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She purred, the sound more of a warning than a response. Prowling felt just about perfect. She caught his earlobe between her teeth, biting into it just enough to make sure he felt her strength.

“Yeah, baby…don’t play nice with me.”

His tone was deep and raspy. He slid his hands down her corseted sides to her hips, cupping them and moving in time with her. She drew her claws down him, enjoying the sight of him baring his teeth at her.

“Ramsey isn’t the only animal on the prowl tonight.” She lifted the drink out of his hand and tossed back another swallow. Her blood was pumping, burning off the chill that had settled on the bare skin of her shoulders from the night air. “You want everyone to see what an animal you are.” He finished off the drink and leaned in until their lips were only a fraction of an inch apart. “I want you to see me choose you.”

He gave her neck a squeeze. Just a sample of his darker side. She shuddered and eased back, swaying as she tried to catch the beat.

Other people joined in. Women and men slid right up to them both, joining them in a sort of ménage à trios dance. She was turned away from Syon by a woman who had dark, sensuous eyes. Kate moved with her for a moment before Syon reached out to reclaim her.

Heat speared through her.

There was a possessive look in his eyes, one that sent need clawing up her insides. She let it climb, allowing herself to be split off again, this time by a man, because she knew Syon was watching. He butted his way between her and her impromptu partner, bumping chests with the guy before cupping her jaw and sealing her mouth with his.

“Oh yeah.”

“So hot…”

“Kiss me too.”

The voices were background noise. An erotic addition to the pulsing beat of Toxsin music. Someone new slid up behind her, a harder presence; she felt awareness rippling across her skin.

“You’re hot, Kate.”

Ramsey’s voice was dangerous. It slithered through her like dark temptation, luring her away from the light. Syon was still dancing with her, moving his hips in time with hers, brushing her with his erection as Ramsey cupped her hips from behind. Syon kept her chin in his hand, watching her intently.

She was pretty sure she was going to melt into a puddle.

Her core felt like it was molten, and Syon’s eyes were glittering with enough passion to reduce her to a pile of cinders. Ramsey leaned over, his hair brushing her nape and setting off another round of sensation.

She was teetering on the edge. But it didn’t bug her. Part of her was enjoying the sensation of falling, like a form of freedom she’d never been bold enough to reach out and touch.

She was hungry for it.

Strangely fascinated by it.

She turned, facing Ramsey, and reached out to grab his nipple bar. He backed up a step, baring his teeth at her.

She stuck out her chin at him, dancing up to him and tossing her hair before Syon was pulling her back around to face him.

She went to him, sliding her hands up his chest, skin to skin through the opening of his shirt. The connection was jolting, making her smile as Ramsey caught a handful of her hair and pulled it tight. He leaned over her shoulder, making full contact with her back.

She shuddered violently.

It shattered everything inside her. Every boundary she’d thought unbreakable was crumbling into particles too fine to recognize.

“Kiss him,” Syon demanded.

She hesitated, licking her lower lip as she teetered on the top of the ledge. Syon tilted his head and fitted his mouth against hers. There was a roar of approval from the crowd as he kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue deeply into her mouth before pulling away.

“Kiss him, Kate.”

She turned, not sure if it was her idea or Ramsey’s and Syon’s hands doing it for her. She caught the scent of Ramsey’s skin, drawing in a deep breath to make sure it intoxicated her.


Yet part of Syon.

It defied thought. The only thing that mattered was the pulsing need moving between them. Syon pressed up behind her, his cock hard against her lower back. Ramsey’s was hard against her stomach as she rose up on her toes to connect with his lips.

His kiss was a slow exploration of her mouth. He teased her lower lip, slipping along it before licking it. She tried to kiss him harder, but he held her back, gripping her nape to control her, and made sure she felt him doing it. He pulled away, just an inch, and shot her a look full of dominance.

She twisted his nipple bar in response. For a moment, they were caught in a tangle of defiance and the need for control. He demanded; she hissed in his face. Syon chuckled behind her.

“She’s ginger, Rams.”

“That’s the best part,” Ramsey said before claiming her mouth in a soul-shattering kiss.

There was nothing nice about it. He pressed her mouth open, storming her senses with a kiss that awakened a need to shove back at him. She grabbed his hair and kissed him back, to the delight of those watching. They roared with approval, trying to touch her.

Syon and Ramsey weren’t sharing. They moved her between them, blocking those groping hands and keeping her for themselves. She lost track of who was touching her where, twisting around to kiss Syon as she trailed her fingers down Ramsey’s open vest.

Her senses were reeling, her blood pulsing with the beat, her body on the edge, but she didn’t want to give in. She wanted to resist release, because it would end the moment.

Syon didn’t give her a choice. He cupped her mons, rubbing it hard as Ramsey thrust against her back. She shuddered, sensation tearing through her. Syon captured her cry with his mouth, Ramsey holding her up as her knees went weak. They held her through it, rocking her, supporting her, delighting her…


Chapter 5

The air-conditioning was on.

Kate felt the slight vibration of it as cool air brushed her chest.

“Waking up hungover is a lot better when it happens next to you, Kate.”

Her eyes flew open wide. She was staring at Ramsey, and he was looking at her chest. Her corset was missing, only her thin, transparent chemise top still on.

“You’ve got mouthwatering tits, girl.”

He reached out and traced one of her nipples, his eyes closing against the light.

She looked down, her breath coming out in a little rush when she realized he was still wearing his pants.

“Yeah.” Ramsey opened his eyes and caught her blushing. “Would have been a shame to be too drunk to remember having you.”

“The three of you were wasted,” Taz said from somewhere across the room, taking her level of horror to the top of the scale.

The bed rocked as Syon sat up behind her. He dropped a pillow over her chest as she turned to look across the suite. Taz was busy pounding the keys on his laptop, his short black hair in its normal spikes.

“You owe me sushi tonight for hauling your butts back and separating you from the posse that tried to join you in an orgy. Pretty sure one of them bit me. I might need a rabies shot.”

Kate groaned, suddenly recalling the dance-floor climax she’d had. “I only had one drink…”

“More like three…maybe four,” Syon said as he rolled over and landed on his feet. “For a Scot, you’re sort of a lightweight.”

She flipped him the bird but yelped when Ramsey swatted her butt.

“You need some discipline, Kate.”

“Well, you need—” She’d rolled over and sat up but stopped when she caught sight of Ramsey. His eyeliner had run and smudged around his eyes, making him look like a badger. “A date with a shower.”

She finished up with a snicker.

He sat up, settling his feet on the floor and smirked at her. “You’re one to talk.”

Syon chuckled, stretching and arching back until his spine popped.