not seem to be the same.
I watched them for several days. Then I saw that they were stalks of rice. No
doubt some grains of rice had been in the bag with the barley, and had fallen out with the
dust and chaff.
You may be sure that I took good care of the grain. As soon as the barley was ripe
I harvested it. There was only a handful or two; but I put it away where no rats could get
to it. I wished to keep it safe and plant it again the next season.
I did the same way with the rice.
There was so little to begin with that it took a long time to grow a big crop. It was
not until the fourth harvest that I could keep some of the barley for bread.
I found that the best place to plant the grain was not on the hillside, but in a moist
spot not far from my summer home.
One day, as soon as the wet season was at an end, I made a visit to the country to
see how my crops were growing.
There I saw something that surprised me.
You will remember the fence that I built around my summer house, or bower as I
called it. It was made of two rows of tall stakes, with brush between.
Well, I now found that the stakes were still green, and that long shoots or twigs
were growing from them. Some of these branches were already two or three feet long.
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This pleased me very much. I cut and trained the growing branches into just such
shapes as I wished.
They grew very fast, and soon the whole fence was covered with green leaves.
Then I trained the long branches toward the top of a pole which I set up in the center of
my bower.
In a few months the whole inclosure was covered with a green roof.
You cannot think how beautiful it was. The place was shady and cool, the
pleasantest spot one could wish to have.
I did not know what kind of tree it was that grew in this wonderful way. But I cut
some more stakes of the same sort and carried them home to my castle.
I set these stakes in a double row, about twenty inches outside of my first wall. In
a few weeks they began to grow. They grew so fast that in two years they covered the
whole space in front of my castle.
They were not only handsome to look at, but they helped to protect my castle.
I MAKE A LONG JOURNEY (предпринимаю длинное путешествие)
I HAD long wished to see the whole of my island (я долго желал увидеть весь
мой остров). So, one fine morning (итак, одним прекрасным утром), I set out to travel
across to the other side of it (я пустился путешествовать через /него/ до другого
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. f ranklang . r u
Of course I carried my gun with me (конечно, я нес мое ружье с собой). In my
belt (на ремне) was my best hatchet (топорик). In my pouch (в /патронной/ сумке) I
had plenty of powder and shot (много пороха и дроби). In my pocket were two biscuits
and a big bunch of raisins (в кармане было два печенья и большая горсть изюма). My
dog followed behind me (моя собака следовала за мной).
I went past my summer house (шел мимо летнего дома), or bower (или
беседки), and toward evening came to a fine open place close by the sea (к вечеру
пришел на красивое открытое место близко к морю).
It was a beautiful sight (красивый вид). The sky was clear, the air was still (небо
было ясным, воздух спокойным). The smooth waters (тихие воды) stretched away and
away toward the setting sun (тянулись вдаль и вдаль к к заходящему солнцу).
Far in the distance (далеко на расстоянии) I could see land (я мог видеть
землю). I could not tell whether it was an island or some part of the mainland of America
(я не мог сказать был ли это остров или часть континента Америки). It was at least
fifty miles away (по меньшей мере в 50 милях).
If it were the mainland (если бы это был материк), I felt quite sure that I would
at some time or other see a ship sailing hither to it or from it (был совершенно уверен,
что когда-нибудь увижу корабль, плывущий к нему или от него). If it were an island
(если это был остров), there might be savages (там могли быть дикари) whom it
would not be safe for me to meet (которых для меня было бы небезопасно встретить).
But it would do no good to worry my mind about such matters (не было смысла
беспокоить мой ум /вопросами/ о подобных вещах: «материях»).
I found this side of the island much more beautiful than that where my castle was
(я обнаружил, что эта сторона острова была намного красивее, чем та, где был мой
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. f ranklang . r u
Here were large, open fields, green with grass (большие, открытые поля,
зеленые от травы = покрытые травой) and sweet with flowers (красивые: «сладкие,
приятные» от цветов). Here, too, were fine woods, with many strange trees and vines
(были красивые рощи с множеством странных деревьев и вьющихся растений).
I saw many green parrots among the trees (много зеленых попугаев среди
деревьев), and I thought how I would catch one and teach it to talk (думал, как бы мне
поймать одного и научить его говорить).
After a great deal of trouble I knocked a young one down with my stick (после
множества трудностей я сбил молодого /попугая/ палкой). He was a good fighter
(хороший боец), and it was no easy matter to get him (было не простым вопросом
заполучить его). But at last I picked him up and put him in my bag (но в конце концов
я подобрал его и положил в свою сумку).
He was not hurt (не был ранен), and I carried him home (принес его домой). It
was a long time before I could make him talk (прошло много времени, прежде чем я
заставил, научил его говорить). But at last he became a great pet (прекрасным
питомцем) and would call me by my name (называл меня по имени). I shall have a
funny story to tell about him after a while (я буду иметь смешную историю рассказать
= я расскажу смешную историю о нем через некоторое время).