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Someone had been through all my drawers and cupboards. The fact they had left little sign of ever having been here made me reasonably sure they were probably from the Colonel, or some other well-trained and professional crew. Certainly, there was nothing to link me with the facility, as far as Standing and Harrison were concerned.

I think the Colonel had probably been trying to protect his investment.

I checked for bugs and found nothing.

After taking the PC apart, checking it thoroughly and putting it back together, I switched it on and logged into my emails. There was one from my son, Bruce. He wanted me to come and watch him represent the school. I experienced a sudden feeling of loss, for I could no longer have any contact with the lad. I glanced down at my breasts, not as his father, at any rate.

There was on from the Colonel, dated a week ago:


If you get this, call me. Package received, good job, thanks. We found your car, and therefore the rest. Car now in our car park. Cash transferred as promised. More to tell you, imperative we meet.

Concerned……please call.


There were several other emails. One from an old girlfriend called Dawn, who was flying in from Dubai and wanted to meet up again. I smiled; she’d be in for a bit of a shock. None of the others was important. Coming out of the email account, I checked into my on-line bank. I had a tidy sum of around sixty thousand pounds sitting doing nothing. I had to set up a new account and transfer it across.

I went to my freezer section of my fridge and removed a seemingly unopened box of beef burgers. Prising it open carefully, I removed the wad of fifty-pound notes.

There was five thousand pounds here, as it was my ‘rainy day’ fund. I looked out the window and smiled as it started raining.

I went back into the bedroom, pulled back the bed and lifted the carpet. I’d installed the floor safe almost as soon as I’d moved in, as I kept various items that I wasn’t allowed to have, and other items I didn’t want anyone else to have.

From the safe, I removed the 9mm Sig Sauer 220 SLP and slipped the full magazine into the handgrip. Lying looking slightly forlorn at the bottom of the safe was my old wallet. On lifting it out, I looked through the contents. My old photograph stared at me looking mean and miserable. I glanced into the mirror and was once more surprised by seeing a lively and bouncy girl smile back at me.

The contrast was considerable. My gaze flicked between the two, still trying, and probably failing, to come to terms with my predicament. I looked through the credit and cash cards. Although they’d give me instant access to funds, their use would alert anyone interested as to my movements and possible location. My driver’s licence was worthless now, and it dawned on me that I’d have to go through all that test system all over again, unless, of course, the Colonel could swing things for me. I also took the V5 (registration document) for the Range Rover. I’d need that if I wanted to re-register it. It was my one luxury that I’d splashed out on. I’d hate to see it go. The spare keys were there as well, as my other set were somewhere in London, with the car.

Needing the loo, I closed the safe and replaced the carpet. I went back to the bathroom and went through what was now becoming a simple routine. Lacking the lurking presence of nurses, I took the trouble to examine myself in more detail.

I was more than familiar with female anatomy, but never from such a personal angle. I stripped off and stood in front of the full-length mirror. It was a weird experience. The shape of my body was the most disconcerting factor. Genitalia is genitalia, whether male or female, but to have breasts and broad hips, set off by a very slim waist that went in drastically, was most disconcerting. I’d got used to not having a prick, but having a chest that protruded several inches everywhere I went, now that was very odd!

I ran my hands over my new shape. The skin was softer and smoother, it reacted to my touch, causing me to smile as I recalled touching girls in such places with one objective on my mind. I thought about sex, not for the first time, but actually imagined having sex with a male properly.

Stroking the cleft of my sex, I felt moisture, and a strange warming sensation spread across my nether regions. My vagina seemed to swell, so I rubbed a little more. I lay on my bed and masturbated myself to orgasm. As I came, David’s smile won through to my conscious thoughts, causing me to smile.

Strangely, I remembered the slightly plump girl from the pub near the facility. I smiled. I would have taken her to bed, back then, given the opportunity. I wondered about my sexuality. Flirting with David had been fun, but I wondered whether I’d find flirting with a girl even more fun. I’d always been heterosexual, so now my exterior had switched, would my interior come into line or stay with girls?

I thought about the nurses in the hospital. One or two of them had been attractive. Yet I had never even thought about flirting or viewing them as anything other than professionals doing a job. However, the doctors had been different. I recalled the way I’d used being a girl to manipulate the situation. I also recalled enjoying every minute.

The girl in the mirror shrugged.

I liked the way I looked and felt as if I was slightly more at home in this body than my old one. It was a wonderful body. It looked good and felt very efficient. I didn’t miss the old one as much as I thought I would. Still, it was early days, but it was so nice not having a defective and painful knee. I suppose becoming a twenty-year old again is a dream for many in their late forties.

For me, it was a shocking reality, albeit a very pleasant shock.

I dressed again, having dried myself off. Masturbation was all very well, but it made me curious and eager to experience sex with someone else. I saw a condom in its packet lying on the floor. It must have fallen from my wallet.

Contraception hadn’t been at the forefront of my mind. It meant more complications, unless I decided to swing with the girls. At least, I knew where everything was and how to please, but then, I knew what I had liked, so hopefully, could please a guy equally well.

This might be fun.

I looked round the flat. There was nothing for Rebecca here. It was someone else’s flat and from a different life. I’d need to sell it to release the capital, but there were complications, like an ex-wife and a son.

No, I had to start again, using what cash I had and what skills I possessed. Rebecca Carter needed to set out along life’s road with no links to Rob Curtis. Very few get an opportunity to start again, knowing all the mistakes they made the last time.

Knowing I could come back to collect anything I needed later, I left the flat, locked the door and replaced the key in its hiding place. I set off for the shops.

“What size are you?” the girl in the stylish boutique asked.

“I haven’t a clue.”

She measured me.

Half an hour later, I walked out wearing a shape hugging dress with a neat bolero style jacket. I had underwear, stockings, shoes and three bulging carrier bags. A mock Gucci leather shoulder bag was over my shoulder, containing my cash and gun. My old clothes and trainers were in one of the bags.

My next stop was a beauty parlour and hair salon. I indulged myself in a manicure and facial, followed by a full makeover. My hair was growing, but wouldn’t be the right length for a while. I loved long hair on a girl, but wasn’t sure if I’d like it on me! I’d been used to having very short, cropped hair, so wanted it down to my shoulders. I knew from being married that long hair was also a pain in the shower, as it took ages to dry. Actually, my short hair made me look sweet and innocent, accentuating my face, making me look feminine but with a hard edge. I thought I looked brilliant. I purchased some cosmetics from them, having been given a quick run down on how best to apply them. I was just another stylish young shopper, enjoying London’s West End.