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Then Jack began lowering the fire while still staring at the young, shivering girl. He brought the candle flame down, down until it was near her right nipple. Betti again felt the heat, her body pressed hard against the splintery upright wood, her ass flattened against the pole while she dug her fingernails into the wood. Her nipple was starting to swell in a moment, Jack brought the candle flame up closer, letting the tip of the fire brush lightly against her tit tip. "No, eaghghghh!"

Betti twisted and writhed madly, her body straining so hard against the ropes the hemp threatened to cut through her sweat-glistening flesh. He was almost burning her nipples off, letting the tip of the flame flick across her nub, then move down around to the bottom circle of her areola. Betti rose on her toes, – struggling against the ropes holding her down, her arms threatening to break against the restraining hemp. Jack moved the fire down, down until it was burning the fine light-blonde fuzz coating her belly. She strained to be silent, her lips a tight scar. When she let the fire flicker into her navel the girl let out a howl.


"Stop it! God, Joe, stop it! How can you let them do that to your friend?" Tina cried.

"Shut up, baby, or I'll burn you at the stake, too!" Jack snapped.

Tina grew quiet, turning her head away as the smell of the burning flesh next to her grew nauseating. Betti drew in gulping breaths of air as Jack brought the fire up to her left nipple, letting the flame eat away at the tip until she yammered for mercy. Her cries had no effect, Jack moving the fire down to the full round bottom of her pendulous tit.

Then he made a violent move, one Betti would never forget. She felt the fire leave her nipples and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she felt something awfully hot burning through her cunt. God in heaven, he had the candle dawn around her pussy!


Jack was shoving the candle up into her cuntal thicket, the flame burning her blonde pussy hairs. Betti shrieked, throwing her head back, banging her skull again and again against the pillar behind her. She cried and sobbed, the flame licking into her fuck-slot, then burning the curly blonde hair protecting her juicy little cunthole. Again and again, the girl screamed before Jack finally pulled the candle back an inch.

"It's a shame. You've got a nice pussy… real nice. It's soft and warm, and nobody's plowed it. Yeah, a real virgin. I like that idea," Jack said, looking around briefly for approval from his buddies. "I like fuckin' with a Goddamned virgin. Of course, she's no virgin up her ass anymore."

"Betti!" Tina gasped.

Betti nearly fell through the floor. She surely would have felt more shame if Jack hadn't passed the candle between her legs again. The smell of her singed pussy hairs seemed to be an aphrodisiac to him. He was waving the burning candle an inch from her cunt now, watching as the orange flame left the curling golden pussy hairs black.

"No, no, yaghghghhh!"

It wouldn't end. He dappled her cuntal thicket with the melting wax, watching as more and more of the molten goo dripped into her cunt. It was too much to stand. The girl twisted and sobbed as the flame licked once more at her reddened cuntlips. The heat lanced into her pussy. The helpless girl babbled, her words disappearing in the froth of her horror as the fire burned more and more of her cunt hairs.

It came, then, as a surprise when she heard a hissing sound. Suddenly the fire was out. Looking down, she saw that some of her cuntal juice had dripped onto the candle's burning wick, putting out the fire. She was aroused – hot and aroused, as excited as anything! What on earth could be making her sweet little cunt this hot?

"Man, oh man! I'm gonna give it to you, baby," Jack said.

Betti tensed, knowing her gyrations and screams had set her glands in motion. She was panting, her nipples red not only from the burning flame but also from her own lewd excitement. The ropes, the harsh words, everything was making her so hot!

"Betti! What's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything!" Tina asked.

"She's too fuckin' hot to talk, that's why, bitch," Jack snarled.

As Jack taunted the sobbing Tina, Betti wept with fear and guilt and lust. She was exposing herself this way daily all sorts of horrible things and feeling them while the men mocked her. He turned, putting his heavy hands on her shoulders while Joe walked up and loosened the bonds around her wrists.

They were pushing her down, down, her knees bending until her lips were even with Jack's groin. He pushed his cock-bulge up against her hips, rubbing them with the rough jean material. He unzipped his pants, puling out his stiff fucker and rubbing it up against her nose and mouth.

Kathy gasped, smelling the sour odor of his sweaty crotch. He was enjoying her mounting terror, her growing disgust. He moved in, reaching down and pressing his fingertips slowly and hard against the sides of her jaw until Betti opened her mouth with a groan.

"No, no… uhhhhh!"

He slipped his prick in. The taste of the sweaty slimy thing made the girl choke. He slapped her face twice to keep her from retching. The weight of his fat meaty cock scraped her lower teeth. He felt that and warned her of a savage beating if she so much as tried to bite his cock.

"Oh God, Betti! No, no, don't do this to yourself! Oh, God!"

He was sawing his cock back and forth, his breathing growing uneven while he tugged at her hair and drew his knees up against her flattened tits. She yielded to him finally, her mouth filled with his cockmeat. The blue veins wiggled against her stretched lips.

As Jack moved back and forth, her cunt pulsed while her cuntlips dripped with more and more juice. It was as if some awful demon had taken over making her feel terrible, guilty things while he fucked her mouth. She tried not to choke.

Jack fucked her mouth faster and faster, finally letting out a choked cry as his jizz jetted into her throat.

Betti gagged, nearly vomiting as the warm cum spilled into her mouth, the slime oozing down her throat to her belly. She coughed, spit and cum frothing around the corners of her cock-stretched lips.

"Good, good head, bitch, real good," Jack groaned, smoothing his hands around her skull while cramming his prick all the war down into her throat.

Betti groaned, defeated once more.


The small box they had forced her into was dark and nearly airless. She was trapped there, standing straight with less than one inch of room on either side of her narrow shoulders. Each time she took a breath, the young girl felt the air around her grow more fetid and thick.

She thought about Tina briefly, knowing full well that her own fate was far more important. Jack had enjoyed forcing her to suck cock. And now he and his buddies had thrown her in here after having had her lick his boots. Tina had beard her brother to let them go, with the predictable violent results. And now Betti found herself pushed into this horrid confinement, her knees braced against the front of the box while she fought for every breath she took. What bizarre thing did the boys have in mind for her and her friend? Betti thought about her mother, about the possibility that what Jack and Joe had laughed about was true. Again, the girl pushed that from her mind as fear gripped her and she whispered her prayers.

Someone was moving around outside the box. She could hear shuffling footsteps. Beads of cold perspiration dotted her wrinkled forehead. She cringed, nearly jumping against the front of that awful box when she heard a faint scraping sound to one side. She rolled her eyes in the direction of the noise, her skin prickling with horror. She could feel a distant trickle of air coming through needle-slim openings that dotted the wood all around her. Betti could just barely see tiny dots of light coming through these holes, and she was wondering what on earth they were there for. She soon found out, feeling something scraping against her windpipe.