"There are many periods of history," said Vickers, "that could be made exciting."
"Now, I'm glad to hear you say that," Mrs. Leslie told him, eagerly. "Would you tell me one? If you were going to choose a period for excitement, Mr. Vickers, which one would you choose?"
"I'm sorry. I'd have to think about it."
"But you say there were many…"
"I know. And yet, when I think of it, it seems to me that the present day might prove as exciting as any of the others."
"But there's nothing going on."
"There's too much going on," said Vickers.
The whole idea was pitiful, of course — grown people pretending they lived in some other age, publicly confessing that they could not live at peace with their own age, but most go burrowing back through other times and happenings to find the musty thrill of vicarious existence. It marked some rankling failure in the lives of these people, some terrible emptiness that would not let them be, some screaming vacuum that somehow had to be filled.
He remembered the two women who had talked in the bus seat behind him and he wondered momentarily what vicarious satisfaction the Pretentionist living back in Pepys' time might get out of it. There was, of course, Pepys' well filled life, the scurrying about, the meetings with many people, the little taverns where there were cheese and wine, the theaters, the good companionship and the midnight talks, the many interests that had kept Pepys as full of life, as naturally full of life, as these pretentionists were empty.
The movement itself was escapism, of course, but escapism from what? From insecurity, perhaps. From tension, from a daily, ever-present uneasiness that never quite bubbled into fear, yet never quieted into peace. The state, perhaps, of never being sure — a state of mind that all the refinements of a highly advanced technology could not compensate.
"They must have our ice cream packed by now," said Mrs. Leslie, gathering up her gloves and purse. "You must come over, Mr. Vickers, and spend an evening with us."
Vickers rose with her. "Certainly. Some evening very soon," he promised.
He knew he wouldn't and he knew she didn't want him to, but they both paid lip service to the old fable of hospitality.
"Come on, Jane," said Mrs. Leslie. "It was nice to meet you, Mr. Vickers, after all these years."
Without waiting for his answer, she moved away.
"Everything is fine at our house now," said Jane. "Mommy and Daddy have made up again."
"I'm glad of that," said Vickers.
"Daddy says he won't run around with women any more," said Jane.
"I'm glad to hear that, too," said Vickers.
Her mother called to her across the store.
"I got to go now," said Jane. She slipped off the chair and ran across the store to her mother's side. She turned and waved at him as they went out the door.
Poor kid, he thought, what a life she has ahead of her. If I had a little girl like that — he shut the thought away. There was no little girl for him. There was a shelf of books; and there was the manuscript that lay waiting for him, in all its promise and its glory. And suddenly he realized how faint the promise was, how false and shallow the glory might be. Books and manuscripts; he thought. Not much to build a life on.
And that was it, of course. That was the trouble with not himself alone, but with everyone — no one seemed now to have much on which to build his life. For so many years the world had lived with war or the threat of war. First it had been a frantic feeling, a running to escape, and then it was just a moral and mental numbness that one didn't even notice, a condition that one accepted as the normal way of life.
No wonder there were Pretentionists, he told himself. With his books and his manuscript, he was one himself.
HE looked under the flower pot on the corner of the stoop to find the key, but it wasn't there and then he remembered that he had left the door unlocked so that Joe could come in and get rid of the mice.
He turned the knob and went in and made his way across the room to turn on the desk lamp. A white square of paper with awkward pencil scrawls upon it lay beneath the lamp.
_Jay: I did the job, then came back and opened up the windows to clean out the smell. I'll give you a hundred bucks a throw for every mouse you find. Joe._
A noise brought him around from the desk and he saw that there was someone on the porch, sitting in his favorite chair, rocking back and forth, a cigarette making a little wavy line dancing in the dark.
"It's I," said Horton Flanders. "Have you had anything to eat?"
"I had something in the village."
"That's a pity. I brought over a tray of sandwiches and some beer. I thought you might be hungry and I know how you hate to cook…"
"Thanks," said Vickers. "I'm not hungry now. We can have them later."
He threw his hat onto a chair and went out onto the porch.
"I have your chair," said Mr. Flanders.
"Keep it," Vickers said. "This one is just as comfortable."
"Did you notice if there was any news today? I have a most deplorable habit, at times, of not looking at the papers."
"The same old thing. Another peace rumor that no one quite believes."
"The cold war still goes on," said Mr. Flanders. "it's been going on for almost thirty years. It warms up now and then, but it never does explode. Has it ever occurred to you, Mr. Vickers, that there have been a dozen times at least when there should have been real war, but somehow or other it has never come to be?"
"I hadn't thought of it."
"But it's the truth. First there was the Berlin airlift trouble and the fighting in Greece. Either one of them could have set off a full scale war, hut each of them was settled. Then there was Korea and that was settled, too. Then Iran threatened to blow up the world, but we got safely past it. Then there were the Manila incidents and the flareup in Alaska and the Indian crisis and half a dozen others. But all of them were settled, one way or another."
"No one really wants to fight," said Vickers.
"Perhaps not," agreed Mr. Flanders, "but it takes more than just the will for peace to prevent a war. Time and again a major nation has climbed out on a limb to a point where they had to fight or back up. They always have backed up. That isn't human nature, Mr. Vickers, or at least it wasn't human nature until thirty years ago. Does it seem to you that something might have happened, some unknown factor, some new equation, that may account for it?"
"I don't quite see how there could be any new factor. The human race is still the human race. They've always fought before. Thirty years ago they had just finished the greatest war that ever had been fought."
"Since then, there has been provocation after provocation and there have been regional wars, but the world has not gone to war. Can you tell me why?"
"No, I can't."
"I have thought about it," said Mr. Flanders, "in an idle way, of course. And it seems to me that there must be some new factor."
"Fear, perhaps," suggested Vickers. "Fear of our frightful weapons."
"That might be it," admitted Mr. Flanders, "but fear is a funny thing. Fear is just as apt to start a war as it is to hold one off. It is quite possible that fear alone might make a people go out and fight to be rid of fear — willing to go against the fear itself to be rid of it. I don't think, Mr. Vickers, that fear alone can account for peace."
"You're thinking of some psychological factor?"
"Perhaps that might be it," said Mr. Flanders. "Or it might be intervention."
"Intervention! Who would intervene?"
"I really couldn't say. But the thought is not a new one to me and not in this respect alone. Starting about eighty years or so ago something happened to the world. Up until that time man had stumbled along pretty much in the same old ruts. There had been some progress here and there, some changes, but not very many of them. Not many changes in thinking especially and that is the thing that counts.