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I took the hint and grabbed a handful of hair. Then I began thrusting again. I pulled her hair with one hand and gripped her shoulder with the other. I needed the leverage to bury my cock deep inside her. She arched her back and began whimpering as her pleasure grew. I picked up the pace and rammed deep and hard.

Brooke sat up. “Stop! You’re hurting her.”

“No,” Christy gasped. “Don’t— stop.”

Brooke looked uncertain but I knew what I was feeling in Christy’s pussy. The temperature had shot up, and my cock was flooded with wetness. A flush mounted her back and shoulders. Her skin was hot to the touch, and her whole body practically vibrated with her approaching orgasm.

At first I thought it was a little one, because she tensed up and stopped breathing. But then she didn’t start breathing again, and I began to panic. My cock was deep inside her, pressed firmly against the end of her pussy, and she began to convulse. A thousand thoughts ran through my mind, none of them good. I pulled out and she collapsed.

Brooke caught her and looked at me with wide, scared eyes. But then Christy shuddered and started breathing again. Her body shook as she drew in a great lungful of air. She let it out again and continued breathing, although she twitched for nearly a minute as Brooke and I looked on helplessly.

“Holy fuck,” she groaned at last.

Brooke and I looked at each other with a mixture of fear and disbelief.

“What the hell just happened?” she asked me.

“How should I know? She’s never done that before.”

“M’okay,” Christy said. Then an aftershock hit her and she held on to Brooke for dear life.

“Do something!”

I stood and scooped Christy into my arms. Her skin was burning and her breathing shallow.

“Grab something to cover her,” I said to Brooke. “We’re going to the hospital.”

“No,” Christy said weakly. “M’okay. Jus’ lemme catch my breath. An’ stop shaking. An’ maybe turn off the siren.”

Brooke and I shared another confused look.

“What siren, honey?” Brooke asked softly.

“Don’t you hear it?”

“No. I don’t hear a thing.”

“Me neither,” I agreed.

“Huh,” Christy said. “It’s like the ones in Hawaii.”

“Okay, you’d better start making sense or we’re taking you to the hospital.”

“No, m’okay,” she mumbled. Then she smiled. “Better’n okay. Never felt this good’n m’ life.” She shivered again and buried her face in my chest. “Jus’… cover me with something. Now I’m cold.”

Brooke grabbed her own towel and draped it over Christy. “Let’s take her inside.”

“Get the door. I’ll follow you.”

I laid Christy on the couch, and some distracted part of me realized that my boner hadn’t gotten the message. He was still hoping to fuck someone, or maybe even something at that point.

Brooke saw and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hey, he has a mind of his own.”

“We’ll take care of him in a minute,” Christy said with a wan smile. She’d recovered enough to sound coherent again, and her breathing had started to return to normal. “Oh my gosh,” she said at last. “That was… I can’t even describe it. What’s a good word?”

“Scary?” I said. “Terrifying?”

“He’s right,” Brooke said. “You scared the living daylights out of us. What happened?”

“Mmm, I came. Wow.”

“You mean… that was an orgasm?”

“Oh my gosh, like… a million of ’em, all at once.”

“Sweetheart,” Brooke said softly, “I’ve seen you come a million times, and they wouldn’t all add up to that.”

“You have no idea,” Christy said dreamily. “It was like a long wave. You know the kind that never breaks? You just keep riding until it shoots you over the top into calm water. That’s what this was like.”

“She’s crazy,” Brooke said. “Certifiable.”

“Clearly,” I agreed.

“I’m not crazy,” Christy grumped, more like her old self. “It was an orgasm. The biggest, most awesomest ever. The big kahuna of orgasms.” She laughed and took a deep breath before she looked up at me. “You hit something inside me. It was… like you were filling me. But it didn’t have anywhere to go. It kept going till it exploded.”

“Are you sure you’re all right?” I asked.

“Mmm, very sure.” She noticed something all of a sudden. “See? The siren’s gone. Musta been ringing in my ears. Don’t worry, that happens sometimes.”

“When you come?”

“Mmm hmm. Usually not that loud, though.” She closed her eyes and sighed. Then she opened them again and stretched with one of her little squeaks. “Now I’m hungry again.” Her eyes fastened on my cock, which was still improbably hard. “Mmm, yummy penis. C’mere, Mr. Penis, I need you.”

“Oh no you don’t,” I said. “Not until we’re sure you’re okay.”

“Okay? I’m fine.” She tried to sit up but immediately fell back. “Okay, maybe not fine-fine, but I’m fine.” She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. I’m just weak. And a little woozy.”

“Low blood sugar,” Brooke said immediately.

“Yeah,” Christy agreed. “Maybe I should have a real snack before the liquid kind.”

* * *

She ate an orange, two small boxes of raisins (all we could find), and a Carnation Breakfast bar before she waved us away.

“I’m okay,” she insisted. “Will you let me up now?” She sat up cautiously, and the towel fell away from her breasts. “Oh my gosh, I’m still tingling.” She gazed at me in wonder. “What did you do? You can’t do it all the time, but I definitely wanna do it again.”

“Sweetheart,” Brooke said gently, “we thought you were having a seizure.”

“Mmm, no. It was wonderful.” She smiled beatifically for a moment before she focused on Brooke. “But… what about you?”

“What about us?”

“I sort of remember that you came, but… Paul didn’t.”

“I’m fine,” I lied. My hard-on had finally gotten the message that more action wasn’t forthcoming, but all that unused sperm had to go somewhere, and I could already feel a dull ache in my balls.

“I don’t think I’m ready for another round,” Christy said, “but Brooke probably is.”

“Or not,” I said. I glanced at her to confirm my suspicion. “You scared us,” I told Christy, “and neither of us is in the mood to fool around.” I glanced at my watch. “We have a couple of hours before we need to be home for dinner. Why don’t we just relax for a while and see where things go?”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Brooke agreed. To Christy, “Can you walk? Or do you need Paul to carry you?”

“I can walk,” Christy said a little peevishly. “I just had an orgasm. I didn’t hit my head.” She stood to prove it but then swayed unsteadily. “Okay, maybe I’m still a little dizzy. Can we go for a swim instead? I can’t lose my balance in the water.”

“I’ve got her,” I said to Brooke. “You get the door.”

She nodded.

The little head rose at the sight of Brooke’s round, firm ass as she walked toward the patio door. Christy noticed out of the corner of her eye. She smiled up at me and then followed Brooke. Her balance came back fairly quickly, but I still kept an arm around her and a hand on her elbow.

“I can walk,” she said. “Just let me go.”

“You’re a stubborn little thing.”

“And don’t you forget it.”

She made it out the door and across the patio. I hovered close but she never wobbled, even when she descended the stairs into the pool. Once there, she swam around easily to show us that she wasn’t in danger of drowning.

“I guess she’s fine after all,” Brooke said to me. Then she noticed my semi-hard cock. She blushed and said, “I can… um… you know. If you want me to.”