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He gazed at me for a moment.

“I’m not sure, something exotic and different.”

“Are you saying I’m different?”

“Very. I don’t mean that’s bad, I mean, you just don’t seem to fit into any specific frame, so to speak.”

The poor man was getting embarrassed and tongue-tied. Fortunately, the barman walked over and raised his head.


“Um, deux biers, s’il vous plait.”

Two beers were produced onto new paper mats.

I finished my last beer and started the next. Flashes of memories from my last life hit me, and I put the beer down again.

“Are you okay?” Jon asked, looking worried.

“I’m fine. Just an unexpected memory,” I said. “So, Jon, does your girlfriend approve of you gallivanting around Europe meeting strange women?”

He went red again. “I haven’t got an actual girlfriend at the moment. I went out with a girl for a while, but things didn’t work out. She wanted to get a bit serious.”

“And you wanted to enjoy being a student without being attached, so to speak?”

“Exactly. She was a nice girl, but I wasn’t ready for a serious relationship at that time.”

“And you are now?” I asked.

He shrugged, not making eye contact with me.

“Not really, but it’s funny how one sort of out-grows university and the student way of life.”

“I wouldn’t know. I was never a student.”

“What do you do?”

“I think I told you. I work for the civil service. I’m a P/A to some under-under secretary of something. It’s awfully dull, but it pays the bills and allows me to take nice holidays every now and again. I wanted to be an actress, but no breaks yet.”

“Oh yes, I remember now. Sorry, I’m hopeless at remembering stuff like that.”

“So when do you finish at University?”

“I’m in my second year, so one more to go.”

“You’re young to finish, aren’t you?”

“I started young. I was seventeen when I left school.”

“A bit of a brain box, then?” I asked with a smile.

He smiled and flicked his long fringe out of his eyes. He was very shy, and was clearly uncomfortable with me.

“I don’t bite, Jon,” I said.

“I can see that, I’m sorry, I’m just not used to being with such a beautiful woman.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere. What do you want to do, have a meal or just stay here and get me drunk?”

He smiled again. “I’m happy to do whatever you want. I was so surprised you called me.”


He reddened again. “I just thought you were too good to be true. I mean, it’s not everyday I meet someone who looks like they’ve just stepped off the front of Vogue. And when she agrees to meet me for a drink, it was just unreal!”

I smiled and finished my beer. I had to be careful, two small beers and I was feeling the effects already.

“Well, how about we go for a meal in a small place that won’t break the bank, or are you loaded?”

“That sounds good. And, no, I’m not loaded.”

I stood up and slipped on my jacket. He opened the door for me and we walked out.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

“We found a cool place for lunch, let’s try there.”

“Okay, is it far?”


We walked in silence for a few minutes. I watched the people, trying to work out whether we were being followed. I caught a glimpse of a face in a shop window. The hackles rose, as I knew we were under surveillance, but by whom?

“What does your dad do?” I asked, trying to sound as natural as I could.

He frowned, as if trying to formulate the right answer. “I’m not that sure. He’s some form of scientist. He was working for the government, but I think he’s looking for a new position now.”

“Whahey, a mad scientist, do you get on well with him?”

“Not that well. To be honest, I’ve never seen a lot of him. I’m closer to my mother, but actually, I quite like being away from them both as they don’t have a very close and happy relationship. How about you?”

“My parents are dead. They died out in Hong Kong. My Dad first about six years ago and my Mum just a year or so ago, so I had to come home and make something with my life.”

“No boyfriend?”

“Yes and no. There’s a guy who’s madly in love with me, but it came at the wrong time. I haven’t seen him for ages, and I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a vet’s wife.”

“I thought you’d have someone.”


“It stands to reason, someone as attractive as you.”

“What about you? You’re a hunky guy, and don’t give me all that shit about not wanting to get serious, you’re just scared of us, aren’t you?”

He reddened again. “No, that’s not it at all!” he said, defensively.

I stopped and placed a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry Jon, I didn’t mean to be nasty; I just get the impression you’re not that confident with us girls, that’s all.”

He laughed shortly, but with little humour. “I didn’t think it showed that much.”

“Well, I’m just very good at picking up on stuff like that. I promise, I won’t mention it again.”

We continued walking. “So, why did you agree to meet me?” he asked.

“Do you want the truth?”

“I’d prefer it.”

I stopped, glancing carefully round. I liked the boy, as he was too innocent and nice to be one of the bad guys. I took a deep breath as I made a decision.

“Take my hand,”


“Don’t fuck about. Take my hand and keep walking.”

He did as I told him. We walked along the pavement, hand in hand.

“How much do you know about your father’s work?”

“My father? None, I told you.”

“I know what you told me, but this is important, believe me.”

“Not much. He was working on a project for ages. I think it was something to do with military defence systems.”

“Did he ever discuss his work with you or anyone else at home?”

“No, why?”

“How about your mother, did he discuss his work with her?”

“I don’t know, sometimes, but I wasn’t there often. What’s this all about?”

“When was the last time you spoke with your father?”


“Please, just answer me. When?”

“Christmas. We spoke at Christmas.”

“Did he talk about his work?”

“No, not at all. Why?”

“Jon, I work for the government, I told you that. But I’m not a secretary, as I’m here to protect you because your father has gone missing.”

“What?” he asked, stopping. I pulled him so he kept going.

“Don’t do that! Just keep walking and keep your voice down. Your father has gone missing in suspicious circumstances. Two government agents have also gone missing and it is suspected that a foreign power is attempting to obtain your father’s project, whether he wants them to or not.

“We are being followed, so do not do or say anything that appears out of the ordinary, are you with me so far?”

He looked stunned, but he nodded.

We arrived at the small café in which Carlene and I had spent lunchtime. We went in and found it was quite crowded. A small group was playing live music in one corner, and the smoke was heavy in the air.

We were shown to a table near the back and given menus. Jon looked pale and confused.

“You’re a secret agent?”

“If you like. Look Jon, I promise that I said I’d meet you because of you, not because of your father. I wasn’t going to tell you about your dad, but I didn’t want to lie to you. I believe you might be in danger, so I thought the truth might be the best policy.”

“Is Rebecca your real name, or was that a lie, as well?”

“I never lied to you, not once. Rebecca is my name, I promise.”

He nodded, looking down at the menu, but not really seeing it.