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Aryl focused on a tricky set of handholds as she climbed up, across a thrust of stone, then down.

…not that she agreed with Yena’s refusal to permit new Talents and change. What could possibly be wrong in Enris letting her see through his eyes? If Haxel could do the same, they’d know where they were going.

They had to be careful. Without Adepts, they had no one skilled in the consequences of Power. A mistake out here could be fatal to both the user and those too close.

She refused to think about the consequences of upsetting the Agreement. One good thing about this land of cold and bleak, lifeless rock—it kept the neighbors away.

The scuff of boot on stone was the only sound. Whenever possible, fingertips brushed as holds were exchanged, exchanges of reassurance and encouragement. Ziba and Seru stayed together, the child unusually attentive. Juo lagged despite her best efforts. The previous Harvest, she’d been one of their group of unChosen, quick and surefooted, hard to beat at any game. Joined with Gijs, filled with child, she’d become more careful, not more patient. Aryl smiled to herself when Husni deliberately slowed to make the pregnant Chosen do the same. A slow pace for Yena was still a good one, especially on this stretch, where exposed ledges of some dark, harder rock formed natural steps.

Veca and Gijs had picked a route to bring the exiles to the floor of the ravine before it opened wide to meet the valley. Not far, but…Aryl frowned as she studied the descent left for the leaders. The final portion would be the most complex, choked with piles of fallen rock. The cracks between were full of snow. Couldn’t be avoided without a long detour back the way they’d come; even then, there were few better choices.

Though the wind had died, at some point each of the Om’ray paused to stare at the wild shredded darkness looming above them. Something brewed in those clouds. She took Enris’ warning about the weather seriously; they all did. Whether more snow or rain, they’d best be off the rocky slope before it fell.

“Ow!” The loud cry came with a powerful flash of pain, quickly suppressed but enough to draw startled looks. Young Cader Sarc, climbing with his Kessa’at cousin. He gave a reassuring, if sheepish, wave, and she guessed he’d stubbed a toe. He was at that clumsy age.

“What?!” Another pained exclamation, this time from Morla’s Chosen, Lendin sud Kessa’at.

As more of the exiles shouted and crouched, looking in all directions for their unseen attacker, something landed with a thud in front of Aryl.

She picked up a fist-sized lump of ice.

Before she could look for who might have thrown it, something slammed against her pack, knocking her off-balance. Another lump rolled between her feet.

They were falling from the clouds!

The path no longer mattered. Aryl and the exiles scrambled to find cover as lumps struck all around them, but there was none. Chosen shielded the children with their bodies. Some of the lumps smashed apart on rock, sharp pieces spraying outward. Most stayed intact and bounced, too hard to break. They struck flesh with the same force. Aryl’s left arm was numbed by a glancing impact. She heard screams from others as they were hit. One, then another went down. She hurried toward the horribly limp forms, her feet sliding through loose stones and balls of ice, almost deafened by the clatter of ice against rock. She reached to know who

Chaun sud Teerac was the one crumpled and motionless on a ledge. Myris—Aryl gasped with relief—her aunt was conscious and trying to sit up, though her face was dark with blood.

Weth!!! Fear drove the sending into her mind. Aryl staggered. Somehow she collected herself in time to catch Husni by the arms before she could rush past her. As gently as she could, she urged the older Chosen under the meager shelter of an overhanging ledge.

Stay. I’ll look after Chaun.

Cetto… Husni’s mindvoice wavered, but she didn’t resist.


Others were looking after Myris, drawing her to her feet. Aryl hurried to where Cetto protected Chaun’s helpless body with his own, an act to save Weth, their granddaughter, as much as her Chosen. The loss of one would be the loss of both.

No one would die.

Aryl joined the elder Om’ray, laying herself over as much of Chaun as she could. He was so still. She reached through that contact and found…

PAIN! She winced, relieved by the strength of Chaun’s inner self. Impossible to be heard over the crash and thud of the ice lumps. They were piling around them like the snow, chilling the air. She pushed her shoulder against Cetto’s. He’s unconscious, but I don’t think badly hurt. For now, she despaired. How long could any of them endure this onslaught? Lumps continued to strike her. The long Grona coat and her pack took the brunt of it, but Aryl knew her head and neck were vulnerable. Cetto stoically endured blows she felt through their contact. Only bruises, she hoped.

The moment came when the thud and crash gave way to a high-pitched pinging, then a steady drone. Belatedly, Aryl realized lumps no longer fell. They were being hit by what felt like small hard seeds instead. She eased herself up, holding out her palm. Icedrops. Unlike lumps, they stung when they hit skin but didn’t break it. Unlike the dancing snowdrops, they fell in sheets, a heavy white curtain that made it impossible to see any distance.

Cetto’s relieved laugh was a deep rumble. “I see why Grona like their stone houses.”

Shelter they’d left to follow her. Aryl added that to the tally she’d begun to keep, the one that measured the value of one stubborn, strange Om’ray against all the precious lives in her care.

She would get them to safety. Haxel would find shelter and be waiting. Nothing less was acceptable.

Aryl got to her feet, adjusting her hood to protect her face. “We have to go.”

No one else moved from their crouch or hiding place. Were they afraid the lumps would start falling again? The icedrops bounced and pinged from the stone, collected in piles faster than the lumps. They’d make treacherous footing. She pushed aside her own anxiety, focused on confidence. I thought we left biters behind, she sent to everyone, making it a complaint.

A wave of startled amusement answered. Time to get off this hill. Agreement. Figures began to shift and straighten, icedrops slipping from the fabric of coats and packs.

Their strongest, Rorn and Gijs, would carry Chaun. As they prepared, Aryl checked on Myris, then made sure she touched every one of the exiles before they followed Veca, reaching through that touch as unobtrusively as she could to assess their state. All but the youngest bore bruises; all were shocked by the sudden violence of the storm. Morla’s wrist was broken, a discovery they could do nothing about here. Lendin was at her side, a wicked gash on his temple, ready to help his diminutive Chosen.

Aryl quietly asked Tilip to stay close to the older pair.

They were descending again before she reached for Enris, only to find his thoughts were already close to hers, as if he’d been waiting for her attention. Are you all right?

I hid under the pots. What about you?

Icedrops bounced against her coat and hood, as noisy as the canopy after a rain. She rubbed her left arm, keeping the pain to herself. At least it’s over.

No, it isn’t, he corrected, letting her feel his dread. Ice stones come before the storm, Aryl. Those were the biggest I’ve ever seen. Haxel better have found shelter. Forget walking. It’s time to run.