“I don’t think it’s over,” Boomer said. “We’re tracking several slow movers throughout the area; the closest one is twenty miles to the east, heading this way.”
“Let’s get back to the hangar and see what we have left,” Patrick said morosely. “We’ll have to get an update on the third Loser and what mission modules we can use.” They all piled into their Humvees and sped off to the flight line.
By the time they stopped at the infirmary to drop off Jon and then reached the hangar, the ringing in Patrick’s ears had subsided enough so he could function fairly normally. With the jamming stopped, they were again in full reconnaissance and communications relay mode with the first XC-57, which had moved back up to a new patrol orbit southeast of Allied Air Base Nahla, within laser radar range of the three major northern Iraqi cities of Mosul, Irbil, and Kirkuk that were under attack.
Patrick ran a visibly shaking hand across his face as he studied the reconnaissance display. The adrenaline rushing through his veins was starting to subside, leaving him weary and jittery. “Are you okay, sir?” Hunter Noble asked.
“I’m a little worried about Jon. He looked pretty bad.”
“You look pretty beat up, too, sir.”
“I’ll be okay.” He smiled at the concerned expression on Boomer’s face. “I forgot what it’s like to be under a bombardment like that. It really rattles you.”
“Maybe you ought to get some rest.”
“I’ll be okay, Boomer,” Patrick repeated. He nodded at the young pilot and astronaut. “Thanks for being so concerned.”
“I know about your heart thing, sir,” Boomer said. “The only thing worse than reentry from space might be almost being clobbered by a string of thousand-pound bombs. Maybe you shouldn’t push your luck.”
“Let’s get the vice president down safely and get a clear picture of what’s going on, and then I’ll go take a little nap.” This didn’t ease Boomer’s concern one bit, and it showed on his face, but Patrick ignored it. “Any jets bothering the Loser?”
No use arguing with the guy, Boomer thought—he was going to work until he dropped, plain and simple. “Nope,” he replied. “Every fighter within fifty miles has lit it up, but nobody has attacked. They’re not bothering our UAVs either.”
“They know most of the planes flying up here are unarmed reconnaissance planes, and they’re not going to waste ammo,” Patrick guessed. “Pretty damned disciplined. They know there’s very little resistance to what they’re doing right now.”
“Lots of slow movers coming in, and several columns of vehicles headed our way,” Boomer said. They were intently watching several dozen slower-moving planes, mostly buzzing near Kirkuk and Irbil. One plane, however, was heading westbound directly for Nahla. “Any modes and codes on that one?” Patrick asked.
“Nope,” Boomer replied. “He’s very low and fast. No communications yet. The laser radar image shows it as a C-130-size twin turboprop, but he changes speed every now and then, slower than a tactical airlift plane should go. He might be having mechanical problems.”
“Do we have contact with the Avengers?”
“I think they’re all talking to Colonel Wilhelm in the Tank again.”
Patrick opened the command channeclass="underline" “Scion One to Warhammer.”
“Good to see you’re still with us, Scion,” Wilhelm said from his command console in the Tank. “You’re still yelling into the mic. Get your bell rung out there?”
“Advise you get your Avengers to ensure positive visual ID before engaging, Warhammer.”
“The Turks just bombed the crap out of my runway, Scion, and they’ve got vehicles heading this way. We’ve received reports of three separate columns of armored vehicles. I’m not going to let them just traipse onto this base without taking a few down first.”
“That inbound to the east might not be a Turk.”
“Then who do you think it is?”
“Not on an open channel, Warhammer.”
Wilhelm fell silent for a few moments; then: “Roger, Scion.” He didn’t know who or what McLanahan was thinking of, but the guy was on a roll; better help him keep his streak alive. “Break. All Warhammer units, this is Alpha, be advised, we have no aircraft authorized to approach the base, and we couldn’t land them here if there were, but I want positive visual IDs of all inbound aircraft. Repeat, I want positive EO or direct visual ID. IR and no modes, and codes are not, repeat, not good enough.” He paused for a moment, re-thinking his next order, then continued: “If you don’t have positive ID, report direction, speed, altitude, and type, but let it go. If you are unclear, sing out, but keep weapons tight unless you have positive ID it’s a bandit. Warhammer out.”
It did not take long for the first report to come in: “Warhammer, this is Piney One-Two,” the easternmost Avenger unit called. “I have visual contact on single-ship bogey, one-five-zero degrees bullseye, heading west, one hundred and eighty knots, altitude base minus one-eight, negative modes and codes.” The “base” altitude was two thousand feet, meaning that the aircraft was two hundred feet aboveground. “Looks like a Victor Two-Two.”
“Oh, thank you, Lord,” Wilhelm muttered to himself. How the hell many drinks and dinners am I going to have to owe McLanahan after this is all over…? “Roger, One-Two. Continue patrol, weapons tight. All Warhammer units, this is Alpha, inbound aircraft approaching, weapons tight until it touches down, then back to FPCON Delta. Weatherly, take charge here. I’m headed out to the flight line. Thompson, get your guys out there to recover this inbound, and I want security as tight as a gnat’s bunghole. Air traffic, let this guy in, and make sure there are no tails. Thompson, park him in Alpha security.” He threw off his headset and sprinted for the door.
He found McLanahan and Kris Thompson at the secure aircraft parking area, a section of the aircraft apron surrounded by exhaust blast fences in front of the large hangar. Thompson had deployed his security forces along the south taxiway and the ramp leading from the taxiway to the apron. Wilhelm’s eyes narrowed as he saw McLanahan. The retired general’s head and the backs of his hands were covered in wounds from flying debris. “You should be in the infirmary, General,” he said.
McLanahan was wiping his face, head, and hands with a large white moistened towel, which was already dirty from his ministrations. “That can wait,” he said.
“How long? Until you pass out?”
“I dropped Jon off at the medic and had them take a look at me.”
Bullshit, Wilhelm thought, but he didn’t say it aloud. He shook his head ruefully, not wanting to argue with the guy, then nodded off to the east. “Why is he coming here?”
“I don’t know.”
“Not too smart, if you ask me.” Wilhelm pulled out his radio. “Two, this is Alpha. Where’s that closest column of vehicles?”
“Twenty klicks north, still approaching.”
“Roger. Continue to monitor, let me know when they’re within ten klicks.” Not yet in shoulder-fired missile range, but the inbound aircraft was in deadly danger if it was spotted by Turkish warplanes.
A few minutes later they heard the distinctive heavy high-speed whupwhupwhup of a large rotorcraft. A CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft zoomed in low and fast over the base, made a tight left turn while transitioning to vertical flight, then hover-taxied along the line of security vehicles up the ramp to the apron and touched down. It was directed inside the secure parking area, where it shut down.
Thompson’s security forces redeployed all around the entire aircraft parking area while Wilhelm, McLanahan, and Thompson approached the Osprey. The rear cargo ramp opened up, and three U.S. Secret Service agents, wearing body armor and carrying submachine guns, stepped out, followed by Vice President Kenneth Phoenix.