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36Washington Post. 1978. 29. IX.

37Time. 1979. 26. XI. P. 29; New Republic. 1979. 1. XII. P. 3.

39Cannon L. Op. cit. P. 242.

39Ibid. P. 243–244.

40New York Times. 1980. 2. 111.

41International Herald Tribune. 1980. 17. VII.

42Time. 1980. 28. VII. P. 21.

43Цит. пo: Cannon L. Op. cit. P. 273.

44Ibid. P. 277.

45Carter J. Keeping Faith. P. 542–543.

46Time. 1980. 31. HI. P. 18.

47Carter J. Keeping Faith. P. 543.

49Time. 1980. 3. XI. P. 12.

49International Herald Tribune. 1980. 13. X.

50Time. 1981. 5. I. P. 12.

51Atlantic. 1980. X. P. 33–34; New Republic. 1985. 4. II. P. 21.

52New Republic. 1980. 25. X. P. 3.

53Maclean's. 1980. 17. XL P. 29.

54International Herald Tribune. 1980. 31. X.

55Ibid. 30. X.

56Time. 1983. 25. VII. P. 43; цит. no: Flynt L., Freed D. Op. cit. P. 101.

57Time. 1980. 17. XL P. 13, 21.

58Carter J. Keeping Faith. P. 578.

59Brzezinski Z. Power and Principle: Memoirs of the National Security Adviser, 1977–1981. N. Y., 1983. P. 513.

В главной роли

1Time. 1981. 2. IL P. 6.

2Brownstein R., Easton N. Op. cit. P. XV.


4Time. 1981. 2. II. P. 7.

5U.S. News and World Report. 1981. 2. II. P. 70–72.

6 Harper's. 1981. I. P. 8.

7The Illustrated Heritage Dictionary and Information Book. Boston, 1977. P. 1622; The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. 2nd. ed. L., 1966. P. 200.

8New York Times. 1984. 17. 1.

9U.S. News and World Report. 1980. 17. XI. P. 51.

10International Herald Tribune. 1980. 6. XI.

11Цит. пo: Cannon L. Op. cit. P. 305.

12Time. 1981. 5. I. P. 24; 1980. 17. XI. P. 24.

13U.S. News and World Report. 1980. 17. XI. P. 51.

14Brownstein R., Easton N. Op. cit. P. 29.

13Time. 1980. 20. X. P. 35.

16Newsweek. 1980. 17. XI. P. 13.

17Cannon L. Op. cit. P. 304.

18Wills G. Op. cit. P. 304.

19Цит. пo: Brownstein R.. Easton N. Op. cit. P. XVI.

20Ibid. P. XXII, XXV.

21Vital Speeches of the Day. Vol. XLV1I. N 11. 1981. 15. III. P. 322–326; International Herald Tribune. 1981. 19. 11.

22Lekachman R. Vision and Nightmares: America after Reagan. N. Y., 1987. P. 119; The American Elections of 1984 / Ed. by A. Runney. Duke University Press, 1985. P. 19.

23Cannon L. Op. cit. P. 328.

24Internationa) Herald Tribune. 1982. 21. 1.

25Washington Post. 1981. 30. I; New York Times. 1981. 30. I.

28International Herald Tribune. 1981. 31. 1–1. 11.

27Ibid. 1983. 31. III.

28Ibid. 1981. 28. Il; 1. 111.

29Washington Post. 1981. 1. 11.

30Newsweek. 1981. 13. IV. P. 19.

31Ibid. P. 13.

32International Herald Tribune. 1981. 1. IV.

33Cannon L. Op. cit. P. 405.

34International Herald Tribune. 1981. 4–5. IV.

35Newsweek. 1984. 8. X. P. 28.

36U. S. News and World Report. 1981. 1. VI. P. 44.

37 Time. 1981. 5. I. P. 15.

38Letters to the Editor. Washington Post. 1981. 2. XII.

39New York Times. 1981. 26. IV.

40Washington Post. 1981. 28. VI.

41Цит. пo: International Herald Tribune. 1981 27. IV.

42Cannon L. Op. cit. P. 335.

43Ibid. P. 337.

44International Herald Tribune. 1981 21 I.

45Ibid. 4. XL

48New York Times. 1981. 13. IV

47Cannon L. Op. cit. P. 400.

48New Yorker. 1989. 2. И. P. 38–39.

49Washington Post. 1981. 25. X.

50Cannon L. Op. cit. P. 304–306, 308, 319, 328, 371–373, 375, 381, 394.

51Wills G. Op. cit. P. 320, 333.

52Newsweek. 1980. 21. VII. P. 41.

53Цит. пo: Talbot1S. The Russians and Reagan. N. Y., 1984. P. 115—117

54LaFeber W. The American Age: United States Foreign Policy at Home and Abroad since 1750. N. Y., 1989. P. 693.

55De Mause L. Reagan’s America. N. Y., 1984. P. 132.

56International Herald Tribune. 1984. 18. I.

57New York Times. 1982. 12. I.

58De Mause L. Op. cit. P. 114; The American Elections of 1984/Ed. by A. Runney. P. 21; Friedman В. M. Day of Reckoning. The Consequences of American Economic Policy under Reagan and after. N. Y., 1988. P. 137.

59U. S. News and World Report. 1981. 28. All; 1982. 4. I. P. 27.

60Washington Post. 1983. 21. I.

61The American Elections of 1984/Ed. by A. Runney. P. 26–27; International Herald Tribune. 1983. 9. VIII.

62U. S. News and World Report. 1983. 14. II. P. 71–73; International Herald Tribune. 1984. 2. II.

63New Republic. 1984. 22. X. P. 8.

64U. S. News and World Report. 1984. 6. II. P. 20.

65Foreign Policy. 1989. Summer. N 75. P. 46–47.

66New York Times. 1983. 25. IX; Chicago Tribune. 1983. 4. IX.

67Ibid. 3. IX.

68Цит. пo: De Mause L. Op. cit. P. 347.

69Mandelbaum M., Talbott S. Reagan and Gorbachev. N. Y. 1987. P. 36.

70Цит. пo: The American Elections of 1984/Ed. by A. Runney. P. 29–30.

71Цит. пo: De Mause L. Op. cit. P. 154.

72Time. 1983. 7. XI. P. 30–38; Washington Post. 1983. 28. X; 13. XI; New York Times. 1983. 27, 28. X; 6. XI.

73Observer. 1983. 30. X. P. 11; Newsweek. 1983. 7. XI. P. 42; New York Post. 1983. 27. X; цит. no: The American Elections of 1984/Ed. by A. Runney. P. 31.

74Time. 1983. 7-. XI. P. 30, 36; U. S. News and World Report. 1983. 7. XI. P. 11.

75Time. 1983. 7: XI. P. 30.

76New York Times. 1983. 7. XI.

77Правда. 1984. 4 янв.

78Talbott S. Op. cit. P. 129–140.

79International Herald Tribune. 1984. 18. I.

80New Yorker. 1989. 2. I. P. 51.

81Ibid. P. 51–52.

82New York Times. 1984. 15. I.

83Washington Post. 1988. 18. IX.

84Mayer McManus D. Landslide: The Unmaking of the President, 1984–1988. Boston, 1988. P. 15.

85Washington Post. 1988. 18. IX.

86Reagan R. In Search of Peace with Freedom: Selected Presidential Speeches on Peace, Security and US — Soviet Relations, 1981–1987. USIA, 1987. P. 35.

87New Yorker. 1989. 2. I. P. 52.

88Eagle Resurgent? Reagan Era in American Foreign Policy/Ed. by Ovl Kenneth A. et al. Boston, 1987. P. 204.

89 New York Times. 1984. 12. X; International Herald Tribune. 1984. 27–28. X.