"I kept being distracted from what I was doing because every time Dana leaned over, she seemed to be right square in front of me. I must admit, she does have some really fine tits on her. The big fair-skinned, pink kind, you know. Then once she caught me looking down her blouse. That did it."
"She said, 'Oh, Miss Kressler, I just realized I'm not wearing a bra today. Hope I didn't offend you by the way I'm bouncing around. I'm sort of busty and if I don't wear a bra I usually wind up bouncing around quite a bit.'"
"Before I could answer, she says, 'But I guess you know what I mean about that. I mean… you have a pretty big pair – if you'll excuse me for saying so, Miss Kressler – so you know how it is when you're wearing a loose-fitting top – and no bra.'"
"I nodded and told her I knew what she meant. Even though I didn't make any further comment, she kept on the subject. She said, 'In a way, I wish mine were smaller. Not that they're that gigantic or anything. But some of the younger girls who don't yet have their tits – oh, Miss Kressler, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I mean – their breasts fully developed yet, they have an easier time of it, I think. Besides, they look nicer, don't you think?'"
"I had to stop and realize that somehow the conversation had worked itself around to her asking me whether I preferred small tits to large tits."
"I realized by then that she was undoubtedly feeling me out to see if I was gay, but I went along with the game. I decided I'd play too. So I said, 'Yes, in away I prefer small breasts on a girl. But in another way I prefer larger ones. It's really kind of difficult to say which is best. I must say that yours are an awfully nice size. Seems like they're plenty big enough for someone to – well, I mean, I know you must go out on dates and such plenty big enough for that, but yet still small enough to be trim and not hang down with flab.'"
"She really picked up on it fast. She thanked me for complimenting her on the appearance of her breasts, then got back to mine again. She said she'd always noticed how mine stick straight out from my chest and wanted to know if I did any exercises to make them do that."
"Can you imagine that, Tim? This girl telling me in effect that she grooves on my superstructure so much that she wants the same thing? And saying she'd noticed how mine sit on my chest! The thing is that by this time I was taking every opportunity I could get to look inside her blouse and hers are every bit as well placed as mine if not more so. So the kid was definitely lying. I figure she must have been doing it to get the subject around to girl-to-girl things and see if I'd bite. One more thing… she accidentally 'stumbled' into me on the way back and felt me up so thoroughly that she just has to be either a lesbian or a master pickpocket. To tell you the truth, I think I'd prefer the former, even if Dana is one of my Campfire Girls."
"Is there any doubt?" quipped Tim, who had been listening to the entire story with great interest. "Vera, the kid must have dug you and been making a play for you. From what you say about her looks, I think you're silly not to investigate things a little further and see what her story is."
"Oh, well," sighed Vera, "even if she is gay or bi, she's probably got some cute little chick her own age. I don't think she'd go for me except maybe just to impress someone. You know – the 'I balled the troop leader' type thing. Besides, Dana's probably over at the dorm cabin right this minute, putting the make on one of the girls there. There'd be no way I could get her alone without attracting attention."
Just then there was a knock at the front door. Vera had started to change clothes and couldn't see to it at once, so Tim went. Vera couldn't see the doorway from where she stood, so when Tim didn't call back inside to tell her who was there, she yelled to him. "Tim, who is it?" she called out.
The coincidence was too much. She could tell from his voice that he was having to exert his utmost effort to keep a straight face.
"It's one of the girls in your troop," he told her, and he paused purposefully for effect. "Her name is Dana, and she says she needs to see you!"
Vera was having enough trouble changing her clothes without such an unexpected guest as Dana appearing on the scene. Her hair was caught in the back of a beaded necklace and she couldn't get it out. Until she did so, she couldn't pull on the sweater she had laid out.
"Oh… just a minute!" she called back. "Tell her I'll be a minute or two."
He heard Tim say something to the girl and then heard her sit down. Then he came into the room where she was dressing. "Vera, for Christ's sake, what do you want? An engraved invitation from the girl? Now's your chance to get together with her – don't you see? I'll make myself scarce so you can see what the problem is with her. Hurry, will you?" urged Tim.
When Vera held up the snagged hair at the back of her neck, Tim didn't offer any assistance. Instead, he tossed a head scarf loosely over her otherwise naked shoulders and dragged her into the other room with Dana before she knew what was happening.
"Oh, Dana," he glibly stated, "I have to dash someplace important right this minute. I'm late now. Do you think you could help Miss Kressler remove the snagged hair from her necklace there. She has to fix it before she can slip her sweater on. Okay?" And he was out the door in a flash.
Dana was all smiles and assistance. Of course, she could help. No problem at all. Just take her a minute. She was so sorry that Miss Kressler was having such a difficult time. And since the troop leader couldn't get her sweater on until the snag was removed from the necklace, she'd be glad to help. She wouldn't want to run around with no sweater on, would she? Ha ha.
Very saw very quickly that Tim just might have been right about Dana's actions during the nature walk. The girl was just too nice to be doing nothing more than helping a troop leader remove a snag of hair from her beads. The girl was helping a woman – and an attractive woman at that – with a personal problem. And it was obviously going to be necessary to effect a great deal of personal contact to solve the problem. At least that's the impression one would get if they would have observed the young blonde's methods.
She stepped behind Vera where she could see the snagged necklace better and said brightly, "Just hold still, Miss Kressler, I see the trouble right now. I think I can get the snag out pretty fast if you move the back of this scarf."
The head scarf was the only thing Vera had covering herself above the skirt she wore. She didn't see why it had to be moved to get the hair un-snagged back of her neck but she went along with the idea, anyway. With young Lynda she had been the aggressor – it was fun being on the other end of things. Dana lifted the scarf and let it fall onto a nearby end table, but since she was standing behind Vera she wasn't able to see what had been uncovered. Vera knew the girl must be dying to see the set of breasts left bare by the move. She looked down at the swelling globes on her chest and knew the rosy tips would do more than just catch Dana's eye if she ever saw them – she would want to touch them. She was almost sure. Yet what if there was some mistake. What if the pretty sixteen year old had no homosexual inclinations at all?
Then a certain touch removed all doubt.
Dana got the hair un-snagged and patted it in place. But when she removed the necklace she reached all the around in front of Vera for the catch instead of just turning the necklace around. Vera looked down to see the girl's fingers working on the smooth skin of her upper chest almost as much as on the necklace catch.
"Oh, excuse me," she said, when she noticed Vera looking down at what her fingers were doing. If there had been a mirror so that the girl could have seen the expression on Vera's face she would have seen a smile – not a frown.
Vera half turned to take the necklace and for the first time Dana got a look at her naked breasts. The girl's expression couldn't have been more revealing. Vera saw she was trying not to stare at the taut-nippled mounds, but the look on her face was one of pure desire. She took the necklace from the girl and put it around her neck again. When she raised her arms to clasp it, the movement put the fullness of her breasts into stark relief, emphasizing the ripe contours and the sheen of the smooth skin. She knew Dana was still looking at them.