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There wasn’t a single force on the planet that would have gotten her to stop.

It was obsession. Complete. Total. No holds barred.

“Yes…” she yelled. “Oh…fuck…yes!”

“Right there?” He ground himself into her so deep, his balls slapped against her thigh.

“Yes!” There wasn’t any other word left in her vocabulary.

She was twisting, straining against him, the bed rocking insanely as everything inside her ripped apart. Pleasure slammed into her harder than she’d ever experienced. She clamped him against her, her thighs burning with the effort.

“Oh yeah!” he growled, pumping hard and deep into her. “Scream for me, baby…”

She didn’t have any choice. Pleasure was searing through her. It was so intense, she cried out, feeling like her spine might just snap.

He growled low and deep, his cock hard enough to break. He was stretching her, plunging deeper than anyone ever had, pumping into her harder and harder until he yelled. His come spurted inside her, sending another wave of pleasure through her. She started gasping for breath when it hit, and she flailed as it gripped her. Syon held her in place, pumping through his climax until he ground out a soft word of profanity.

* * *

“He was jerking my chain?”

Kate winced. The question was a reminder of how reckless she’d just been.

It was reality tsunami time.

The impact was going to sting.

“Does reality really have to return?” she asked.

Syon stroked her back, moving his hand along her spine in a slow, sensual motion. It felt so tender, she buried her face in a pillow and just willed the night to swallow them.

“Does it bug you that I didn’t use a condom?”

She groaned. Feeling like her stupid level was at an all-time high.

Syon snorted. “Yeah, color me a dumb ass.”

“I’m on the pill but—”

“I’m clean,” he offered. “Get tested every month, and you’re the first time I’ve ridden bareback.”

She lifted her head and locked gazes with him. “Really?”

He nodded, looking away for a moment. Syon was lying on a stack of oversize pillows, his bare chest a portrait of perfection.

“Me too.”

He looked back at her. “Then why the pill?”

She smiled at him. “Most girls go on it to regulate their cycles, not so they can have unprotected sex. But I can see how you probably only meet the type who do it for the sex factor.”

“Don’t discriminate against me because I’m a rock star. I know what a quality girl looks like. Why else would I ambush you into coming on tour with us?”

She bit her lower lip, trying to decide if she wanted to go anywhere near that topic. He reached out and used his thumb to pull her lip from between her teeth.

“It would have been within my contract rights to make the original artist produce more pieces.”


Oh hell, she was in dangerous waters now. The kind that could get her a massive heartache.

“I wanted the chance to get to know you. Couldn’t cancel the tour.” He shrugged, looking unrepentant.

“So you…kidnapped me?” she asked.


“Ambushed,” she corrected.

His gaze lowered to her bare breasts. “You don’t look too unhappy for a captive.”

“I was pretty pissed off a little bit ago,” she reminded him. “And great sex doesn’t trump that issue.”

His expression became guarded. There was a hint of stubble on his face, giving him a less-than-civilized look. It made him seem more male, if such a thing were possible. One thing it definitely did was blur the line between what she thought she wanted from relationships and what was making her blood boil. He was pushing her out of her comfort zones, and she’d be a liar if she didn’t admit she liked it.

“It did,” he said in a low whisper.

The intensity in his tone touched something deep inside her.


“Hurt. Seeing you on the back of that dude’s bike…the sight…tore something,” he offered at last, his jaw tight with the admission.

At least she wasn’t alone.

That thought sent a tingle of guilt through her. “Conan was just taking advantage of the opening you gave him to dick with you. He’s the sort who thrives on that kind of buzz.”

“Where were you going with him?”

His gaze had slipped down to her breasts. Hunger softened his features as he reached out and cupped one. She still had on her thin chemise top, and she really loathed it just then, because it left her wide-open. His fingers sent a thrill through her, her skin ultra-aware of the connection. Her heart was accelerating.


“Ummm…” She tried to keep her brain from disengaging. “Just dinner. He’s a client and noticed I was in the area. He called and asked me to share supper with him.”

His expression tightened again. “And you just agreed to take off with him?”

She sat up, removing his hand from her breast so she could think.

“I wasn’t going to wait around here when Cid said you weren’t coming for a fitting. It felt like…moping. And I didn’t like knowing you were avoiding me just because I didn’t have sex with you on the first date. You shouldn’t have been pissed because I wanted to stick to my standards.”

“I wasn’t pissed.” He sat up. She felt a charge in the air between them; her belly tightened.

“Yes you were.”

“Only at myself.” He folded his legs back, leaning toward her.

Her mouth went dry. He looked like he was getting ready to lunge at her. But he gripped the bedding, his knuckles turning white.

“Because I shouldn’t have ripped into you about my own insecurities regarding people seeing me as a meal ticket.” His eyes narrowed. “As for ditching the fitting, guilty as charged. But I was a little afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth off yours and you’d jab me with a pin.”

She snorted at the image. “Might have used my scissors.”

His gaze settled on her mouth. “I love the way you taste. It’s annoying how much I think about it.”

“Gee. Thanks.” Her words might have been flippant, but her tone was husky.


She just couldn’t help it. There was something about the way he was looking at her—his jaw tight with frustration over the way she affected him—that set her blood on fire. It was the sort of thing warm, fuzzy words could never convey.

It was raw.


And it curled her toes.

She rolled over and stood up with some notion of escaping the potent storm of stimulation she was stuck in, but her damned knees wobbled. The bed moved, and a second later Syon closed his arms around her and pulled her back onto the foot of the mattress.


“Shhhh… I didn’t mean to freak you out,” he said.

“I didn’t say—”

He covered her lips with his hand, sealing her retort inside her mouth.

“It knocks me for a loop too, the intensity between us. So do me a favor and don’t deny it. I don’t need to feel like a wimp,” he said, trying to placate her.

She sighed. “Like that could ever happen.”

He nuzzled against her neck for a moment, his breath warm and setting off a swarm of tremors that raced down her skin. “I’m getting the feeling neither of us has any idea how to deal with the way we react to each other.”

She swallowed but couldn’t quite get the lump out of her throat. He was dead on the nail head, and it made her feel like she was standing on the edge of a cliff.

For a moment, he held her. She wiggled, because there was something about his embrace that was just so damned…tender.

She was pretty sure she couldn’t deal with tender from him. He’d already melted his way through her common sense, her reservations, and she didn’t need him blowing a hole straight into her heart.

“Conan’s okay. He told the cops we were rehearsing for a video.”