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полезных вещей).

From a piece of hard wood (из куска крепкой древесины) that I cut in the forest

(которую я срезал в лесу) I made a spade to dig with (я сделал лопату, которой

/можно/ копать, чтобы копать). The handle I shaped (ручке я придал форму) just like

the handles you buy at the stores (совсем как ручки, /которые/ вы покупаете в

магазинах). But the shovel part (лопатная часть) was of wood and would not last long

(не продержалась бы долго).

While I was digging my cave (пока я копал пещеру), I found it very hard work

to carry the earth and small stones away (я обнаружил, что очень тяжело таскать

землю и маленькие камни). I needed a wheelbarrow very much (мне очень нужна

была тачка).

I could make the frame part of this (я мог сделать каркас из этого), but I did not

know how to make the wheel (колесо). I worked four days at it (четыре дня над этим),

and then had to give it up (должен был бросить это, отказаться от этого).

At last I made me a kind of hod (подобие лотка /для подноса кирпичей/), like

that which masons use (такие как каменотесы используют). It was better than a basket

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(лучше, чем ведро) and almost as good as a wheelbarrow (и почти такое же хорошее,

как тачка).

wonder [wΛndə] hew [hju:] Bible [baibl]


AMONG the things that I brought from the ship there were several which I have

not told you about. I will name them now. First I got from the captain's desk some pens,

ink, and paper. These were afterward a great comfort to me, as you shall learn.

There were some charts and compasses, and three or four books on navigation.

These I threw in a corner, for I did not think I should ever need them.

Among my own things there were three very old Bibles, which I had bought in

England and had packed with my clothing.

And I must not forget the dog and two cats that came to shore with me. I carried

both the cats on my raft with my first cargo.

As for the dog, he jumped off the wreck and swam to the shore. He was my best

friend for a long time. He followed me everywhere. He would run and fetch things to me

as I bade him. I wanted him to talk to me, but this he could not do.

As for my pens, ink, and paper, I took the greatest care of them. As long as my

ink lasted, I wrote down everything that happened to me.

But when that was gone, I could write no more for I did not know how to make


I soon found that I needed many things to make me comfortable.

First, I wanted a chair and a table; for without them I must live like a savage.

So I set to work. I had never handled a tool in my life. But I had a saw, an ax, and

several, hatchets; and I soon learned to use them all.

If I wanted a board, I had to chop down a tree. From the trunk of the tree I cut a

log of the length that my board was to be. Then I split the log and hewed it flat till it was

as thin as a board.

All this took time and much hard work. But I had nothing else to do.

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I made the table and chair out of short pieces of board I had brought from the


Of the large boards which I hewed from trees, I made some wide shelves along

the side of my cave or kitchen.

On these shelves I laid my tools, nails, and other things.

I had a place for everything, and kept everything in its place.

My cave looked like some stores you have seen where a little of everything is

kept for sale.

From time to time I made many useful things.

From a piece of hard wood that I cut in the forest I made a spade to dig with. The

handle I shaped just like the handles you buy at the stores. But the shovel part was of

wood and would not last long.

While I was digging my cave, I found it very hard work to carry the earth and

small stones away. I needed a wheelbarrow very much.

I could make the frame part of this, but I did not know how to make the wheel. I

worked four days at it, and then had to give it up.

At last I made me a kind of hod, like that which masons use. It was better than a

basket and almost as good as a wheelbarrow.

I HAVE A GREAT FRIGHT (я имею большой страх)

THE very next day after my cave was finished (на следующий день после /того

как/ моя пещера была закончена) a frightful thing happened (страшная вещь

случилась). I came near losing everything and my own life as well (я подошел близко =

был на грани потери всего и моей жизни также).

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I will tell you about it.

I was busy behind my tent (занят за навесом) when I heard a fearful noise

(страшный шум) above my head (над головой). Before I could look up (посмотреть

вверх), a great load of earth and stones came tumbling down (большой вес = куча

земли и камней повалилась вниз).

It was a wonder that I was not buried alive (было чудо, что я не был похоронен

заживо). I was scared (испуган), for I thought the whole top of the cave was falling in

(так как подумал, что вся верхушка пещеры падала).

I ran out and climbed over my wall (выбежал и залез на стену). The great rock

behind my castle seemed to be shaking (большая скала за замком, казалось, тряслась).

Stones and earth were rolling down its side (катились вниз по ее склону).

"An earthquake! an earthquake (землетрясение)!" I cried.

The ground shook (земля затряслась). A tall rock (высокий камень) that stood

between me and the seashore toppled over and fell (который стоял между мной и

морским берегом, перевернулся и упал). The noise was the most frightful I ever heard

(самым страшным, какой я когда-либо слышал).

There were three shocks (три тряски) about eight minutes apart (около восьми

минут между = с перерывом в восемь минут). The strongest building you ever saw

would have been overturned (самое крепкое здание, какое вы когда-либо видели,

было бы перевернуто).

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I was so frightened that I did not know what to do (был так напуган, что не