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  Marat suddenly blurted out:

  - Mastera and Margarita you read?

  The guest hit question with a question:

  - And what, it will give you more idea of my essence?

  Bearded professor hesitated, but the housemaid found the answer:

  - In this art fiction you such interesting!

  The little girl Satan radiantly smiling, answered:

  - But not such beautiful ... I love beauty and an esthetics ...

  Marat on it a little tactlessly noticed:

  - Hitler was an artist too!

  The Lucifer quite naturally took offense:

  - The biggest delusion to connect me with the evil. I am an ancestor of a sin, but it is not angry!

  Timoshishina surprised such statement of a question:

  - You speak a sin ... But a difference between a sin and the evil so thin and almost imperceptible!

  The girl changed the shape now, having become the young man with very fair hair and nice-looking in a civil suit with a red tie. Now Lucifer found a baritone of the preacher broadcasting from department:

  - Though it is also impossible to call the Scripture the objective book, but even in it a certain difference between a sin and the evil is visible. - The young man lit at himself over a palm the hologram image. The bald old man with a careless beard that shouted towards the running-up, barefoot children. Right there were two sharp-toothed, saber-toothed she-bears who with wild a roar jerked for children. Here the got under blow of a sharp-clawed paw, fair-haired girl, screamed and calmed down. The lovely face still distorted by pain arose close up. Then the boy failed with the cut-out skull. Several girls fell on knees begging about mercy, and the furious she-bear with a bigger rage rushed on children. Having overtaken, began to mill jaws of a leg of the next child. Shrill shouts and hysterical crying turned out soul.

  The housemaid screamed and nearly fainted. And Marat it is rigid with frenzied irritation, asked:

  - It that for a horror film?

  The young man Lucifer with an innocent smile explained:

  - I showed a bible episode from the fourth book of kingdoms - where the prophet Boga, Eliseus damned the children and two she-bears teasing it forty two children broke off.

  Timoshishin threw up the hands and unexpectedly applauded:

  - Bravo! Here evident demonstration of a difference between a sin and the evil! It is possible to remember Abraham's "feat" also!

  The Lucifer nodded also with pleasant maliciousness, confirmed:

  - Trade in the wife was not blamed of Abraham, and readiness to kill the innocent child - became "great" business ... Whether affairs Abraham justified himself, having assigned the son to an altar?

  Marat heaved a deep sigh and noticed:

  - How many I lectures other on scientific atheism ... I know that the Bible along with ennobled by ideas contains the mass of ideas of obscurantism ... - Bearded professor wearily nodded. - But I I to the fooled people proved to these that there is no God at all and not that He is Angry!

  The young man Lucifer turned into the girl, only in more modest dress, almost conventuals, only a cassock skirt too short again, opening fine, bare feet. And under it right there were small uvulas of a flame. The Devil incarnate said, very mild and humble voice:

  - Sin concept not of the evil! A sin, it when you arrive not as God orders to you!

  Timoshishin wanted bigger clarity:

  - And you think that it is good?

  The Lucifer answered, directly looking crystal purity eyes:

  - Already to you to people to solve it! Here it would be good or it is bad, refuse Ache to build an ark?

  Professor Marat pomorshchit a forehead and tried to answer before the Satan:

  - On the one hand refuse Ache to build an ark, that all mankind could be destroyed. But with another it is possible that God having lost an opportunity to rescue the elite, would refuse in general idea of a flood. In this case millions of people would survive!

  The fallen angel waved a hand from where in air there was a big, turned their sandalwood table. On it there were magnificent viands, worthy tsars. And legs of the deviless had huge, black and very fluffy cat. His skin looked velvety, and with a white tip the tail reminded fox. Having intercepted thoughts of professors, Lucifer explained with benevolent tone:

  - The idea with the Hippopotamus personally was pleasant to me. Though it is only shape of an angel - because my servants, mighty spirits have no usual flesh, but can be at the embodiment anything.

  The cat rose by hinder legs, threatened with a sharp-clawed paw to the right, having whimsically noticed:

  - In your TV series, of me some freak was made. But I am much more beautiful than this dull screen version!

  The housemaid Anyuta a little safely, considering presence of supernatural entities, objected:

  - And is not present, just the movie was pleasant to me, in it there is so much interesting ...

  The Lucifer held, ready to rush on the girl, a cat. And made it at distance the movement of long eyelashes. Then with sense of humour grinned:

  - Be not afraid! The cat does not zakatut! This is a kind angel ... It only a little with you will turn round and round, can will show the earth from a lunar orbit ... It will be remarkable!

  Marat with curiosity asked:

  - And to stars we can be brought quickly?

  Here at once Lucifer hung. The conventual found a mournful look, besides her legs decorated heavy shackles as however and hands. Now in a voice the sincere suffering was heard. The cat too at once drooped and catastrophically grew thin, and in green eyes hungry gloss appeared. The Satan looked now as least of all you expect from the Devil - the mightiest of the created beings in the Universe, whom to be afraid of that many billions of people, the embodiments of horror and the evil. Well who could think, the that turned pale, barefoot girl in shackles - the master of a dark side of the universe. And the mild voice answered: