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  - That and it! - There began Marat. But the little girl without paying attention to its remarks, continued:

  - I precisely know that God is!

  Timoshishin made a helpless gesture and insinuatingly said:

  - So show us this God if you know!

  The guest carefully looked at the sky and having slightly shifted black eyebrows which were so wonderfully combined with hair of color of topaz, ironical tone noticed:

  - But you are not afraid of people to die because it is impossible to see God and not to die?!

  Marat became angry and knocked a fist on a table:

  - All this your religious excuses! You count on ignorance of people. And from where you can know that God is?

  The little girl hesitated for a time second and quietly without changing a voice timbre, answered:

  - I can know because I am Lucifer or as you are more often than me you calclass="underline" Devil!

  Both professors chorus burst out laughing and, Marat already more cheerful tone ordered to the housemaid:

  - Bring to the deviless of the best for cognac, with all the heart made laugh!

  Igor Petrovich agreed with the colleague:

  - Yes beauty at it devil, you will not argue with it.

  The little girl's voice suddenly changed, passed into a loud bass, and to the room even became cold:

  - I do not joke! I am that Lucifer - the Son and the press of perfection, the strongest of all creations of God in the Universe!

  Change of tone forced professors to extend faces, windowpanes rang out, and Anyuta nearly fell down in a faint. Marat however kept cooclass="underline"

  - You well are able to imitate a bass, but that believed in your devil essence it is necessary, something other!

  The girl having replaced tone on normal, indulgently asked:

  - You want miracles?

  Professors amicably nodded. Timoshishin shook from a high forehead of a gradinka of sweat.

  Devushka-Satana politely asked:

  - Then take out a crucifixion from the room ...

  Marat was surprised:

  - Really the piece of an ebony can affect the most powerful angel in the Universe?

  - It is consecrated! - And the guest impatiently waved the hand sparkling rings.

  The housemaid hurried to execute the order, carrying away a crucifixion to other room. The bulldog in it was not any more, the dog disappeared somewhere. And the little girl radiantly began to smile and from her yellow light went ... It became valid in room to grow warm quickly, and heavy, shod silver a candlestick having flown from a case, floated before the struck professors in air. The deviless clicked fingers and in height the multi-colored flame rose. It grew to a high, marble ceiling of the elite apartment, and then again shrank. And so now zelenovato flickered in the form of a sphere. And Lucifer provereshchat:

  - Here the simplest example - a Satan in all your legends operates fire.

  Marat not quite surely murmured:

  - But also David Koperfild can do it ...

  The girl burst out laughing, and the candlestick instantly moved to a case again. A mighty, strongest and absolute angel of the universe, patiently explained:

  - David used old effects of essential oils before blowing. You want other miracles and I precisely know what!

  Small, yellow kruglyashka began to fall from a ceiling with a ring, as approaching a floor they grew in the sizes, turning into the most real gold coins, the whole heaps - piastres, chervonets, doubloons were promptly heated up. It already really looked like a miracle ... The servant did not sustain and began to collect gold. And the girl devil tolerantly nodded:

  - Take - for me gold not that, metal that needed it the mightiest spirit of the universe ...

  Timoshishin nevertheless skeptically noticed:

  - And you are sure that you the Devil? That. what in the Writing?

  The girl changed design, having turned an easy, wicker chair in covered, diamonds and rubies with emeralds and topazes a throne and, indulgent tone asked:

  - I hope foolish questions for the account of horns, hoofs and a tail will not follow?

  Igor Petrov assured the fallen angeclass="underline"

  - No! These are purely human inventions, but ... A Satan from the Bible - It!

  The little girl on it innocently smiled and seriously answered:

  - I am not a person and I cannot be that you put in the primitive concepts of a floor. The Satan is the mighty spirit capable to accept any cover.

  Marat wanted to insist:

  - And why women, but not men?

  The girl devil honestly answered:

  - It is as little as possible to be similar to Christ ... He hated women and in the Bible, they are belittled by apostles. I love all fine, I ennoble unloved Jesus a floor, accepting that shape that I want!

  Timoshishin suggested:

  - Perhaps therefore there many female witches burned in the Middle Ages?!

  The girl Satan having nodded, agreed:

  - Possibly in each beautiful woman the Devil seemed to them ... To my greatest regret!

  Marat asked the arising question:

  - And why you, being the most strong in spirit in the Universe, did not rescue them?

  The girl devil answered with unfeigned bitterness:

  - My power in this world is limited by God. Inquisitors had protection, I against them was powerless!

  And the heavy pause hung in mid-air. The servant collected a big parcel of gold coins and with great difficulty transferred heavy kruglyashka, having put them near the safe. Looked towards professor Timoshishin who in difference from it, knew a code. The little girl devil krutanut a forefinger. The sack with gold disappeared, but the music specifying that in the safe, something heavy appeared played and can be even moves.