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‘And four years later?’

‘The Revolution, of course.’

‘Another coup d’etat!’ he was corrected quickly. ‘My…’ Then, looking over at Ekaterina, he corrected himself, ‘Our favourite author Solzhenitsyn said, “You must understand the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. Driven by ethnic hatred, they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of remorse… It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that the world is ignorant of or uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators”.’

‘Yes, even Israeli journalists now admit that 40 percent of the top-ranking officials in the Soviet system were Jewish Chekists. Gengrihky Yagoda alone was responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million Christian Russians.’

‘The percentage is much higher, my friend. Zionism and Marxism are brothers.’ Herman sighed. ‘And they still operate the same way. Your Robert Wilton, a British journalist for The London Times was here at the time of the Revolution. He said, “Bolshevism is not Russian. It’s essentially non-national. Its leaders belong almost entirely to the race that lost its country and its nationhood long ago. In April 1918, the Russian government, including 384 peoples’ commissars, was represented by 2 negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians and Georgians, and more than 300 Jews. Of the last, 264 had come to Russia from the United States during the Revolution… The revolutionary pseudo-Jews thus destroying Russia’s hopes of national revival and dragging the country into chaos”.’

‘I am familiar with his works Russia’s Agony and The Last Days of the Romanovs.

‘Did you know his writing was censored? He named names, identified aliens operating under assumed Russian and Polish identities. After that, he was threatened with murder.’

‘I can well imagine, they operate like a mafia.’

‘They run the American and the Russian mafia. Who talks of the Ukrainian Holodmor? What did the former Sephardic Rabbi of Jerusalem, Ovadia Yosef, say about Palestinians at his Passover speech? “It is forbidden to be merciful to them, you must send missiles to annihilate them… the Lord shall return the Arabs’ deeds on their own heads, waste their seed, and exterminate them, devastate them, and vanish them from this world”.’

‘So much for their never again protestations about the Holocaust!’

‘Comrade Lenin was financed by the Warburgs, the plutocrat Jacob Henry Schiff, and the Khun, Loeb & Company banking house. The first Politburo was, like the Cheka, overwhelmingly foreign. Your own Winston Churchill said, “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism by the international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one.” Just read what Hugo Koehler of the US intelligence mission said when reporting back to Washington about our gibel rossii, our supposed Civil War.’ Herman’s eyes flashed. ‘They say truth is stranger than fiction. I once read a novel called Biarritz…’

Then, thinking he was talking too much politics, he tried to change the subject. ‘These districts’, he gestured out of the window, ‘were mikroraioni, little towns of their own, with their own shops and schools, and more and more people came and lived there. Hardly anyone had homes in the centre of town anymore.’

‘Indeed’, Tom said, picking up the old man’s thread, trying to place the conversation back on a literary track. ‘I think Berdayev spoke of Dostoevksy’s gestalt, something about faith requiring space unfettered by form, as being real Christianity.’ The old man, reassured that he was not being too outspoken, was not to be outdone.

‘“And now we stare into the abyss of modernity; constrained, no space for our inner soul. We still at least have a Russian soul. We see through the artificial plastic personalities so common in the West.” Dostoevsky was a pochvenniki, a radical native-soil conservative. In his Diary of a Writer, he talks of the unique natsionalnost of every people.’ There was a nod of acknowledgement on both sides before Herman continued his tale. ‘Dostoevsky recognised the enemy. He told the truth. “Jews are draining the soil of Russia”, he said, and he was right.’ Herman shook his wise head. ‘You see, he saw the graznye, the moneymakers, characters like Isay Fomitch Bumstein in The House of the Dead, for what they were. He put good counsel into the mouth of Shatov as he spoke to Stavrogin in The Devils: “Reduce God to the attribute of nationality?… on the contrary, I elevate the nation to God… The people is the body of God… The sole God bearing nation is the Russian nation”.’ Herman wiped away his wrinkles with the palm of a hand.

‘And speaking of today, do you see the same Zionist conspiracy?’

‘Well, you decide for yourself. It never ended. This war is eternal. Do you think such powerful positions in the current regime could be limited to a specific gene pool by mere chance? The Metropolitan of St Petersburg, Ioann Synchev, got their measure. Did you know that over 90 percent of Béla Kun’s dictatorship in Hungary were followers of the Talmud?’

‘Yes, I think David Irving wrote a book called Uprising which highlighted the fact that the same people were instrumental in the debacle of 1956.’

‘That was not an isolated case. Khrushchev said, “That very same year, the government has found in some departments a heavy concentration of Jewish people, upwards of fifty percent of the staff”. If you look further back, the Jews in interwar Romania were only 4 percent of the population, but controlled the export, transportation, insurance, textile, chemical, housing, and publishing industries. They also dominated law, medicine, journalism, and banking. The same people in Lithuania accounted for 75 percent of commercial activity. In Hungary, Jews represented over 30 percent of actors and musicians, 50 percent of attorneys, and 60 percent of the medical profession. We should be so grateful for their talents, don’t you think?’

‘And once they got out of the Pale of Settlement in Russia, they ran the black market in vodka and prostitution.’

‘And through the Black Sea port of Odessa, dominated the trade of white flesh to the east.’

‘I liked Konstantin Pobedonostev’s solution to the Jewish problem: by having one-third of them killed, one- third of them converted to Christianity, and one-third driven out of the country forever.’

‘If only. The Ginzburgs and Poliakovs diversified from vodka distilleries to railroads and made fortunes. Again, Dostoevsky predicted such things in The Adolescent, where he turned Stendhal’s The Red and the Black on its head, making the foolish Dolgoruky worship money and Count de Rothschilds as opposed to Napoleon. Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together followed a similar theme, and despite his obvious popularity as a novelist, it remains unpublished in English.’ Ekaterina poured tea she had prepared from a warm pot. Then Herman started again where he had left off.

‘I know these people’s tactics. Vladimir Purishkevich said, “They have an irreconcilable hatred of Russia and everything Russian”, and he was right. You see, I lived under their iron heel for too long, not to see behind the lies and deception. Like Dostoevsky wrote, “A long peace always breeds cruelty, cowardice, and crude, flabby egoism, and principally mental stagnation. During a long peace, only the exploiters of people grow fat.” Look how many of today’s oligarchs are from that sect. Even Yuri Kanner of the Russian Jewish Congress admits this. Who were Yeltsin’s post-perestroika string-pullers in the loans for shares scheme? Abramovich, Aven, Berezovsky, Friedman, Gusinsky and Khodorkovsky.’