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“Is that news to you?” Ramsey chirped with a smirk on his lips. “I knew it the moment you reported for duty.”

“Reported for duty?” Kate asked, perplexed by the formal term coming out of Ramsey, with his shoulder-length hair, nipple piercing, and leather pants.

“Yeah, Ramsey and I have been playing together since grade school, but the rest of the band connected with us in EOD,” Syon supplied.

“What’s EOD?” Kate asked.

“Explosive Ordinance Disposal.”

“No way.” Kate turned with a disbelieving look. “Bomb patrol? That’s one elite unit.”

“Got my honorable discharge papers to prove it,” he assured her.

It was stunning and impressive and fit perfectly with the expertly performed ambush she’d just been party to. “No wonder no one really knows where you guys came from.”

Syon shrugged and pointed Kate toward the lead motor home. They had to climb several large steps before ducking inside. A tinted glass wall separated the driver from the rest of the interior, leaving Kate alone with Syon.

Kate stared at him, drinking in the details of his amazing physique. Without the screaming fans and the guitars, she could see the hard body that must have served him well in the service. The length of his hair suddenly drew her attention.

“You’ve been growing your hair out since you left the service.” She stepped close enough to reach out and finger it without thinking about what she was doing. Instinct was taking charge again. She was drawn to him, the urge so strong, she couldn’t seem to control it. Sharing air with him was apparently enough to intoxicate her.

“Yeah…” he drawled, his voice turning husky.

He reached up and grabbed her hair clip again. There was a click, and her hair fell around her face.

“I love your hair.” He shoved his hand into it and captured a handful. “I can’t stop thinking about how it smells.”

He buried his face in the cloud of her hair. A little moan escaped her lips as he tightened his hold. Just enough. It was just the perfect amount of pressure on her scalp to send a jolt of red-hot desire through her.

“I like that little, sexy sound you make too,” he rasped.

“You totally ambushed me, Syon.” She tried to pull away, tried to recall just how much she didn’t like anyone rearranging the details of her life. The least she could do was chastise him.

He leaned forward and caught her waist again. He hauled her against his body and pressed a hard kiss against her mouth. “You bet I did. Invested time in planning it too.”

She pressed a hand against his chest. “I don’t like controlling men.”

“You haven’t had a sample of my type of control.” There was a dark promise in his tone.

“Arranging for me to come along changes nothing,” she warned him.

“During work hours, it means my band has what it needs to stay at the top, and that is very important to me, Kate.” His attention dropped to her mouth. “On personal time, it means we can explore the buzz between us.”

“Maybe we should stick to business.” She said it, but she didn’t mean it. Not really.

“Let’s put that to the test,” he said.

His lips thinned, and a moment later he was kissing her breathless. It was hard and scorching hot.

She moaned again, but this time, the sound was hungry. She threaded her hands through his hair and held his head as she angled hers to fit their mouths together. He reached around and gripped both sides of her bottom, lifting her up. He moved back and ended up on a sofa that she had only a dim memory of seeing. He sat down, and when he lowered her, she ended up spreading her legs to accommodate him. Her clit throbbed insanely as he pressed her right down onto his erection.

“Oh shit,” she cussed as she arched. It felt good. Incredibly good.

He stretched up and kissed the side of her neck. Her skin was hypersensitive, and she jerked, but he tightened his hold, keeping her prisoner for another kiss and a long lap from his velvet tongue. She jerked again, grinding her clit against his crotch. It was almost enough.

“Well, I know you said you wanted her here to get into our pants, but I guess this works too.”

Kate squealed, trying to scramble off Syon’s lap as Ramsey walked right up behind her. But Syon locked an arm around her and kept his hand in her hair to keep her exactly where she was. His cock was hardening even more, making her breath catch in the back of her throat.

And her face went up in flames as Ramsey sat right down beside Syon with a lazy grin on his lips.

“Should have started with the other RV,” Ramsey suggested. “It’s got a bedroom. Not that this sofa hasn’t seen its share of action.”

Kate gathered up some of her scattered wits and tried to push against Syon’s chest. “Let go.”

Syon responded by sliding his arm lower around her waist and grabbing one side of her butt before lifting his hips. She gasped. She couldn’t help it. The moment he moved against her clit, pleasure went shooting through her.

“I’m not into sharing,” she hissed.

“This isn’t sharing,” Syon said as he massaged her scalp again.

“Nope,” Ramsey said, lifting his hands and wiggling his fingers at her. “Don’t have a finger on you.”

Nothing made sense. Kate struggled to form a complete sentence, but it was almost impossible with Syon’s hard cock pressed against her open slit with just a couple of layers of cotton denim separating them. She could feel the heat of his skin burning through that fabric, promising her relief if she just ground herself against him a few times. Her nipples were already tightening.

“But I’d like to,” Ramsey added. “Put my fingers—and other body parts—on you.”

Kate was going to die of mortification. Ramsey was calmly observing them without even a hint of reservation. He dropped an arm along the back of the sofa and leaned back so he had a good view of them.

He was enjoying every second of it.

“Okay…I’m not into voyeurism either,” Kate clarified.

“I thought there were only five rules,” Syon grumbled. “You’re complicated.”

“And you’re presumptuous,” she countered. “Let me off your lap now!”

Syon’s eyes narrowed, a promise of retribution flickering in them before he released her. She scrambled off his lap as Ramsey made a sound that too closely resembled a muffled chuckle for her fraying composure.

“It’s not funny.” Kate lashed out at him. “If that’s what you’re into, get yourselves another costumer. Rule number two is in place for this very reason.”

“Rule number two?” Ramsey asked.

“No rock stars,” Syon filled him in. “We rank just below ‘no drugs.’”

Ramsey frowned. “That’s low.” His voice had deepened, turning cold. He pushed off the sofa and jumped down the steps, disappearing outside.

Syon wasn’t happy either. She could see the injured pride in his eyes.

“I wasn’t the one out of line here,” Kate defended. “I’m not going to say I’m sorry for pissing off your band buddy when he just sat down and asked to join in. Maybe you don’t like my rules, but at least I have some standards.”

“You were just as hot for me.” Syon drew a deep breath. “Claim you weren’t and what you are is a liar.”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t hot.” The words were past her lips before she realized she was making an admission. His lips thinned with renewed hunger before he came up off the sofa after her.

“No.” She jumped down the hallway to get out of his reach and had to quell the urge not to turn and run. “If I’m here as a team member, fine, but I am not going to be your sex pet.”

He captured her wrist and tugged her to him. She ended up smacking into his chest. He closed his arms around her, imprisoning her, the feeling of his hard body threatening to make her senseless again.

“You haven’t tried being mine,” he growled against her ear before he nipped the lobe.

She was losing her wits again. Heat surged through her, overpowering everything else. She ached for him. Her body was liquefying into a molten pool of need.