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The autocannon salvo blasted into the Phoenix Hawk'sright arm. The line of impacts raced up the limb, blasting the last few shards of tattered armor from the 'Mech. The heavy slugs dug up into the 'Mech's armpit, and snapped the limb off at the shoulder amid a shower of sparks. Awkwardly stumbling backward, the pilot fought vainly to rebalance his 'Mech.

Jiro Thorvald, Kaji-3,had turned his Marauderin accordance with Akira's order. His right claw spat out an azure whip of man-made lightning from the PPC. The energy beam lashed armor from the stricken Phoenix Hawk'schest, utterly obliterating the Team Banzai insignia on its right breast.

Akira shivered despite the heat as he watched the colossal Phoenix Hawktotter, then fall to its back. These mercenaries, the Blue Blazer Battalion of Team Banzai, fight as if possessed. I once thought mercenaries had no honor, no sense of duty to anyone but themselves. Morgan Kell and Jaime Wolf first made me question that idea, and now these Blue Blazers oppose us even though they cannot win. And they fight to allow other mercenaries to escape.

Chu-iPer Andersen, leader of Korasulance, called to Akira on the radio. "Ichisector is clear, Chu-sa.We've driven the Blue Blazers back. Do we pursue?"

Akira watched the Phoenix Hawk'spilot punch out before he answered. The 'Mech's faceplate blew up, and the pilot's command chair clipped it while blasting free of the downed 'Mech. The pilot's chair spun off crazily before the guidance rockets ignited, stabilizing its flight. The pilot drifted down into the courtyard of a ruined, fire-blackened building, and support infantry lent to the Genyoshaby the Fifth Sword of Light regiment swarmed all over it like ticks on a dog.

"Negative, Korasu-i. Break off the engagement." Akira took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "We are not here to fight Team Banzai. We blunted this incursion as a courtesy to General Conti. We couldn't stand back while the Blue Blazers overran the Fifth Sword of Light's headquarters, could we?"

Andersen's voice echoed back much of the frustration that had underscored Akira's words. "Hai, Chu-saBrahe Akira-sama. Wakarimas."

Akira pressed his lips together into a grim line. We have suffered gross indignities in this campaign. The 5th Sword of Light and the 36th Dieron Regulars treat us as though we were mercenaries. They resent us because the Coordinator has blessed us. And the Internal Security Force Liaison . . .Anger flashed through Akira. He seeks to exert control over theGenyosha just because we are exempted from ISF supervision. He cannot question our loyalty to the Dragon, yet he strives to lord his power over us. We should never have come here in the first place.

Akira keyed his microphone. "Did you copy that transmission, Denko-M"

"Hai, Chu-sa,in fact and sentiment," Chu-iJack Seaborg answered in a gravelly voice. "Our sector is clear as well. It appears the mercenaries are withdrawing to the Rockspire Mountains."

Akira nodded. "Hai,Seaborgton. Let's pull all three lances back to the firebase perimeter."

Akira glanced back at where the Blue Blazer pilot had gone down. He winced as he saw the mercenary being buffeted by cuffs and blows from the infantrymen. One, a Chu-iby the look of his uniform, brandished a katanaand screamed at the mercenary. The mercenary, clutching his broken right arm to his stomach, stumbled along as best he could.

Akira moved his Orionforward, keying the external speakers. "He!Have you no respect for an enemy who has fought valiantly?"

The Chu-iturned slowly and brandished his sword at the BattleMech. Even without the enhanced vision afforded him by the 'Mech, Akira could easily read the contempt on the man's face. In a high-pitched voice that reminded Akira of a yapping dog, the man yelled, "Who are you to question me? I am Chu-iSakai Iemasa. Generation after generation of my family has fought for the Dragon . . ."

Akira cut him off with a harsh laugh. "Beware, Chu-iSakai Iemasa, for the Dragon's blood runs in my veins. You phrase your protest like an invitation to battle." Akira's cruel chuckle echoed off the surrounding ruins. "I do not believe you wish to challenge me here and now, do you?" Akira swung the 'Mech's left arm into line with the Lieutenant to punctuate his question.

The infantry Chu-ipaled as he stared down the barrel of a laser that produced a beam larger than his own head. The Blue Blazer looked up at the Orion's cockpit, and despite the pain of his broken arm, managed to nod his thanks to Akira.

Chu-saNarimasa Asano's voice crackled through the speakers in Akira's neurohelmet. "Chu-saBrahe, report please."

Akira punched a button on the command console. Narimasa's open face filled the auxiliary monitor. "Our sectors are clear. The Blue Blazers have been driven back." Akira hesitated because of the frown slowly spreading over Narimasa's face. Someone's pushing him to do something . . ."Do you have orders?"

Narimasa nodded. "Hai. Tai-saKurita requests your presence. Please pull your company back toward our encampment."

" Wakarimas,”Akira said, then he keyed Andersen. "Per, head Korasuand DenkoLances back to the encampment." Switching over to the frequency he'd programmed in for private conversations with his own lance, he sent a broadcast out to all three of KajiLance's MechWarriors. "I need you to drop back to the encampment, but I want you to guide this captured MechWarrior to the holding compound first. Make sure the foot soldiers don't hurt him any more. Step on some toes if needed."

Jiro Thorvald answered for his lancemates. "Hai, Chu-sa,with pleasure."

Akira smiled. "Good. I will see you back at the encampment."

* * *

An orderly ushered Akira into General Conti's headquarters building with the respect and concern of a maglevtrain conductor shoving one more patron into an overstuffed car. Akira straightened the knot on the sash holding his dark blue silken robe closed. As the orderly closed the door behind him, Akira surveyed the small, white-washed room.

To his left, Akira saw his father flanked by Chu-saNarimasa Asano, Chu-saSaladin Bey, and Sho-saTarukito Niiro. Across from them, leaning against one of the thick wooden pillars supporting the ceiling, was Hassan Faud, the 5th Sword of Light's top ISF officer. Tall and dark, he strongly resembled Saladin Bey, but the GenyoshaMechWarrior had the leanness appropriate for a warrior true to the spirit of bushido.Faud, on the other hand, was beginning to show the paunch associated with easy living and the squint of one who constantly searched for treason that probably does not exist.