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I was in.

So I put one of the pistols in my belt, and one of the guns on my shoulder. I also

hung the powder-horn from my neck and put a handful of small shot in my pocket.

Thus armed, I set out for the big hill.

There were but a few shrubs or trees in my way, and the walking was easy. In less

than a quarter of an hour I was at my journey's end.

The sides of the hill were not rough, but they were quite steep.

Soon I was at the very top. What a grand lookout it was!

North, south, east, west, the land and the sea were spread out before me.

The sea did I say?

Yes, I was on an island, and the sea was all around.

No other land was in sight except two small islands and some great rocks that

lifted themselves out of the water.

I saw that my island was not very large. Perhaps it was ten miles broad; perhaps it

was twenty. I had no good idea of distances.

There was no house nor sign of life anywhere. There might be wild beasts in the

woods; but I was sure that no men lived there.

The thought of being alone on a desert island made me feel very sad.

I should have been glad at that moment to see even the face of a savage.

But I dared not stay long on the hilltop. I hurried to get back to my raft before the

sun should go down.

At the foot of the hill I saw a great bird sitting in a tree. I thought it to be some

kind of a hawk and shot it.

The sound of the gun echoed strangely among the rocks and trees. Never before

had such a sound been heard there.

I picked up the bird.

It was no hawk. It had no sharp claws nor hooked beak. Its flesh was unfit to eat,

and I threw it away.

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www

. f ranklang . r u


The sun had set and it was almost dark when I got back to the inlet where my raft

was lying. I did not know where to go for the night, nor where to find a resting place.

But the day being gone, there was no time for thinking.

I made a kind of hut with the chests and the loose boards from the raft. Then I

crept inside and lay down to rest.

For a little while I listened to every sound. At length I fell asleep and knew

nothing more until broad daylight the next morning.

I HAVE A STRANGE VISITOR (я имею = принимаю странного посетителя)

THE next morning, when the tide was at its lowest (когда прилив был на самом

низком уровне) I swam out to the ship again.

There were still many things on board (много вещей на борту) of it that might be

useful to me in my island home (которые могли бы быть полезны в моем островном

доме). I wished to save all that I could (хотел сохранить все, что мог).

I climbed up the ship's side just as I had done the day before (точно так же, как я

сделал днем ранее).

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www

. f ranklang . r u


Before looking for anything (прежде чем искать что-либо) I made another raft

(другой плот), just like the first one (точно такой же, как первый), but smaller (но

меньше). It was not so easy to make (это было нелегко сделать), for I had used up all

the best planks (так как я уже использовал все лучшие доски). It was neither so large

nor so strong as the first raft (он не был ни таким большим, ни таким крепким, как


In the carpenter's shop (в комнате плотника) I found three bags of nails and a

grindstone (три ящика гвоздей и точильный камень). I found also a box full of little

hatchets (полную маленьких топориков) and a small barrel of musket balls (маленький

бочонок мушкетных пуль).

In the captain's room I found six or seven guns (ружей), which I had overlooked

before (проглядел /не увидел/ ранее), and another keg of powder (бочонок пороха).

All these things I loaded with much care (погрузил с большой заботой) upon

my raft.

Then I gathered up as many clothes as I could find (собрал так много одежды,

как мог найти); also a spare sail (запасной парус), a hammock (гамак), and some

bedding (некоторые постельные принадлежности).

The raft was now quite full (довольно полным). The things were not heavy

(тяжелыми), but they made a large pile (большую груду).

When the tide turned for the shore (когда прилив, поток повернулся к берегу =

начался прилив; tide — прилив и отлив), I cut loose and was soon floating homeward

(плыл к дому).

I had found a good oar (весло) in the ship. This I used as a paddle (как

«байдарочное» весло; paddle плавник, байдарочное весло), and I had no trouble in

guiding (не имел трудности в направлении = без труда направил) the raft to the right

landing place (в правильное место высадки).

I looked to see if the goods were safe which I brought over the day before (я

посмотрел, были ли вещи сохранными, которые я принес днем ранее).

There, on one of my chests, I saw a strange animal sitting (увидел странное

животное сидящее = сидело странное животное). She looked like a wild cat

(выглядело, как дикая кошка).

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www

. f ranklang . r u


As I went toward her (к нему), she jumped down (прыгнула вниз) and ran a little

way. Then she stood still (остановилась).

I followed (последовал /за ней/). She stood very firm (очень неподвижно) and

looked in my face. She looked as though she had a mind to get acquainted (как если бы

имело намерение познакомиться).

I pointed my gun at her (нацелил), and shouted (крикнул). But she did not care

for that (не обеспокоилось, не обратило внимания).

I had a bit of biscuit (кусок печенья) in my pocket. This I now tossed (бросил)

toward her. "Take this and begone (бери это и уходи)," I shouted.

It rolled quite close to her nose (докатилось довольно близко к ее носу). She

smell of it and ate it (понюхала его и съела). Then she looked up for more.

"Thank you, I have no more to give you (не имею больше дать тебе)," I said.

Whether she understood me (поняла ли она меня), I do not know. But, with that

(на этом), she turned and marched away (повернулась и замаршировала отсюда).

I now set to work (приступил к работе) to get my second cargo on shore