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“I did.”

The shower was an enormous, stone-tiled thing. Done in a warm honey tone, it had a bench seat and a collection of bathing items. She put her hand into his and felt herself losing her grip on her brain again.

Obviously the Syon reaction of choice.

The water was splashing all over him, running down his body in torrents.

And she wanted to lick it off him.

“I think I should have left my clothes on last night.”

His jaw jutted out, his expression hardening defensively.

“Because I missed the opportunity to appreciate all of you.” She grabbed a washcloth. “A real shame.”

He relaxed, something flickering in his eyes that looked like relief. She popped open a bottle of bodywash and drizzled it onto the cloth. “You’ve got to be putting in hours of resistance training.”

“Yeah. Need to have the whole package.” He swept her from head to toe.

“You know what a cardio workout is too.”

“Well, there is no fitness fairy.”

She stroked the cloth across his back, turning him away so his cock was out of sight. Her self-control was slipping again. The hard flesh might have been out of sight, but it certainly wasn’t out of mind. The idea was there, teasing her with the memory of just how good sex with him had been. Seriously, she needed to have at least one more bout, just to make sure she hadn’t been hallucinating the night before.

Maybe it had just been sensory overload. Doomed to fade after the intimate explosion.

He made a low sound of appreciation as she washed his back, leaning forward to brace his hands flat on the tile wall of the shower. She swished the cloth back and forth across his tight shoulders and onto his lower back.

“I couldn’t have waited last night for you to do anything to me.” He arched up as she touched the top of his ass. “Which is a disgusting lack of control. I’m not seventeen.”

“Seems pretty fair to me.” It probably wasn’t the brightest idea to be making confessions. It was one thing to be overwhelmed by him, another to let him know it. “I couldn’t wait either.”

He looked at her over his shoulder. “I never play fair.”

She bent her knees and drew the cloth along one thigh and down his calf.

He didn’t play fair? No shit.

He turned around when she straightened, and she got stuck in mid-motion, the cloth hanging from her hand as she was reaching for the bottle of bodywash.

Her brain just fried.

In the buff, Syon was perfection. Her breasts felt heavy; her nipples drew tight. It was an uncanny effect, like someone turned her senses up to high.

“Mmmm…my turn…”

She jumped back when he tried to claim the washcloth.

“I’m not finished.”

His eyes narrowed. “You’ll be screaming when I finish you off, baby.”

It was a hard promise, one backed up by the glint in his eyes. The stubble on his chin added to the uncivilized picture he presented.

The combination made her insides churn.

He scooped up the bodywash and clasped a hard arm around her in one of those whip-flash motions of his.

“I think it’s time to multitask.”

He crushed the bottle in his hand, drizzling it all over her body like icing. He dropped it and pulled her tightly against him.

“Now let’s dance, Kate…” She hadn’t noticed the sound system, but the shower had a control pad set right into the stone wall. He punched a couple of buttons, and the first bars of “Insatiable Craving” filled the bathroom.

“I sang this to you the night we met…”

He rubbed his body against hers, rotating, grating, holding her hips and twisting her in the opposite direction so he was sliding across her, the bodywash lathering gently with their motions.

She shuddered, pleasure shooting through her from the full-body contact.

“That’s it.”

He turned her around and ran his hands down her front. Standing up behind her so closely, his cock nestled between her buns. The water was pouring down, but she felt overheated. He started rubbing her at her collarbone, slowly stroking his way to her breasts.

She lifted her head and tipped up her chin, making sure he had a clear path to her breasts.

“I love these.”

He cupped them, his fingers moving through the lather of the bodywash, slipping and sliding around the soft globes as well as teasing her hard nipples.


She let out a soft snort. “They’re that.”

He positioned her so the water washed the soap off her breasts.

“Don’t hate your curves…” He worked his hands down her body. “You’re sexy as hell…buxom.”

From anyone else, she was pretty sure the word would have sounded idiotic, but there was something in his tone that made her feel ultra-sexy. Like “buxom” wasn’t just a nice way of saying “well fed.”

He slipped his hands down to her hips and clasped them. “Perfect for wrapping my fingers around…”

The bodywash was almost gone now, and her heart was accelerating, the idea of what they could do now that there wasn’t soap on their skin driving her wild. She reached behind her, found his thighs, and purred.

“I normally last so much longer”—he bit her neck—“but not with you.”

She stiffened and opened her eyes. The idea of him with other women bugged her. He stopped moving and turned her around so he could see her expression.

“Sorry. That was me being an insensitive dick.”

“I get it.”

He clasped her against him, still swaying with the beat.

“But I don’t like it.”

She pulled her fingernails down his chest and pushed him back. He went, not because she was stronger, but because he was watching to see what she had planned. He ended up sitting on the stone seat with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes.

“Are you jealous, Kate?”

His big cock was jutting up, the head ruby red, his skin shiny with water, making her pulse with need. Today, she enjoyed it, letting it rip through her and savoring the burn.

“Pretty sure.” She reached out and boldly clasped him, wrapping her fingers around him at the base and pulling her hand up to the head. His flesh was silky smooth but iron hard.

And thick.

Crap. She never expected to see such a thick cock.

Much less ride it.

He reached around her and cupped her butt, lifting her up to straddle him.

Good,” he rasped out, clasping her hips and guiding her over his cock. “I’d better not be alone in this.”

She tried to take control by seating herself, but he held her in place and lifted off the seat, sending only the tip of his cock inside her. It set off a shudder that went up her spine and down her legs, curling her toes.

“How do you do that?” she asked, fighting his hold and trying to plunge down on him.

He chuckled ominously and lifted her up and turned around. A second later, she was sitting on the bench, breathless from the abrupt power shift. One moment she was in the saddle and the next she was on her back.

He pressed her thighs wide, exposing her and leaving her fighting a surge of vulnerability. The seat was wide enough for her to lay all the way back. The placement of several rolled-up towels suddenly struck her as very purposeful because her head ended up on them.

“You want to be fucked,” he said slowly, just slow enough that she was hanging on his words.

Her mouth went dry, and she had to swallow before responding. “No, I want to fuck you. On top.”

His eyes flickered with hunger, but his jaw tightened. “I like you just like this…all mine to play with.”

She felt that way.

Excitement speared through her, but it collided with her pride. He was already overwhelming her so completely, she wasn’t ready to let it go any deeper.

But all the brawn she’d been admiring allowed him to keep her there, at his mercy. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it hadn’t made her so breathless. Somehow, he’d uncovered a deep, dark secret she hadn’t realized she had.