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Annabeth laughs.

“It could be worse,” she says, but doesn’t offer any proof to back the theory.

“I guess,” I tell her. “I wish that just once, something could go right for me in this city. Everything’s so competitive and everyone treats each other like dirt.”

“It’s not the city,” Annabeth tells me. “You just need to get out there and get your freak on.”

“My freak,” I tell her, “is permanently set in the off position. Besides, I think people stopped saying that like ten years ago.”

“Whatever,” Annabeth says. “I have the perfect guy for you.”

This is the other problem with Annabeth. She’s always trying to hook me up with someone, and she has the worst taste in men.

“My cousin just got into town and he’s looking for someone to take out to a nice dinner. He’s a really funny guy, and people tell me that he’s pretty handsome, too. He’s my cousin and all, so I don’t really look at him like that, but I think you two would really hit it off.”

“And now tell me what’s wrong with him.”

“Nothing,” she says, taking another drag. “Nothing’s wrong with him.”

Wait for it.

“Okay, I guess he can be a little impulsive, but girl, you know spontaneity’s the spice of life.”

“You said he just got into town. Where was he?”

“Upstate,” Annabeth answers, looking at her feet.

I really hope I’m not that bad at hiding things.

“Where upstate?” I ask.

And here it comes.

“Okay, he was kind of locked up for a little while, but the whole thing was just a total misunderstanding. He was drunk and thought the car was his!”

“Yeah,” I say. “I’m sorry, but I do have a no-felons rule in my dating life.”

“Oh, like you’re going to find a good-looking single man in this city without a record,” she scoffs.

“I’ll take my chances,” I tell her.

“I’m done. You wanna play hooky?”

“I still have to go downstairs and help Atkinson write a speech for his son’s career day.”

Annabeth groans.

“I know,” I tell her. “Maybe next time.”

“You always say that, but you’ve never slipped out with me longer than a smoke break,” she complains. “Who’s even going to know that we’re gone?”

“Everyone!” I snap. “Every time you leave in the middle of the day, I have to pick up your crap just to make sure no one wonders why you’re not here. Nobody’s going to do that for me, and they’re certainly not going to do that for both of us. Maybe, with your summa cum laude, you might have better luck landing something if you ever did any damn work around here!”

I don’t know what exactly she said that pushed me over the edge, but here I am on my way down.

“Easy, girl,” she says, holding her palms up and toward me. “I didn’t know it was such a burden for you.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, not knowing why I’m crying. “I just hate this stupid job and I hate this stupid city, but I can’t leave or else I’ll always be the one who couldn’t make it in the real world.”

“You think New York is the real world?” she asks. “Hell, you think there is something called the real world? Lei-Lei, you gotta calm down and realize everyone out there’s going through the same shit as you. None of us are going to land half what Kidman would pull down with his golden parachute and that man hasn’t done a hard day’s work in thirty years. What you’ve gotta do is learn to find some kind of happiness for yourself. That’s the only way you’re going to make it.”

“I’m sick of the platitudes,” I tell her. “I get what you’re saying, but going out there and hooking up with a car thief isn’t going to make my life any better.”

She laughs. “Fine, you don’t have to go out with my cousin. Actually, he’s not really my cousin. Joe just wants us to double with someone. Can you believe it? He says that when we go out alone, I just dominate the conversation and never let him get a word in. He tells me that I’m always trying to tell people what to do…”

She starts to trail off as I roll my eyes.

“Listen,” she says, “things aren’t that bad, okay? Yeah, we’ve got shitty jobs, but we’re working for a company that moves millions of dollars around every day. The whole economy can rise or fall depending on what mood the boss is in—yeah, that’s terrible planning on a societal level, but this is where it all happens and we’re a part of it.”

“Atkinson wants me to help him lance a blister between his toes.”

All right, I’m smiling.

“Okay, that’s disgusting,” she says, “but you know how good this place looks on a resumé. Hell, getting kicked out of the lobby will land you a couple hundred-thou anywhere else.”

“I guess.”

For all her flaws, this is why I love Annabeth. She always knows how to cheer me up when I’m starting to look at the edge of the building too seriously.

“There you go,” she says. “Now you get in there, and you lance the shit out of that old dude’s blister!”

I laugh. “You almost had it there,” I tell her.

“Took it one too far, didn’t I?” she asks, smiling back at me.

As I’m walking back into the building, the strangest thought comes into my mind.

I think it started as a way to comfort myself and keep Annabeth’s pep talk going, but the direction my brain just went is strange and I don’t like it.

At least I have Dane to go home to.

Chapter Six

The Building across the Street


She doesn’t really talk to me, so I can’t be sure, but I’m starting to get the feeling that Leila doesn’t like me.

It probably didn’t help that I only learned her name last week when I was going through her mail. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t caught me in the act.

After knocking that lamp off the table in the living room last night, it’s probably best if I don’t go home tonight. As I open my eyes and take in the gorgeous view that is this naked redhead, I think I’ll be fine.

“You know,” she says, pulling me down to her mouth, kissing me softly, “I never do this.”

They never do.

“Well, I’m glad you made an exception,” I tell her.

The next thing I know, she’s somehow pulled me down onto the bed, rolled us both so she’s now on top, and she’s sliding me inside of her with a greedy look in her eyes.

Her muscles wrap around me, holding me tight, and I kiss her neck as she breathes, “You feel amazing.”

“So do you,” I respond. It’s not the most romantic or clever option, but it’s close enough.

She leans back slightly, positioning her breasts directly in front of me, and I take her nipples into my mouth, each in their turn, drawing little circles with my tongue.

She leans back further and now I’m running my hand between her breasts and down the front of her body, her skin so warm to the touch.

“I love the way you fill me up,” she moans, and I place my hands on her hips, guiding her smoothly up and down my erection.

I meet the motion of her hips with my own and we move in sensual harmony, our only goal to bring each other to that release that just makes every problem in the world seem so trivial.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What’s that?” I ask.

She continues to rock her hips, and she throws her head back, her long, red hair flipping with the motion.

Her eyes are closed as she utters, “There’s something I’ve always wanted to try, but I’ve never had the courage to ask anyone.”

“Sure,” I said. “What is it?”

She leans forward and presses into me hard. She’s reaching for something with both hands, but from where I’m lying, I can’t tell what until I feel the cold metal around both wrists.