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“I thought you’d be asleep for a long time by now.”

Allison hesitated. “I think napping so late threw me off. I’m tired, but I can’t sleep.”

“You’re also worrying yourself to death, ain’t you?”

She nodded. No reason to deny it.

Gabe stepped forward, long limbs eating up the distance between them so smoothly. He pulled out a chair and sat beside her at the table. “You settle in?”

“Feeling guilty the entire time. Not guilty enough to change my mind, though.”

Gabe patted her hand. “I didn’t think you would.” He drew the paper toward him. “I take it this is what you’ve got planned for us.”

“It’s simple.”

“That’s always best.” He read for a minute, nodding slowly. “You got it pretty much covered here, with the whole ‘it’s an engagement to see if it’s gonna work’. That makes sense, with us supposedly dating long distance until now.”

It would also help when they called it off down the road, after her—

Allison rushed ahead, refusing to let the thought fully form in her head. “Yeah, that’s what I figured.”

He leaned back in his chair. “So, tomorrow?”

She nodded. “I’m going to try to catch my mom in the morning, by herself. I think that would be the way to start. Maybe by some miracle she’ll confess what’s wrong before I begin the hoax…”

Surprise registered on his face. “I hadn’t even considered that. Hopefully she’ll see you and change her mind. It’s possible.”

She spotted blood on his fingers. She caught him by the wrist, turning his palm up to see where it had come from. “Did you cut yourself?”

Gabe withdrew his hand and went to the sink. “It’s not mine. Sorry about that, thought I’d washed it off. I was…helping a friend, and he got a bloody nose. That’s all.”

She deliberately didn’t ask. Just sat and took another drink. The tea was lukewarm, and she gave up. Even with the discomfort in her body and mind, she had to get to bed.

Allison took her cup to the sink and suddenly realized her mistake in staying up until he returned. A long hot shower would help relax her, but no way would she suggest she take one tonight. He’d have to wait to go bed until she was done.

Just, no way.

He cleared his throat. Must have clued in where her thoughts had headed. “I didn’t build this place very comfortably for two. The extra bathroom isn’t done yet, so you go ahead and get ready. I’ll take the things in the porch out to the shed, if that’s okay.”

They went in two different directions. Allison hurried through preparations for bed, pulling the door closed to the guest room and crawling under the cold quilts. It seemed to take forever for her body heat to make the room warmer. She gave up and grabbed a pair of thick socks from the suitcase she’d propped on the desk. Crawling back into bed with the fuzzy softness on her feet, and a toque on her head might not have been a fashion statement, but it made her warmer and it worked enough that she finally fell into a restless sleep.

Restless enough that when she woke her eyes were filled with sand and she couldn’t stop yawning. The clock radio said six a.m. and she yawned again in protest.

The knock on the door was followed by Gabe’s soft question. “Awake enough for coffee?”

“Yes. A gallon, please.”

She’d have to give him money for groceries, or pick up some to replace what she’d be eating. All of her thoughts so mundane. Unimportant. Tiny little details of the morning that would all fade away once she got where she actually was going.

Allison squared her shoulders and got out of bed to face the start of the deception.

Chapter Five

Her mother’s face lit up for a moment before concern crowded in. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

Allison stepped into the familiar kitchen and wrapped her arms around Maisey, tucking her chin against her mom’s neck and breathing deeply.

The scent of family. The scent of home.

“I’m not allowed to stop in to say hi?”

“You didn’t even tell me you were coming.” Maisey squeezed one last time before releasing her and stepping back. Her gaze darted over Allison, probably noting the blue jeans and cotton shirt instead of her normal more businesslike clothing. “Look at you. You’re in town to visit one of your organic suppliers, aren’t you?”

Allison forced a grin. “Well, kind of. I have a ton to tell you. Are you headed into the restaurant this morning, or do you have time to talk?”

“Paul and Elle are working early today. I’ll go in for dinner and shut down.” Maisey pointed to the table and the coffee carafe. “And I always have time for you.”

Maintaining an excited, happy expression was difficult, but Allison thought she managed, sneaking peeks at her mother as she prepared a coffee. The drink was more to have something to do with her hands than because she was thirsty.

Maisey had grown thinner. The lines on her face were deep this morning, and the shoulder-length hair she usually kept dyed brown was streaked with the grey that had set in during her husband’s long illness.

Allison’s doubts eased even as her concern grew. Returning to Rocky was more than a whim—her mom needed her.

Maisey sat and raised a brow. “So, talk.”

Allison waited for a minute, hoping against hope her mother would be the first to crack. “Anything new in Rocky? How are all of you doing?”

Her mom paused then shrugged. “Paul was complaining about the tax forms, and Elle’s been seeing one of the newspaper reporters. New fellow to town. He’s nice enough, I suppose.”

Even wound up like a spring, Allison couldn’t stop the laugh from bursting out. “But he’s not from around here, is that it?”

Maisey looked guilty. “I did say he was nice.”

Allison pressed on. “And you? How have you been doing? It was a miserable winter.”

Her mom turned her gaze out the window and stared for a moment.

Was she going to spill the beans? Come on, Mom, tell me. Share.

All her meager hope slipped away as Maisey did no more than sigh heavily then point at the tree outside. “It was a terrible winter. The last snowfall came after the tree was already budding out, and we lost a few limbs. Your father and I were married under that willow, you know. Sad to see it in such rough shape.”

Allison made a mental note to get a tree-pruner in to save the tree if possible. “And you? What’s new?”

Maisey waved off her attempt. “Now you, stop it. Tell me why you’re here on a workday.”

It was no use. The plan had to kick into gear, and now. She smiled as hard as she could, hoping her expression didn’t look as fake as it felt. “I have good news. I’m coming back to Rocky.”

Her mother stuttered to a stop with the coffee cup halfway to her lips. Her jaw dropped slightly. “No. I thought the company said there wasn’t enough business yet to set up a second office, especially not out this way.”

Allison shook her head. “It’s not for work, Mom. I’m moving back, because, well, I’ve been seeing someone, and we’re getting married.”

Coffee sloshed over the edge of Maisey’s cup as she placed it back on the table. “Married? I didn’t even know you were dating, and you’re getting married? What on earth?”

“Oh, Mom. I just…wait, I said that wrong. We’re engaged. We’re going to get married, only not this minute. At least, we think we want to get married, but it’s been tough, since he lives here, and with me working in Red Deer. So I decided since he can’t move, and I can, I’d come back to Rocky. While we double-check to make sure it’s what we want. The getting-married, I mean.”