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When the last wave of pleasure receded, Roan lifted her off of him and placed her on the bed on her stomach. He moved behind her as he took hold of her hips and urged her up on her knees. He dragged the flat of his tongue up the curve of her spine before he kneeled between her spread thighs. Ansley rested her upper body on her bent arms. She felt the tip of his cock probed her wet entrance before he surged inside her. Holding her in place with his hands on her hips, Roan rammed into her. He took her hard and fast. Ansley felt another climax build as he pumped his cock in and out of her. She clutched at the sheets and pushed back to met each of his strokes. He grew even harder. She then fell over the edge moaning his name. Roan growled/moaned and rammed into her one final time. She gasped with pleasure as his cock pulsed deep inside her.

Sated, Ansley collapsed on the bed. Roan pulled his still hard cock out of her and moved to lie on the bed next to her. He lifted her off the mattress and placed her on top of him so she lay sprawled along him. Panting to catch her breath, Ansley placed a kiss on his chest. Roan’s arms came up and wrapped around her. Totally relaxed, she snuggled closer and let her eyes drift shut.

* * *

She hadn’t realized she had fallen asleep until Roan gently shook her. Ansley blinked open her eyes and lifted her head off his chest to give him a half smile. “Sorry. I didn’t sleep very well last night. I hope I didn’t drool.”

Roan stroked his hand down her back to her bottom. “You can sleep later. Why don’t you get dressed and throw some clothes in a suitcase? I want us to be on the road in about fifteen minutes.”

Her brows drew together. “Where exactly are you taking me? And why do I have to pack some clothes?”

Roan slid out from under her and got out of bed. “We’re going back to my place. And you need clothes because you will be staying the night.”

Ansley had a hard time trying to keep her thoughts straight with Roan standing there completely naked. The man had the body of a body builder. He was all muscle without an inch of fat on him anywhere. She sat up and ran her gaze across his thickly muscled chest, down to his washboard abs. She dropped her gaze even lower until she came level with his large cock, which was semi-erect. As she watched, it started to lengthen and harden.

A large t-shirt that smelled of Roan’s scent smacked her in the face. Pulling it off, Ansley complained, “Hey. What did you do that for?”

Roan picked his jeans off the floor and put them on. Much to Ansley’s dismay, he tucked his now erect cock inside and did them up. “If you kept looking at me like that, we’ll never get out of here.”

“And that would be bad because?”

He leaned toward her and braced his hands on the mattress. His lips hovered over hers. He then said, “I would much rather get you into my bed, which is a lot bigger than your bed. It will give me more room to lick every inch of your body before I take you over and over again.”

His deep husky voice went straight to Ansley’s pussy causing it to ache with arousal.

“As long as I get to lick every inch of your body, I’m game.” She gave the large bulge in his jeans a pointed look.

Roan’s eyes glowed for a split second before he jerked away from her. “Ah, shit. Now I’m not going to be able to think of anything else but having your tongue on my body.” He gathered her clothes off the floor and threw them on the bed next to her. “Get dressed and pack a suitcase. And don’t take any longer than you have to. Just remember, the longer you take in here the longer it will be before you can do all those delicious things with your tongue.” Roan snatched his t-shirt off the bed and picked up his socks and shoes before he left her alone in the bedroom.

Ansley jumped off the bed and got dressed in record time. It only took her a few minutes to dig her overnight bag out of the closet. She shoved some clothes and hairbrush into it. She left the bedroom and went to the bathroom to get her toothbrush. When she came out she found Roan standing impatiently by the apartment door. She picked up her purse from the kitchen table before she went over to join him.

“What about my car? It’s still parked at the salon.”

“Do you have to work tomorrow?”


“Then it can stay there for now. We’ll get it for you sometime tomorrow.”

With that said Roan opened the apartment door and ushered her out into the hallway. Ansley closed and locked the door after them. Roan took her overnight bag from her and laced the fingers of his other hand with hers. Ansley let him lead her down the stairs and outside to the parking lot. In no time flat, he had them inside his Lexus and driving down the street.

Ansley watched the scenery go by. She had no idea where Roan lived, but when they crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and headed for the North Bay area she realized he must live in Marin County. Marin County was known as a very affluent area with its share of ridiculously expensive mansions. If Roan lived here, he had more money than she had first thought.

When Roan pulled his Lexus onto a long private drive and Ansley got her first look at the mansion up ahead, she swallowed. Now she knew why Roan hadn’t wanted to stay overnight at her hole-in-the-wall apartment. Compared to his house, her apartment looked like a slum.

As Roan parked the car in front of a large six car garage, Ansley asked, “Do you live here by yourself?”

Roan pulled the keys out of the ignition and smiled at her. “No. I live here with my five brothers, my sister and her ma … her husband.”

Ansley’s eyes widened. “Five brothers and a sister? And you can live together without killing each other?”

“Mostly,” Roan said with a chuckle. “Actually two of my brothers are my brothers by blood. The other three and my sister, we sort of adopted each other.”

“What about your parents? Do they live here too?”

“No. My parents died a long time ago.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. Let’s go inside.”

Ansley got out of the car while Roan collected her overnight bag out of the backseat. She looked up at the large house. If Roan lived with his brothers and sister, there would be a good chance at least one of them would be inside. Somehow her relationship with Roan had gone from basically being non-existent to meeting-the-family stage in a matter of hours. Ansley didn’t know how she felt about that. Just because Roan and she had had sex didn’t mean they now had a commitment and would get married. Not that she wouldn’t mind being able to keep Roan as her own, but she knew realistically the chances that they would work out for the long haul were not very good. She didn’t have a very good track record when it came to relationships.

Roan came around to her side of the car and took her hand. Once they walked through the front door, Ansley heard the sound of more than one male voice coming from somewhere inside the house. “I take it some of your brothers are home?”