By and by they came to the shore, quite close to where we were standing.
One of the men whom they had left in the boat was standing with us. He was one
of the honest men whom the captain had pointed out (он был одним из тех честных
людей, на которого капитан указал), and he had joined us very gladly (он
присоединился к нам очень радостно).
By my orders he now cried out (по моему приказу он выкрикнул сейчас),
"Tom Smith! Tom Smith!" For that was the name of the leader of the company (вожака
Tom Smith answered at once, "Is that you, Robinson?" for he knew the voice
"Yes," the other answered, "and for God's sake (ради Бога), Tom Smith, throw
down your arms and yield (брось оружие и сдавайся), or you will all be dead men the
next minute (будете мертвецами)."
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"To whom must we yield (кому должны мы сдаваться)?" cried Tom Smith.
"Where are they?"
"Here they are," was the answer. "Here's our captain at the head of a whole army
of fighting men (во главе целой армии «воюющих людей» = воинов). The boatswain
is dead (боцман мертв), and Bill Fry is dead, and all the rest of us are prisoners (все
остальные из нас пленники). If you don't yield, you are lost (ты пропал)."
"If they'll give us quarters (если они дадут пощаду), we'll yield (мы
согласимся)," said Smith.
Then the captain himself spoke up. "You, Smith," he said, "you know my voice. If
you lay down your arms at once, you shall have your lives — all but Will Atkins (кроме
Уилла Эткинса)."
Upon this, Will Atkins cried out: "For God's sake, Captain, give me quarter (дай
мне пощаду)! What have I done? I have been no worse than the rest (не хуже, чем
Now this was not true (неправда). For it was Will Atkins who had first laid hold
of the captain (завладел капитаном; to lay hold of smth — завладеть чем-то), and it
was he who had tied the captain's hands (связал).
"Nay (нет), Will Atkins," said the captain. "You know what you have done, and I
can promise you nothing (не могу обещать тебе ничего). You must lay down your arms
and trust to the governor's mercy (довериться власти губернатора)."
By "the governor" he meant me (он имел в виду меня), Robinson Crusoe — for
they called me governor (так как они называли меня губернатором).
The upshot of the whole matter (развязка всего дела) was that they all laid down
their arms and begged for their lives (молили о жизни).
Then I sent three of my men to bind them with strong cords (связать их
крепкими веревками), which they did, much to my joy (к моей вящей радости).
After that I sent my great army of fifty men (после этого я отослал мою
огромную армию из пятидесяти человек) — which, after all, were only five besides
the three who already had them in charge (которая, после всего = в конце концов,
состояла только из пяти, не считая тех трех, которые уже имели их в плену) — to
lead them to prison (чтобы отвести их в тюрьму).
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I told the captain that it would be better to put some of our prisoners in one place
and some in another, as then they would be less likely to try to escape (ибо тогда менее
вероятно, что попытаются убежать).
He and Friday therefore took Atkins with two others who were the worst to my
cave in the woods (в мою пещеру в лесу). It was a dismal place, but very safe (мрачное
место, но очень безопасное). There the rough fellows (грубые парни = бандиты,
негодяи) were left with their hands and feet tied fast (с руками и ногами туго
связанными), and the door blocked up with a huge stone (и дверью, заваленной
большим камнем).
Late as it was, I sent the rest of them to my bower (в мою беседку). As they also
were bound (связаны), and as the place was fenced in (окружено забором) and was very
strong (хорошо укреплено), they were quite safe there.
They were all much frightened (очень напуганы). For they believed that the
island was inhabited (обитаем) by Englishmen, and that the governor had really a large
army (большую армию). They felt that the better they behaved the safer they would be
(думали, что чем лучше будут себя вести, тем в большей безопасности будут).
The captain went out to talk with them.
"My men," he said, "you all know what a great crime you have committed (какое
большое преступление вы совершили). You are now in the power of the governor of
this island (во власти губернатора этого острова). He will send you to England. There
you will be tried (вас будут судить), and you will be hanged in chains (будете
повешены, закованные в цепи)."
At these words they turned pale and groaned (побледнели и застонали). For they
were but young men and had been led into this by the four or five ruffians who were the
ringleaders (были вовлечены в это четырьмя-пятью негодяями, которые были
"Now, my men," the captain went on (продолжал), "you know that I have always
been kind to you (добр к вам)."
"Certainly you have (конечно: «определенно» вы были /таковым/)," said Tom
"Aye (да), aye!" cried all the rest.
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. f ranklang . r u
"Well, then," said the captain, "it grieves my heart to see you in this hard case
(мне печалит сердце видеть вас в этих тяжелых обстоятельствах). The ship, as you
know, still lies at anchor off the shore (на якоре у берега). It is still held by some of the
ruffians who brought this trouble upon us (удерживается негодяями, которые навели
на нас эту беду). If I should persuade the governor to set you free (если я уговорю
губернатора освободить вас), what say you? Would you help me retake the ship
(поможете ли вы мне вновь взять = захватить корабль)?"