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He reached down and fitted the bottom stop of her zipper into the slider, holding it firmly as he slowly pulled it up. When he passed the area where her breasts were being lifted onto display, he let his knuckles brush her bare skin.

“Really accurate.” She tugged the zipper up the rest of the way, and he gave her a disappointed look.

“Damned shame to cover that view,” Drake said as he rolled his bike past them and offered her a wink.

The moment for Kate’s retort was taken up by the sound of three beefy engines roaring to life, and Syon’s eyes filled with excitement. For just a moment, she got a glimpse of the boy he must have been.

The naughty one.

He pulled her over to his bike, lifting one of his legs to mount it.

“Come on, baby…” He patted the seat behind him. “I’ve been looking forward to telling you to hold on tight, because this ride might just get a little rough.”

“Ha…ha…” she responded, but there was still a hint of heat teasing her cheeks. He pointed to his head and then to the helmet in her hand.

She slipped it on before climbing onto the bike, and he captured her wrist and pulled her arm all the way around him. He’d always been the aggressor, but now she was the one scooting up behind him and holding tight to his lean waist.

Geez… The man smelled good.

He felt good too.

The hint of leather from his clothing only intensified the rawness of the moment. Her insides were liquefying again, her thoughts descending into the gutter so fast, she wasn’t sure she’d ever left it since the moment she met him.

She realized this “date” setup was just him using a different method of commanding her. The guy was dominant to the core. It pissed her off a little, but at the same time, she couldn’t deny the rush of anticipation it fueled inside her.

Syon peeled out first, with Ramsey falling in beside him. The bikes roared, cutting through the night like razor blades. They sped past the entrance to the stadium before spilling out onto the streets. The local nightlife was in full swing, and people dressed in going-out clothes looked up as they passed, some flashing them thumbs-up.

The vibration from the bike turned Kate on, but the feel of clinging to Syon’s hard body made her crazy. They drove across the Golden Gate Bridge before pulling into a scenic overlook to take a break.

Kate’s legs felt like jelly when she dismounted, but the experience was worth it. She left the helmet on the back of the bike. The wind coming off the ocean whipped her hair about as she climbed up onto a concrete picnic table to get a good view of the bay. Syon wandered over and offered her a beer.

“Where’d you get that?” she asked, taking the bottle and scrunching her eyebrows.

“Drake keeps them in his saddlebag.” Syon climbed up beside her with another beer in hand. “His daddy was a Brit, taught him never to drink water.”

Kate lifted the beer in a salute to the dark-haired drummer. He wiggled his tongue at her, then turned around to talk with Taz farther out on the overlook. Syon took a swig from his bottle before casually setting it aside and fixing her with a look that sent her heart pounding.

“Now, where were we?”

“Excuse me?” she asked, wincing when she heard her own sultry tone. What was it about the man that instantly reduced her to a cinder?

He reached right over and effortlessly scooped her up. One moment she was sitting on rock-hard concrete, and the next she was straddling his rock-hard cock.

“Just about here,” he muttered with his hands full of her bottom and his face buried in the tangle of her hair. “Except…” He straightened up and released her ass. A second later, a finger of night air touched her cleavage as he opened the zipper on the jacket.

“Nice,” he muttered as he leaned down and kissed the creamy swell of her right breast. He trailed the tip of his tongue down its side and into the valley of her cleavage.

“Oh Christ!” she gasped. Her skin was ultrasensitive, but what was really driving her insane was the way her clit begged for the same treatment. It was pounding with the same insane tempo as her heart. She flung her head back, offering her cleavage to him.

But the position gave her a view of the rest of the table. Ramsey was settled beside Syon, only a foot away, his dark eyes on her. There was an unmistakable flare of lust in his gaze. It slammed into her, rocking her with a jolt of need before it brought clarity back to her and she scrambled off Syon’s lap.

“What?” Syon growled until he looked to his left and realized it was Ramsey. He gave a shrug and reached for her again.

“Not on your life,” she warned.

“The idea turned you on,” Ramsey accused. “I saw it.”

Kate scooted back and crossed her arms over her breasts, eliciting a grunt from Ramsey. “So is your big plan to show me I’m some kind of slut? Does that keep your ego stroked? What’s the big deal, Ramsey? Can’t you deal with a woman who has more to offer than lip service?”

His jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing. “You’re a bitch.”

“And you’re both being pricks who have one-track minds when it comes to what women are on this planet for.”

One corner of Ramsey’s mouth twitched. “You’ve got balls.”

It was exactly the sort of compliment that suited him.

“Even if they are pushed halfway to your chin.” He looked at her cleavage and smacked his lips before jumping down and wandering over to where Drake was standing near the edge of the overlook.

Syon was wearing a disgruntled look that irritated her. “Relax, Kate,” he drawled before tipping his beer back. “Ramsey is just messing with you because you’re the new guy.”

“Yeah? Well he can get the fuck over it.” She suddenly felt like she was missing an obvious fact, something she really should have considered. He and Ramsey were tight—really, really tight. “Are you bisexual?”

Syon watched her from beneath hooded eyes. His lips were pressed into a hard line that made her squirm. She’d put her foot in it now for sure.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that question to come out sounding like that,” she said, trying to lessen the blow. But an epic screwup was an epic screwup.

Syon suddenly cracked and started laughing. He ended up leaning all the way back on his elbows and tossing his head back so his hair teased the worn surface of the picnic table. The rest of the guys looked over but didn’t budge, turning back to look at the view after a moment.

“What?” she demanded. “It’s a fair enough question. You and Ramsey have been double-teaming me.”

Syon sat back up and smirked at her. “You should have seen your face…” He chuckled some more.

“You know, it’s wise to keep the seamstress happy. I just might forget to remove a pin or two when you go out on stage,” Kate warned him. “It’s cool if—”

“No,” he cut her off. “I’m not bisexual, and neither is Ramsey. We’ve both been drunk enough together to know for sure.”

“I’m not sure I want to know what you mean by that,” Kate said. And she was pretty sure she didn’t want to dwell on just why his answer pleased her so much.

Syon smirked at her, showing no mercy for her sensibilities. “It means we’ve had a few drunken orgies. If either of us had any desire for the other, it would have been satisfied. He wants to put his hands on you, not me.”

“And you’re cool with that?” she asked.

He moved faster than she’d thought possible. One moment he was stretched out beside her, and the next he was half over her, one hand pressed flat against the top of the picnic table beside her hip.

“I want to explore every type of pleasure we can experience, from the simple to the edge of whatever boundary you decide you can’t cross.”

He pressed a kiss against her lips, claiming her lower lip between his teeth and gently biting it.