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Tim was flabbergasted at what he wits hearing. He asked the child whether her uncle ever touched his prick to her cunny.

"No," she replied, "'cause it was too big to go in. But he did show me how to stretch my cunny so it'll grow faster."

"He showed you how to stretch your cunny?" repeated Tim.

"Yeah," she answered. "See, like this."

As Tim look down, she hopped up and raised her skirt. When she had it up above her waist, he saw for the first time her white cotton panties. He didn't have to coax the child; she did everything without prompting. She calmly took the waistband of her panties in hand and lowered the front. Tim was treated to a small, flat stomach as smooth and free of blemishes as a weathered beach stone. She pointed between her legs. "See, I just put my fingers here and rub it. Pretty soon it gets warm and loosens. Then I can get three fingers in it. By the time I grow up I'll be able to get a man's prick inside me there," the precocious child stated.

"Sally," asked Tim, "do you ever put your fingers there just to make yourself feel good? Have you ever done that… you know, run your fingers around in there so it'll feel good?"

She grinned. "I didn't use to, but I do now. At first, I was just practicing to make myself bigger there. But when I didn't seem to get any bigger, I went a head and played with myself there because it felt good."

"Did you ever have anybody else touch you there?" Tim asked the young girl.

"No," said Sally. "Do you know how to make me grow faster there?"

"No, Sally, I don't," admitted Tim. "But I do know how to make you feel good there. Real good. Want me to show you?"

She beamed and raised her skirt high again. She pulled down her panties once more and exposed herself all the way to the hairless, purse-shaped lips between her legs. "Sure," she said, "go ahead and show me."

It was all too easy. Tim knew that something bad had to happen. The little girl was not only pretty and bright on the outside of her clothes. She was the same way inside her clothes. Tim scanned her pubes for the sign of just one hair. There were none. She wasn't at all ashamed about opening her legs in front of him. He found himself peering directly into the child's most secret and treasured spot. The pale exterior was sharply contrasted by the red, damp inner surfaces.

"If I tried to put my prick in you it would hurt," Tim explained. "Your uncle told you right about that. You've told me you touch yourself there with your fingers. But there's another way, Sally."

"How?" she asked.

"I'm going to do it with my mouth. You watch now and you'll see what I mean," he told her.

She giggled uproariously. "Silly! With your mouth? You're trying to fool me, aren't you?"

"No, honey," Tim said, "scoot back on this cot and spread your legs wide apart. That's the way. Now, here. Let me pull your panties down. There, that's right. What a sweet looking little cunny you have! It looks so nice and clean."

"I don't have any hairs there yet," she said apologetically, "but I'm going to get some pretty soon."

Tim put his fingers on the girl's pre-pubescent genitals. He stroked the fine line that marked the vertical aperture of her orifice and she smiled.

"That feels good," she said. "Better than when I do it. Oh, that's real nice."

"Before I put my mouth on you, tell me how many times you do this to yourself?" Tim said.

"Oh, just whenever it kind of starts itching and tickling here," she said. "I guess about once or twice a day. Sometimes it gets that fanny feeling during the day, but I have to wait until night to do anything to help it. I can't let, any of the other girls see me doing it because they will laugh at me," she told him.

"Don't worry, sugar," consoled Tim, "I won't laugh at you at all for doing that. Here goes."

Tim bent forward and placed his tongue on Sally's soft genital flesh. The two lips of her vulva were closed shut when he first touched her hut as he kept his tongue moving on them, they soon became warm, pliable and moist. He looked straight up into the little girl's eyes as he applied his tongue. Her face was radiant. She was looking down into her lap very detached, almost clinically, trying to see exactly what he was doing to her.

"Ooooooh, Tim, you were right. It does feel real good! I can't ever make it feel that good myself. Your… your mouth really is on my cunny, isn't it. You weren't kidding!" she cried.

His mouth was closed on the tight separation of her vulva and his tongue and he was moving his lips on the surface of her tender flesh. He could smell the delicate scent of her sweat. He looked and found that her inner thighs and her flat, pink stomach were breaking out with beads of it. His tongue was gaining entry little by little to the interior of her organs.

"Oh, that makes me feel all… all fluttery," she said. "I don't feel like this when I finger myself there."

"Just sit still and keep your little thighs open nice and wide," advised Tim. "I have a hunch you're going to get to feel something today you've never felt before."

"Oh, I will, I will," she cried.

"Do you know what it means for a girl to get her cookies, or to come?" Tim asked.

"I know what it is when men do it," she replied. "A lot of white stuff comes out. But I don't know how girls do it."

"Have you ever been playing with yourself down here and begun feeling so good you couldn't stop," asked Tim, "and you felt real warm and wet in your cunny?"

She shook her head. "No, I don't know what that is. It feels real good all right when I finger myself there but I've never wanted to stop and couldn't."

He smiled up at her and indicated with his hand that she should watch if she wanted to. She was very eager to learn the details of what he was doing to her, so she stared intently as he worked his moist tongue and lips all over the surface of her hairless organs. She was sweating more profusely. He made sure his tongue touched her small, grain-sized clitoris on every stroke. Soon she began to move her slim little legs in rhythm to his oral contacts.

The touch of her downy-soft legs brushing past his cheeks sent a thrill through his spine. His pants bulged out in the center and his hair was down in his face. Because of Sally's hairlessness, she was able to experience something that none of the other girls at the camp had been able to detect. Tim's moustache made no headway through the girls' pubic hair, but with Sally, there was no hair to obstruct its touch. The youngster felt the firm bristles of it on her stomach and it seemed to stimulate her sense of play as much as it excited her physically. She twisted and giggled, turning her torso and buttocks back and forth to alternately get away from it and to seek it out. The panties were hanging on her ankles and almost ready to fall onto the floor and once when she jerked sideways they dropped off.

Tim looked at her sitting there with her dress up and not a thing underneath. She was much too young to wear a brassiere. He buried his face in her crotch once again and this time she put her hands on the back of his neck and pushed downward.

"You like that, huh?" he asked her between breaths.

"Ungh huh!" she said. "Ooooo… lots and lots! You got your tongue on my jolly button now, don't you?"

"Where?" he asked, his voice barely audible. "On your what?" But before she could answer his tongue licked past the girl's tiny clitoris again and she cried, "There! Right there… on my jolly button!"

"Hmmffff!" said Tim from between her legs. Now he knew what she meant. He gave it a long, slow sweep instead of the little nips he had been giving it as he went by. She lay backward on the cot aid be could see the sweat roll off her legs and chest in rivulets.