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“‘Yes, ma’am,’ he says.”

“Better. At least he knows what’s good for him.”

“I do too,” I said. “Which is why I’m going home with you instead of spending the night with Gina.”

She nodded and sat back. After a moment she relaxed for real. “I feel like I just finished a swim meet and a dance recital, back to back.”

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “And I noticed you didn’t drink anything at dinner.”

“Oh my gosh, no!”

“So I’m thinking,” I said slowly, “you need a stiff drink and a stiff dick, in that order.”

“You know me so well. Are there any liquor stores open this late?”

“No, but my parents’ll have something. Maybe not Jameson, but—”

“I don’t care, as long as it’s eighty proof. I’d even settle for tequila.”

“And the rest?” I ventured.

“You know I always feel better with something in my mouth. And I definitely need a couple of doses of relaxation serum.”

I chuckled. “‘Relaxation serum.’ Nice.”

“And… I’ve been thinking.”


“Tomorrow night. Lily. You know we’re planning a surprise, right?”

“I kinda figured,” I said neutrally.

“I’ve been thinking. If Gina’s my competition—”

“She isn’t.”

You might believe that,” Christy said, “but I don’t. So I need to up my game.”

“Up your game?”

“I’m ready. To do something. With a guy.”

To be continued…

* * *

Read the next book in the series,

Swinging for the Fences.