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“I just realized what I said and how relaxed I am around you. It’s like with Amber earlier. She was really cool, by the way.”


“But it’s like with her. She made all that stuff—crotchless this and exposed that—seem perfectly normal. You do that with sex, don’t you?”

“Sort of.”

“No, for real. Chris said you’re really open about it, and now I see what she meant.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No, not at all! It’s really cool. I just… hadn’t realized the effect it’s had on me. Like what I said just now, about me and Chris and sex.” She turned and gave me a serious look. “You’re really good for her, by the way. She’s happier than I’ve ever seen her. But I’ll kill you if you do what you did last summer.”

“In my defense, I didn’t know how she felt about me. But… yeah, I get it.”

“Okay, as long as you know. She’s totally in love with you. You’re all she talks about sometimes. She’s even talking about your wedding, and she never did that before, even with Simon.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t know what she ever saw in that guy.”

“It’s complicated,” I chuckled.

“You can say that again. She—”

Christy interrupted us as she breezed into the kitchen and dropped a stack of folded beach towels on the little breakfast table.

“Behold, the towel,” she said to Brooke. “Just about the most massively useful thing any nudist can carry. You can sit on it. You can dry yourself with it. You can lie in the sun on it. You can even wrap it around yourself if you’re cold.” She grinned and paused theatrically. “Always know where your towel is.”

“Oh, God,” Brooke said, “please tell me you haven’t turned into one of those people.”

Christy frowned. “Who? What? What’d I do?”

“What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”

“Huh?” Christy said. “I don’t understand. Swallow what?”

“Oh, thank God,” Brooke said in genuine relief. “I thought he’d turned you into one of them.”

“What’re you talking about?” Christy asked her.

“I think I know,” I chuckled. “I went to high school with a group of guys who could quote The Hitchhiker’s Guide and Monty Python and a bunch of other really geeky things.”

“Those guys’re in college now,” Brooke said, “and most of ’em are in the engineering department. I swear, they think that stuff’s hilarious. And they repeat it all the damn time! About a year ago I had a study group with two guys who could quote every line of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Drove the rest of us crazy.” She shook her head in frustration at the memory. “And I think I’m a nerd? I’m practically normal compared to some of those guys. No wonder they don’t have girlfriends.”

“Eh,” I said with a shrug, “the guys I knew were pretty normal once you got past their Monty Python schtick. And the Hitchhiker thing Christy said is something I told her back when she first tried being a nudist.”

“I did more than try!”

“Yeah, you did, Little Bit. Speaking of which…” I gestured at her shorts and top. “Off. Now.”

She turned serious in a heartbeat. “Yes, sir.”

Brooke’s eyes widened as Christy kicked off her shoes and unbuttoned her shorts.

“What’d you just do?” Brooke asked me.

“She likes being told what to do.”

“Yeah, but it never worked for me. Not like that.”

Christy slid her shorts and panties down her legs and kicked them after her shoes.

“Maybe you weren’t forceful enough,” I suggested.

“I guess.”

Christy pulled her shirt over her head and then unfastened her bra. She dropped them both to the floor on top of her other things. Finally she clasped her hands behind her back and lowered her eyes.

“Wow,” Brooke said quietly.

“Mmm hmm,” I agreed. Then I studied her out of the corner of my eye. “You aren’t quite that submissive, are you?”

“No, but I’ve never had a guy use that tone of voice with me.” She shuddered when she thought about it.

“Do you want me to?”

“Maybe.” She cleared her throat and repeated it, stronger. “Maybe.”

“Okay. Do you know what a safe word i—?”

“Tequila,” she said before I could even finish.

“So you’ve thought about this,” I laughed.

Christy laughed too, but for a different reason. “Seriously?” she said to Brooke.

“Worst hangover of my life.” She shuddered at the memory. “I was sick for days.”

“She was,” Christy agreed.

“Makes me queasy just to think about it.”

“Okay,” I chuckled, “‘tequila’ means no.” Unfortunately, the answer had changed the mood, so I nodded at the pitcher and bottles of rum. “Finish making the mai tais,” I told Brooke. “I think you’re going to need one.”

“Or two, or three…”

“Here you go, Little Bit.” I pushed two plates with sandwiches across the counter. “Take these outside. Then the towels. Make sure we have four.”


“Four,” I said without explanation.

Brooke finished mixing ingredients while I put the final touches on my own sandwich and Christy carried things out to the patio. Brooke glanced at me nervously several times, but I merely smiled in return. Her own imagination would get her worked up better than anything I could do, so I let it do its thing.

Christy reappeared and stood with her hands behind her back. After a moment she bounced to get my attention.

“Do that again,” I said.

Her lips twitched with a smile, and she gave her breasts a little wiggle.

“We’ll have to try your nipple clamps later.”

“Oh my gosh, yes!”

“But first, we’d better feed you.”


“C’mon,” I said to Brooke. “Get the cups and ice. I’ll bring the pitcher and my plate.”

We headed out to the patio, and Brooke looked at me expectantly. She was still wearing her dress, and she clearly expected me to tell her to take it off.

“Have a seat,” I said instead. She did, and I filled our cups from the pitcher. “Go ahead and eat.”

Christy looked a little confused as well, but she was too hungry to argue. I slid into my chair and picked up my sandwich. I pretended not to notice Brooke watching me as she sat there with her own sandwich in front of her, untouched. She eventually realized that I wasn’t going to give her any orders, so she picked it up and took a bite.

We ate and drank in companionable silence. Christy was a little self-conscious at first, since she was the only one nude, but the food did wonders for her confidence and energy level. Brooke didn’t exactly relax, but she slowly grew less nervous and more aroused. She glanced at me several times, although I merely smiled and kept my thoughts to myself.

“That hit the spot,” I said at last. Then I dusted crumbs from my hands and pushed my plate away. “Pretty good, if I do say so myself.”

“Yes, thank you,” Christy said.

“How was yours?” I asked Brooke. It was a perfectly normal question, but she reacted as if I’d pinched her.

“Good, thanks.”

“The mai tais are really good,” I added. “Much better than last time.”

“Hawaiian Punch,” Christy muttered with a little scrunch of her nose. “Yuck.”

“I thought we’d go for a swim after we’ve had time to digest,” I said.

“Um, okay,” Brooke said uncertainly.

“In the meantime…” I rose and unbuttoned my pants. My dick had shrunk back to normal size, but it swelled to life as I kicked off my shoes.

The girls watched in silence as I finished undressing and gave my semi-hard cock a couple of strokes to keep the blood flowing. Then I grabbed the stack of towels that Christy had set on a little side table. She was already sitting on one.