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All she could see was rock and water and strange twisted growths like bone . . . rock, water, bone . . . over everything crawled numbers and lines . . . Site report 58323 . . . Site report 58324 . . . Site report 58325 . . . rock and water and growing bone . . . numbers and lines . . . rocks . . .

... none of it was real.

More voices. Where do we go . . . ? Where can we go? DESPAIR.

No more despair. She wanted peace. And happiness. Anything familiar. She reached with all her strength and will . . .

And there it was.

Lights hanging from wires. Lights attached to walls. Lights on poles. A vast space, angled and rising away in polished steps. Steps with carved seats . . . a wall danced . . . more carvings, with eyes and forms, and postures that were and weren’t beautiful but which had meaning to a different kind of mind.




Aryl di Sarc poured Power into that image, felt others do the same, felt confusion become purpose.

With the others of her kind, she concentrated and let the M’hir take her . . .

... a bracelet turned around and around,

became rock etched by water,

became metal again and turned. . . .

As the M’hiray disappeared, Watchers roused to follow, became voice and force and purpose.

... While a mind became voice,


to be lost on the wind . . .


THE M’HIR WIND BEGAN out of sight, out of mind. It stirred first where baked sand met restless surf. It became fitful and petulant as it passed over the barrens, moving dunes and scouring stone. Sometimes it sighed and curled back on itself, as if absentminded. But it never stilled.

It only grew.

It roared over the mountains and brought Sona a storm of hot, dry dust. Ditches hid their moisture beneath pebbles. Low walls and sturdy buildings protected the fields. But the harvest spoiled on stems and rotted in the ground.

The M’hir gave thunderous voice to Yena’s Watchers. But no one danced among the rastis groves or lifted gleaming hooks to the sky. Dresel flew free on its wings, the prize of wastryls.

Cersi was not to change.

Everything had.

The Om’ray of Cersi

(Note: Names shown as first encountered in this book.)


Ael sud Sarc (Chosen of Myris, once Yena)

Anaj di Kathel (Adept)

Aryl Sarc (Speaker, once Yena)

Beko Mendolar (once Tuana)

Bern sud Caraat (Chosen of Oran, once Yena and Grona)

Cader Sarc (once Yena)

Caynen S’udlaat (once Tuana)

Cetto sud Teerac (Chosen of Husni, once Councilor of Yena)

Chaun sud Teerac (Chosen of Weth, once Yena)

Cien Serona (Ezgi’s mother, once Runner of Tuana)

Deran Edut (Kor’s brother, once Tuana)

Enris sud Sarc (Chosen of Aryl, Worin’s brother, once Tuana)

Ezgi sud Parth (Chosen of Seru, once Runner of Tuana)

Fon Kessa’at (Son of Veca, once Yena)

Galen sud Serona (Chosen of Cien, Jorg’s brother, once Runner of Tuana)

Gijs sud Vendan (Chosen of Juo, once Yena)

Haxel Vendan (First Scout, once Yena)

Hoyon d’sud Gethen (Adept, Chosen of Oswa, once Grona)

Husni Teerac (once Yena)

Josel Licor (Netta’s sister, once Runner of Tuana)

Juo Vendan (once Yena)

Kayd Uruus (Son of Taen, Ziba’s brother, once Tuana)

Kor sud Lorimar (Chosen of Menasel, Deran’s brother, once Tuana)

Kran Caraat (Oran’s brother, once Grona)

Kynan d’sud Kathel (Chosen of Anaj)

Lendin sud Kessa’at (Chosen of Morla, once Yena)

Lymin Annk (once Runner of Tuana)

Mauro Lorimar (Irm’s brother, Menasel’s cousin, once Tuana)

Menasel Lorimar (Mauro’s cousin, once Tuana)

Morla Kessa’at (once Councillor of Yena)

Myris Sarc (Taisal’s sister, once Yena)

Naryn S’udlaat (once Tuana)

Netta Licor (Josel’s sister, once Runner of Tuana)

Oswa Gethen (Yao’s mother, once Grona)

Oran di Caraat (Adept, once Grona)

Rorn sud Vendan (Chosen of Haxel, once Yena)

Seru Parth (Birth Watcher, Aryl’s cousin, once Yena)

Stryn Licor (Josel and Netta’s mother, once Runner of Tuana)

Suen sud Annk (Chosen of Lymin, once Runner of Tuana)

Syb sud Uruus (Kayd and Ziba’s father, Chosen of Taen, once Yena)

Taen Uruus (Kayd and Ziba’s mother, once Yena)

Tai sud Licor (Chosen of Stryn, once Runner of Tuana)

Tilip sud Kessa’at (Fon’s father, Chosen of Veca, once of Yena)

Veca Kessa’at (Fon’s mother, once of Yena)

Weth Teerac (Looker, once of Yena)

Worin Mendolar (Enris’ brother, once of Tuana)

Yao Gethen (Daughter of Oswa, once of Grona)

Yuhas sud S’udlaat (Chosen of Caynen, once of Yena and Tuana)

Ziba Uruus (Daughter of Taen, once of Yena)


Adrius sud Parth (Member of Yena Council)

Alejo Parth (Seru’s brother)

Andace Vendan

Barit sud Teerac (Bern’s father, Chosen of Evra)

Costa sud Teerac (Aryl’s brother, Chosen of Leri)

Dalris sud Sarc (Taisal’s grandfather, Unnel’s father, Chosen of Nela)

Ele Sarc

Evra Teerac (Bern’s mother)

Ferna Parth (Seru’s mother)

Ghoch sud Sarc (Chosen of Oryl)

Joyn Uruus (Son of Rimis)

Kiric Mendolar (Brother of Enris, Once Tuana)

Leri Teerac

Mele sud Sarc (Aryl’s father, Chosen of Taisal)

Nela Sarc (Taisal’s grandmother)

Oryl Sarc

Pio di Kessa’at (Adept)

Rimis Uruus (Joyn’s mother)

Sian d’sud Vendan (Adept, Member of Yena Council)

Taisal di Sarc (Aryl’s mother, Adept, Speaker for Yena)

Tikva di Uruus (Adept, Member of Yena Council)

Till sud Parth (Seru’s father, Scout, Chosen of Ferna)

Troa sud Uruus (Joyn’s father, Chosen of Rimis)

Unnel Sarc (Taisal’s mother)

Yorl sud Sarc (Taisal’s great uncle, Member of Yena Council)


Clor sud Mendolar (Enris’ uncle, once of Amna)

Dama Mendolar (Ridersel’s mother, Member of Tuana Council)

Eran Serona

Eryel S’udlaat

Gelle Licor

Geter Licor

Irm Lorimar (Mauro’s brother)

Jorg sud Mendolar (Enris’ father, Chosen of Ridersel)

Mia d’sud Serona (Adept, once Amna)

Mirs sud S’udlaat (Chosen of Eryel)

Olalla Mendolar (Enris’ cousin)

Ral Serona (Enris’ cousin)

Ridersel Mendolar (Enris’ mother)

Ruis di Mendolar (Adept)

Sive sud Lorimar

Sole sud Serona (Speaker for Tuana)

Traud Licor

Tyko Uruus


Cyor sud Kaar (Member of Grona Council)

Efris Ducan (Member of Grona Council, Grona Speaker)

Emyam sud Caraat (Member of Grona Council)

Gura Azar (Member of Grona Council)

Lier Haon (Member of Grona Council)

Mysk Gethen (Member of Grona Council)


Etleka Vyna

Daryouch Vyna

Fikryya Vyna

Jenemir Vyna

Nabrialan Vyna

Tarerea Vyna (High Councillor)


Dann d’sud Friesnen (Adept, Pana)

Gur di Sawnda’at (Adept, Rayna)

Karne d’sud Witthun (Adept, Rayna)


An Tsessas (Archivist Second Class, Undetermined)

Artrul (Triad First, Site One, Undetermined)