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Kate sat hugging the pillow. Her head was hurting, her mouth dry like she’d chewed on a cotton ball sometime during the hours she couldn’t remember. All she could do was blink and try to absorb the scene.

Had she broken something?

Put the nail in her own coffin?

That thought terrified her completely. It opened a door she’d been avoiding looking at. The one that opened into a relationship she would regret losing.

Syon was ordering room service, and Ramsey wandered off into the suite, a door shutting in one of the other bedrooms. Taz had slipped on a pair of headphones that covered his ears entirely and was cussing at the game he was playing.


Syon crawled back across the bed and cupped her chin. Time started crawling by as she turned to look him in the eye.

She was scared.

Plain and simple.

What she didn’t expect to see was uncertainty in Syon’s eyes.

“You okay?” His expression tightened as silence sat between them. He was steeling himself for her reply.

She nodded, but he wasn’t accepting it from her. It was a halfhearted response, one designed to protect her feelings.

“Come on.” His tone was tight. He grasped her hand and pulled her off the bed. He maintained his grip as he tugged her into the massive master suite. He turned on the water in the shower and stripped.

She was still hugging the pillow when he turned around to look at her.

“You’ve seen me now, Kate. Everything about me.” His eyes narrowed. “I need the excess…”

Steam was billowing up from the shower. He walked backward into it, letting it engulf him. The water hit him and ran down his hard body.

“You are excess.”

That was why he sent her into a vortex. The screaming fans were all just addicted to the vapors coming off him. Fascinated by the raw energy radiating from him.

“And Ramsey keeps me grounded. Keeps me from thinking I’m the only one who craves it. I’d have lost my mind without him around to make me feel grounded.”

She dropped the pillow, reaching for him. She wanted to keep him from disappearing into a place where he felt alone. She could see it in his eyes. The desolation. The loneliness.

He waited for her, watching her strip off her top and skirt before walking into the water. It hit her skin, awakening all the sexual needs she’d never gotten satisfied the night before.

“Next time, I’m not drinking.”

His face became a tapestry of hunger. There was lust, hard desire, but also something deeper. Something intimate.

“I want to have my wits when you take me back to that place you share with Ramsey.”

Obviously, she was crazy.

“Sure about that?” he asked, cupping her hips and squeezing them until a zip of pleasure speared through her insides.

“When you jump out of an airplane, there’s only one direction to go.” She reached out and handled his cock, closing her fingers around the thick phallus and pulling her hand up to the head. “I’ll have to hope my parachute works.”

Or it was going to be a deadly crash.

“Me too.”

He lifted her up, bearing her backward and pushing her against the tile. Her knees spread to allow his body close, his cock burrowing between the folds of her sex as she lifted her hands and clasped his shoulders.

He thrust forward, her body eager for the penetration. It was more than the water from the shower; it was the state of semiarousal left from the night before. Her brain was clearing, bits and pieces of the night rising above the alcohol’s grip. She’d climaxed but gone to sleep hungry for deep satisfaction.

Her position against the wall didn’t give her much room to move and get what she wanted.

He knew it too. He was pressing her body to the tile with his chest against hers, holding her in place and keeping her from seeing his expression. She tried to arch, to take his thrusts, but he kept her still.

“Take it.” He twisted his hand in her hair, holding her in place. “Take it, just the way I want to give it to you.”

He was being savage, and there was something about it that pleased her. Something brutally honest about the moment.

“Then you’d better give it all to me,” she hissed. “No bullshit excuses about me not being able to take it.”

He rammed himself deep, both of their hearts hammering.

“I can take anything you can dish out. Maybe you get away with that crap with the rest of the world, but there is nothing about you I can’t understand. Don’t be too chicken to share yourself.”

He snorted at her. A second later, her feet were on the floor. He turned her around, and she ended up with her hands braced on the seat as he thrust back into her from behind. He could get more force behind his thrusts now, each one feeling like it was driving the breath from her.

He was holding her hips, keeping her prisoner and not even allowing her to move back into his thrusts. She grasped the edge of the seat and used her hands to push herself back, drawing a snarl from him when she succeeded.

Their skin was wet, making slapping noises when they connected. She fought to push back, delighting in every grunt she wrung from him. “I’m not going to let you hold back.”

He wrapped his arm around her body, still pumping her from behind, but now reaching down and fingering her clit.

“Same goes for you, Kate.”

Everything shifted. What had been a struggle between them, morphed into a fight to hold back climax. She reached back and grabbed his thighs, trying to work him faster, but he rubbed her clit, pushing her closer to the edge of mindless pleasure. When it came, she screamed, the sound bouncing crazily around the title walls. She dug her nails into her thighs and heard a strangled sound. He ground himself into her, roaring as his cock burst inside her. His come was hot, stinging as it hit her insides. She tightened, like a second orgasm, an aftershock that rolled through her with only slightly less force.

“I love that thing your pussy does when I get you off.”

He was slowly pumping her, his cock feeling like it hadn’t lost any of its stiffness.

“Are you a female ejaculator?”

“Hmm?” She was suddenly tongue-tied. Which was stupid, considering she’d woken up in bed with not one but two rock stars. But the topic shocked her to her core.

So much for being a sophisticated, modern woman. Syon had busted her back to fourteen with one frank question.

“Female ejaculator,” he repeated without a hitch.

He withdrew and sat down. Reaching out, he pulled her onto his lap and settled her on his length. “It’s rare, but your G-spot is sensitive, so maybe—”

“I don’t know.”

She was embarrassed, feeling awkward. He held her down when she would have lifted off him.

“You make me want to impress you, Kate.” He was still shaking, his release shocking his system. “But I can’t do that by being a good guy.”

She smiled, shaking her head. “You gotta be you. It’s what makes you irresistible.”

He lifted her chin, locking gazes with her. “Did I break something between us? Today or last night?”

Her eyes widened. “I was wondering the same thing…when I woke up with Ramsey…there…”

“With me there.” He smoothed his hands down her back. “Us…” He shook his head. “Anyone else, and I’d…” His face tightened. “I want you to come to the next show. You need to see. You’ll understand if you see.”

“I’ll be there,” she promised.

She kissed him. Softly, slowly. He framed her face, cradling it as she started to ride him. This time, there was a gentle build up, but one that culminated in an explosion that left them clinging to each other.

* * *

“Thank you, Denver!” Syon raised the microphone over his head as the Pepsi Center filled with screaming fans. It was sold out, every seat filled, and the pit was a crush of bodies all straining to get closer to the performers. The surge of bodies was like watching a tribe, all of them melding into a single entity, united by one driving force.