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He and Lauren exchanged a silent glance. The brief moment their eyes locked asked and answered the question of trust. They didn’t have a choice. “I lied at dinner,” Mercer said. “I never went to the funeral. Lauren and I were trapped on a lake above Gary’s camp by a helicopter belonging to Hatcherly Consolidated.”

It was gratifying to see he could unsettle the Frenchman. Bruneseau shouted to the back room. “Foch, get in here!” A few seconds later one of the Legionnaire commandos entered. He was a little older than the others Mercer had seen, and while he wore no rank on his black uniform, Mercer guessed he was the officer in charge of the detachment. He had sandy hair and watchful blue eyes, and a European kind of good looks that better suited a model than a soldier. “Lieutenant Foch, this is Dr. Mercer and Captain Vanik of the U.S. Army. Foch is my number-two man. Tell us exactly what happened at the lake.”

Mercer hesitated, wondering if telling them everything was the right thing, and then he plunged in, recounting the entire story from his arrival in Panama to the discovery of the gold bars in the Hatcherly warehouse and how they assumed they were part of the Twice-Stolen Treasure. Lauren added a few details he’d forgotten. By some unspoken agreement neither mentioned Roddy Herrara or Harry White.

“Can you use the agent at the port again?” Lieutenant Foch asked when the story was done.

“No,” Mercer said at once. “For one thing I won’t risk him, and after tonight whatever Hatcherly’s hiding will be gone. There’s no reason to reenter the facility.”

“You think we should track the gold?” Bruneseau was into his fourth cigarette.

“If Hatcherly has an Achilles’ heel in Panama, it’s that. I think whatever they’re up to here revolves around the treasure. Checking out the lake again is an obvious place to take up the chase. I haven’t had a chance to read the Lepinay journal but it’s clear Liu believes something in it is important.”

“You have the journal with you?” Foch asked.

“It’s in my hotel. I can get it anytime.”

“No, you can’t,” Bruneseau said. “You left Panama this morning.”

The statement was baffling. “Excuse me?”

“After some of my men derailed the ex-Dingbats following you out of the restaurant by smashing into their car, I had a soldier who resembles you take a flight to Miami once he was certain he was being followed by Liu’s people. We weren’t the only people eavesdropping on your conversation. They picked up his trail near where you told Maria Barber you were staying at a hostel.” Rene shifted in his seat. “Also, I read the journal in Paris before Derosier turned it over to you. There’s nothing in it.”

Impressed by the French agent’s thoroughness, Mercer still scoffed at this final pronouncement. “And how exactly do you know that? Do you have an engineering background? Geology? Hell, do you even know who Godin de Lepinay was?” Bruneseau’s silence was Mercer’s answer. “I didn’t think so.”

Foch tensed at Mercer’s tone while Bruneseau remained impassive. A silent minute passed before the spy cleared his throat and leaned forward. “You believe there may be something in the journal I missed?”

“I’m saying it’s possible.”

“Are you willing to share whatever you learn from it?”

“If you’re willing to back me up when I return to the lake.”

“When we return to the lake.” Lauren touched Mercer’s leg in a gesture of solidarity.

“I suppose I owe you,” Rene said with an undercurrent of resignation in his voice. His investigation into Hatcherly had gone nowhere and Mercer was offering a new way to restart it. “I can’t pull too many men away from Hatcherly’s container port so I will give you two plus Foch and myself.”

Mercer nodded. “Fair enough. When?”

“We can leave tomorrow afternoon. You two can spend the night here.”

Mercer whispered to Lauren if she had a cell phone on her. She said it was at home. “I’ve got some things to take care of first,” he said to Rene. “We’ll meet back here at noon.”

“You can’t return to the Caesar Park Hotel. Liu’s people may think you’ve left Panama but it’s an unnecessary risk returning to such a public place.”

“We’ll sleep at Lauren’s apartment.” It was the first she’d heard of this and her eyes widened.

“Okay. As far as we know, Liu isn’t aware of her involvement. It should be safe. One of my men will drive you over and pick you up at noon.”

“Until tomorrow, then.” Mercer stood. He was filled with an urgency that hadn’t been there only moments before, buoyed by a sudden inspiration that he needed to check out.

Forty minutes later, Lauren twisted the key into the lock of her apartment, located in a high-rise building that overlooked the Bay of Panama. Since the government paid the rent, her apartment was on a lower floor and the windows faced landward.

“Are you going to tell me why you needed a phone?” she asked.

“In a minute.” Mercer went straight to her telephone and dialed the Caesar Park, asking the operator to connect him to Harry’s room. As he waited, he studied Lauren’s living room. The furniture looked like it came with the place and Lauren had put out only a few personal items, family photos mostly, including one of her in scuba gear wearing a one-piece swimsuit that showed the muscular curves of her body. He turned from the picture before she saw his interest. Harry picked up on the fifth ring. “How’d it go?”

“You were supposed to wait by the phone for my call,” Mercer complained.

“I was in the crapper. Food down here is killing me, I think my assho—”

Mercer cut him off before Harry could get any more graphic. “I get the picture.”

“So how did it go?”

Sketching out the details, Mercer summed up by asking if Harry and Roddy were willing to do a little work.

“Whatcha got in mind?”

“The dump trucks. The armored car is long gone, I’m sure, but I want you and Roddy to follow one of the dump trucks. Their presence at the port doesn’t make any sense and I think they’re connected somehow.”

“Roddy’s here right now and his car’s down in the hotel garage. We’re on it.”

“Before you leave, check out of the Caesar Park and find another hotel.”

“Why? I like it here. This place is a palace and I must say it suits me.”

Mercer laughed. “Hate to tell you this, pal, but you’re even outclassed by a roach motel. It’s obvious that both the Frogs and Liu Yousheng have been watching me because my dinner with Gary’s wife turned into a spectator sport. Yet somehow neither group knows about you and Roddy and I want to keep it that way.”

“So I’m going to be the ace in the hole, huh?” Harry liked the idea.

“It’s a step up from your normal role of a drunk in the gutter.”

“Hey, I only passed out in the gutter that one time coming back from Tiny’s,” Harry protested. “Do you have to keep bringing it up?”

“Payback for the thing at the hospital.”

“Then we’re even?”

“Not even close,” Mercer said with a grin, hanging up after Harry said he’d move in with Roddy’s family for a few days. He’d keep the journal until after Mercer came back from the River of Ruin.

“ ‘A drunk in the gutter,’ what is it with you two? Are you ever nice to each other?”

“That was being nice.” Mercer sank onto Lauren’s couch with an exhausted sigh. “Now you know why I wanted to make the call away from the safe house?”