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Mossy sits back in the sofa, breathing hard. 'Come on — spit it out. What do you want? No weird shit, OK, no «red» or anything. But fists is OK and you don't need to wear nothing.' He rubs his crotch a little, gives Skinny a sly look. 'And there's lots of me if it's you wants the fucking. I'd fill you up, little thing like you.'

Skinny sits down on the sofa next to Mossy and gives him such a sad look that Mossy has another flash that they're about to kill him.

'What?' he goes, trying to make it sound light. 'What's that look for?'

'Blood,' says Skinny. 'Just a little blood. A little blood and you get plenty H. Plenty money too.'

'Blood? I just told you, I don't do no weird shit. No «red». You ain't going to knock me around, sweetheart, not for all the gear in the world.'

'A needle.' Skinny taps the inside of Mossy's arm, just where the H went in. 'I is put little needle in here, and take a little of yours blood.'

There's a long silence. Mossy stares at his arm, then looks up into Skinny's liquidy eyes. They meet his, and Mossy can see blood in the whites, like he's ill. But he's not being threatening and, anyway, there isn't enough of him to put up much of a fight — though he's wiry and doesn't look like he's a user so he'd have the edge if anything did kick off.

'You a vampire, then?' He laughs hoarsely, a little nervous. But Skinny keeps on looking into his eyes, all serious. So Mossy stops. He swallows. This is so fucking freaky. He uncurls Skinny's fingers from his arm.

'What're you going to do with my blood, then?' he asks tightly, because something about this is making him feel sick. 'What're you going to do with it? Drink it?'


13 May

Caffery came quicker than he'd meant to. Maybe it was the stress of the day, maybe the long hours, or maybe something else, but almost as soon as he was inside Keelie, her legs hooked up over his shoulders, it was over. She was lying on the back seat of the car with her skirt hitched up, holding the back of his head in both hands and pulling his face down so it was pressed against hers, and maybe she didn't want it to have been that quick because it took him a minute or two to get her to loosen her grip on him, untangling her fingers from his hair and moving her shoulders back. He knelt up in the well of the car, moved her legs and fell sideways on to the seat, one hand loosening the collar of his shirt, the other resting on his chest.

She didn't say anything so neither did he, just stared blankly out of the window, feeling his heart thudding under his ribcage, his pulse making him vaguely aware of a conversation he'd had three months ago. It was the day he'd left London, and when one of his colleagues had asked him, 'What the hell do you think you're going to do out there in the middle of nowhere with the woollies?' he'd answered, with no trace of a smile, 'Don't know. Probably fuck myself to death.'

A joke, of course, but now the words came back to him because he didn't know how else to explain what he was doing, seeing girls like Keelie week after week. He hadn't wanted to tell the truth: that he'd left London, the city he'd lived in most of his life, because one day he'd woken up to find he'd lost the only connection he had to the place — the disappearance, thirty years ago, of his only brother Ewan, age just nine. The question of what had happened to Ewan had been the only question in Caffery's life. Ever since he remembered, it had coloured everything he did, and for a long time he was sure the answers were in London, across the railway cutting at the back of the family garden, in the house of the ageing paedophile, Penderecki. Caffery obsessed about that house, the place he was sure Ewan had died, for years. Then suddenly, overnight, it had gone. Vanished into nothing. Yes, he still dreamed and thought about his brother. Yes, he still had the drive to find his body, but it wasn't London he felt connected to any more. He'd stopped wanting to stare out of his window at Penderecki's house, and he couldn't remember why he'd once thought he'd get an answer out of the damned place.

But he still wanted his job. He'd gone into the Metropolitan Police force because every case he solved felt a little bit more like balancing out what had happened to Ewan. And although he wasn't a ladder-climber — he'd got a jumpstart on the HPD scheme in the Met but at thirty-seven he didn't want to think about Chief Inspector exams — every conviction helped nail down the thing in his chest that kept him awake at night. His connection to London might be weakening, but the link to the firm stayed hard. He could do the job anywhere — even here, in Bristol. And, anyway, there was someone out here in the west that he hoped would help him untangle the Ewan equation a little further.

Next to him Keelie coughed and put her fingers to her throat, rubbing it a little as if it was sore. Then she put her index fingers into the corners of her eyes and wiped them, clearing out the caked make up. She pulled her skirt down from where it was rucked up round her waist and leaned over the front seat, clicking the passenger side sunvisor down to check her face in the mirror. The skirt was tight across her backside so the dents of her knickers and suspenders were visible.

Suddenly out of nowhere Caffery felt his throat get tighter, his eyes sting. He sat up a bit, putting his hand out, resting it on her calf, wanting to speak to her suddenly, ask her if she had kids, ask her just to say one human thing to him. But Keelie took the touch the wrong way. She raised her eyebrows at her reflection in the mirror and gave a small smile. 'What's that for?' she said, and was about to say something else when the car dipped violently. There was a boom of metal, and out of the corner of Caffery's eye something dark seemed to cross in front of the windscreen.

'Fuck!' Keelie grabbed the back of the seat, hanging on as the vehicle bounced. 'What was that?'

Caffery fumbled his zip closed, shouldered the door open and leaped out into the deserted alley. 'Hey!' he shouted into the darkness. He looked behind him, his back to the car, scanning the shadows. 'What the fuck was all that about?'

Hey, the echo came back, fuck was all that

Silence. The only sound was traffic and the distant ring of women laughing on City Road. The alley was empty — just a carrier-bag spilling out rubbish on to the pavement and the reflection of a few neon lights on the stone kerb. He walked the length of it, up to the road, inspecting every doorway, every dip in the contour of the old brick walls. He turned back to the car. Keelie had switched on the interior light and was staring out at him, white-faced and scared. He knew what she was thinking — that it had been like someone flying past them, bouncing once on the bonnet and disappearing into thin air. Or — because the idea of someone flying was crazy — it was as if someone had been sitting on the bonnet the whole time, and when the sex was over had jumped off and run away, hiding somewhere neither of them could see.

Caffery had a thought. Carefully, moving quietly, he fastened his belt. Don't go to war with your trousers undone. He rolled up his sleeves, got down on the cold pavement and tipped on to his side, lying close enough to the wheels of the car that he could see under there, but not so close that if something rushed out at him he wouldn't have somewhere to go. He lowered his face on to the kerb, levering it forward so he could see under the car. There was nothing — just the smell of petrol and the faint burr of orange streetlight reflected on the road. He used his heel to push himself further under the car so he could see behind the wheels but, again, there was nothing. He rolled back and turned his face up to the sky, the clouds lit orange by the city, the stars beyond. He studied the tops of the buildings and thought hard about the feeling he had that they were being watched. Even now.