifer as the esthete does the citizens as he wants. Though who will object to a beautiful figure and the correct person?
The master of hell a thunderous voice said:
- I do not know the word I do not want! It is necessary to work!
Oppengeymer turned pale and fell heavily on knees:
- About my Lord ... I promised to invent murder tools! - The type of the Devil in an image of expressly strict conventual with a severe look, awfully suppressed the creator of the first-ever atomic bomb. Or rather, not absolutely creator, but her general designer. And the Satan if in such humble look, without cheerful playfulness, means wait for troubles. Though hell also did not meet Oppengeymer by the boiling oil, but ... The famous inventor began to justify himself. - I loved women to dump from myself these nuclear nightmares, but not for the sake of a gra ...
The Lucifer changed, now it was the warrior with a beautiful and angry face, with muscles of an animal as Sheena from the comic book. And a voice full of rage, accompanied with eruption of a flame from a ten-barreled mortar, and a spark from a mouth:
- Do not speak about a sin in pejorative tone! Because the sin is a basis of my good and the power! And you should do not a termokvarkovy charge what with such enthusiasm Kurchatov and Sakharov undertook, and only to give some explanations in nuclear mechanics ...
Einstein waved away from the offer of the Satan:
- Oppengeymer, from the moment of physical death, did not look through any modern novelties in physics. He cannot forgive himself Hiroshima. Sakharova can cause better and really?
Kot clown replaced the image, on more habitual cine look and proskulit:
- Sugars ... Good there was a person, but even he was not taken away on the sky.
Marat Apelsinov asked a cat:
- If according to Bulgakov, then for light kingdom, it is necessary to peel all Earth to the last branch ...
- And to light the second sun! - Einstein added ...
The Lucifer nodded to Oppengeymer and his type of the lady-terminator became still growing furious:
- Yes you turned into a pacifistic rag! So ...
On a face of the lord of the evil there was a gas mask with an emblem of an atomic bomb, and in air became cold, even the prickly snowball began to pour.
And the creator of the first nuclear weapon begged, having hit the head against a floor:
- I swear - I am not guilty! I will make everything!
- So start! - The devil returned to a type of the little girl, but already in a crown and more magnificent, not so frank dress. And hair became from golden, almost scarlet as if petals of poppies were scattered.