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She stepped out of her bedroom the exact second Gabe strode past. Naked.

Their eyes met, but there was too much tension in his expression for it to be sexual or even embarrassing. He was furious, and she paused in the doorway to let him stomp through his bedroom and into the bath area.

If she happened to stare at the way the muscles in his ass flexed as he moved, she wasn’t going to tell him.

“You okay, Gabe?”

Nothing answered but the sound of running water. She made sure she kept her back to the open arch of the bathroom to give him privacy, but still stepped into the room. “Gabe? You need me to do anything?”

He sighed. “I’ll be fine. How’s the kitten?”

She touched her fingers lightly to its head, and it pressed against her palm. Something inside her went soft. “Warming up.”

Asking what had happened didn’t seem like a great idea.

He was quiet for another moment, then spoke. “Good. I guess I should ask if you’d like a pet.”

The out-of-the-blue suggestion made her heart flutter. “Pet? I can keep it inside?”

“You seemed to like them. If you want, you can name it. And when you leave, you can take the kitten with you. If that doesn’t work for you, I’ll keep it here.”

It was nearly enough to make her forget she was studiously avoiding looking in his direction. Cats were never inside pets. “Really?”

His fingers appeared along the edge of the glass as he grasped on tight. When he stuck his head around the corner he was still dripping wet, but the mud covering his forehead had washed away. The hard tension in his face softened although his nostrils flared for a moment. A slow smile came onto his expression, almost reluctantly, as if he was forced to let it show. “You look like a kangaroo.”

She cuddled her burden, feeling a little silly but still curious as all get out. “Body heat is probably good for him.”

Gabe nodded. “I hadn’t even checked to see what he was. Tough little guy, and yeah, I’m serious. If he was too stubborn to die, I’m not going to toss him to the wolves. If you can’t keep him, I’ll take him on.”

He was pulling back and Allison impulsively reached out and laid her fingers over his, trapping him. “I take it something bad happened.”

He shrugged. “Something typical happened, but I’m not going to let typical run my life.”

Which made no sense, but she wasn’t about to ask for more explanations. Not as she realized only that narrow glass barrier stood between her and him. Naked him.

Their eyes met again, and this time she was even more aware of where they were. His strong hand under hers, skin slick with moisture. She snuck her hand back as if she’d touched the stove.

The lazy smile expanded until it was hundred percent Angel Coleman who she remembered from years ago. “You planning on scrubbing my back?” he asked. “I’m feeling extra dirty right now.”

She paused, shocked at his suggestion. “Gabe, what are—?”

A cough sounded behind her, and she spun to find Rafe standing in the doorway, grinning at them both.

“I…well, I didn’t knock, but I did call a couple of times. You guys need me to get anything ready for dinner? Or you want me to come back in a few hours?”

Allison’s cheeks were burning hot, but she kept her chin up. Behind her Gabe’s bright laugh boomed out. “Get out of here, you ass.”

Rafe winked and retreated.

Allison’s heart was still pounding.

Gabe’s suggestive comment—he’d known Rafe was there all the time.

She was torn between being even more embarrassed and being angry. Didn’t matter that their cover was now firmly established with Rafe—the situation was wholly believable—she was still pissed.

Because I wish he’d really been talking to me.

The truth made her bold. She wanted to somehow get back a bit of her own power in the situation. Maybe it wasn’t smart, maybe it was the stupidest thing she’d ever done.

Gabe had retreated behind the glass barrier, Rafe gone the opposite direction. Allison squared her shoulders, supported the kitten in place and stepped into the opening of the shower.

This time she didn’t keep her eyes locked at head level. She let herself enjoy seeing him naked in the middle of the spray. He was facing away from her, and that perfect backside was centre stage, his muscular ass flexing as he shifted his weight. Soap bubbles escaped from where he rubbed his hands over his shoulders, the liquid splashing up as he lifted his face into the direct line of the water.

Wet, his blond hair was darker. He grabbed the soap from the wall dish and his hands moved quickly. Over his chest, his abdomen. Lower still as he twisted to rinse the soap from his back.

Which gave her the best view possible of his front. Of his hands rubbing over his cock and balls.


The word surprised her into looking up, all his body gone tight again. Hands crossing to cover his groin.

“Allison?” Confusion in the word, a frown on his face.

She opened her eyes innocently. “I thought you needed me to scrub your back?”

A short pause was followed by a hearty snort. “You’re as much trouble as my brother. Go on.”

She tilted her head to the side and looked him over once more before turning as casually as possible and retreating.

Retreating because, hot damn, the man was fine. And if she’d stayed there a moment longer, she’d have forgotten everything—their visitor in the living room, the kitten in her pocket and maintaining deceptions. She’d have stripped down and pressed herself against him and not left until she’d found out exactly how heavenly this Angel Boy could make her feel.

Chapter Nine

Dinner with Rafe was a different affair than Gabe expected—he was shocked how much the tiny package of fur he’d rescued impacted, well, everything.

Rafe seemed equally fascinated and scandalized by the kitten’s presence. Gabe played down the details of what had happened, just tucked the warm bundle into his brother’s hands and watched the results. Allison called the vet to find out if the kitten would need special attention.

They all hovered.

He made a mash for the creature that, miraculously, seemed none the worse for its experience. Conversation during the meal went back to ordinary topics except they all constantly checked to make sure the cat was okay.

After dinner Allison sat on the floor, Rafe squatted by her side, both of them totally into discussing names.

“Blackie?” Allison suggested.

“Boring.” Rafe grinned. “Midnight is better, or Starbender.”

Allison snorted. “Those are better names?”

“Cobalt. Black Lightning.” Rafe was way more into this than Gabe had anticipated. Allison glanced up, and he winked at her, content for a little bit of normality to finish his day.

The kitten stepped all the way into the cookie sheet Gabe had spread the mash in, instantly coating all four paws with white goop.

“Oh no.” Allison grabbed him around the middle and reached for a towel.

“Don’t,” Gabe warned. “It’s okay—he’ll lick the mash off his paws and eat it. It’s a good way to get some food into him.”

“Really? Okay, but it looks like he’s wearing rubber boots with the white on his black fur.”

Rafe laughed. “Puss in Boots.”

“There you go.” Gabe scratched the kitten’s head. “There’s a good name for him.”

Allison nodded. “I like it. What do you think, Rafe?”

His kid brother shrugged. “Sure, I mean, whatever, it’s just a cat, you know.” He jumped to his feet and pretended to be busy clearing the table.