Kathy shrank back, grabbing her injured belly and sliding against the wooden wall behind her until her asscheeks pillowed against the supports… She shuddered, her hand jerking a little as she end the towering stud warily. She knew what Jack could do. She had endured him and his cruelty earlier, and now lay aching on the floor, sucking in deep breaths. Jack dragged a chair around, straddling the back and looking down at her, grinning. How she bated that cat's smile! He was so sure of himself, so arrogant as she trembled like a defeated little animal at his feet! If only she could muster the strength and courage to attack him. Surely she could do that, do that one little thing for her daughter. But when she moved, Kathy felt a killing ache throb through her shoulders and belly. She fell back against the wall, dosing her eyes in defeat. "Why don't you tell me the truth? I kinda wanna hear about how you were going to sacrifice everything for her sake – some kinda lie like that. Right?"
"No, that's no lie!" Kathy gasped, looking at her daughter still prone on the floor.
Betti pulled herself up, shaking the stupor from her brain as she looked pleadingly at her mother.
"No, Mother, don't… don't say anything, please," she begged.
"Quiet, you little cock-suckers!" Jack snapped.
"Don't call her that!" Kathy protested.
Jack pulled a switchblade from his pocket and flicked the weapon open. The woman panicked as Betti screamed and drew back. Joe was behind Betti, reaching down and grabbing her hair only to twist it around and up. The girl's eyelids fluttered, her body shuddering as if electricity were coursing through it. She kicked out her legs, her arms jerking up as she clawed up at the boy's hands.
Kathy couldn't bear to see her daughter suffering that way. She started to crawl up, leaning against the wall behind her while she felt some strength returning to her legs. Betti continued to scream, scratching and beating at the fingers hurting her scalp while her legs buckled under her. Kathy lurched forward, diving at Joe like an avenging tigress. Quick as a striking rattlesnake, Jack kicked the chair against the woman.
Kathy fell back, the top of the chair striking her forehead and leaving a long red mark. She screamed, hearing her daughter crying out again for help as Jack moved quickly once more in front of her. She drew in another ragged breath, trying to regain her balance and judge where the next attack would come from.
The woman screamed as she felt Jack's fist sweep down and crash against her forehead. She fell back, her body snapping around while her legs slipped out from under her. Jack swung his booted foot back, kicking through a whistling are into Kathy's face. The woman shouted again, sure she could hear something snapping and breaking inside her skull. The room spun around while her head snapped back. She fell heavily, hardly moving while all sorts of sounds filled her head. Jack nudged Kathy with his foot.
"I told you, you shouldn't get too involved in this, lady. Now you're really in for it." He took the switchblade in one hand again, bringing it up to her face. When Kathy felt something cold pressing against her cheek, she drew back, finding herself eyeing that dreadful blade. She let out a err, inching back until she collapsed against the wall behind her. Someone kicked her again, this time the toe of the black boot bruising her belly. She doubled over, retching and gagging while the room darkened all around her. Kathy fought for consciousness. She had to remain awake for her sake, as well as for her daughter's.
"No, no, don't hurt us!" she panted, hardly able to get the words out, Joe and Brad yanked her up from the floor, dragging her to the far end of the garage and keeping her away from her daughter while Jack moved to Betti. Kathy struggled against the pulleys, tears blinding and burning her eyes as she heard her daughter begging Jack not to hurt her. And following every tearing, ripping sound of material, she could hear the girl's sobs increase until they dissolved into hysterical cries.
"Oh, oh, oh!"
It seemed an eternity. Kathy stood there, her head hanging down while the men held her firmly with both hands. When they finally turned her around, Kathy felt a shiver of horror ripple through her body. There was her daughter, suspended from the ceiling by a larvae rope. Her wrists had been bound together with a smaller piece of line that now cut visibly into the girl's flesh. Her arms were stretched higher over her head, the long, slim muscles pulled taut while her tits flattened against her upper chest. It was obvious Betti was trying to look as composed and brave as she could, tilting her chin defiantly up. But ripples of fear shivered over her milky flesh, making her terror obvious. Kathy started to move forward but felt the bullys' hands restraining her.
Jack was to Betti's right, pushing one hand against the girl's naked thigh and making her swing. Betti's jaw slackened, a ripple of pain shooting through her face as her body swung slightly from front to back.
"No, don't! Don't touch her! Don't move her like that!" Kathy protested.
"C'mon, Mrs. Watson," Joe said, copping a feel of Kathy's tits. "You knew this was gonna happen, right?"
"And man, the cunts around here are somethin' else. That Tina, his sister, is one strong, hot fuck," Brad said, laughing in Kathy's face.
"You, you animals! And you did this to your own little sister?" Kathy gasped.
"Hey, it's not like she didn't like it," Joe protested.
Kathy shuddered again, her feet slipping on the greasy cracked garage floor. Her only thought now, she felt, should be her daughter.
And now she could see those awful welts and bruises that told her that indeed Betti had been a victim of these young men. When Jack slapped her bare ass hard, squirming two fingers into her shitter, Betti squealed, her legs kicking apart. Spurts of piss shot from her tiny pussy, trickling down through her cunt hair and making the pulleys laugh.
"Scaring the piss out of her. That's the way I like my women," Jack snarled.
Kathy nearly fainted when she saw what they were putting her daughter through. Jack was holding something in one hand, something she hadn't noticed earlier. It was… oh God, a dildo of some sort! It was glistening, gleaming, metallic!
"I don't mind teachin' a little cunt like this some respect, and havin' a good time doin' it. It's better to learn this way," Jack said, wagging the dildo in front of Betti's face.
Betti was speechless. She watched as Jack donned protective rubber gloves, then pushed the dildo into her daughter's cunt. Betti's eyes widened once more, her nostrils flaring while she sucked in an audible ragged breath.
"No, don't…"
Kathy watched him tying something at the bottom of the dildo. She realized that it was electrified – probably battery operated. It wouldn't have the shock of a circuit-operated machine. But it could still shock. And shock it did, the electricity making Betti jerk and twist while her knees shivered against one another. Her nipples were swelling, turning a darker red while they stiffened and puckered. One scream after another tore from the girl's throat as her body danced about, jerking like an out-of-control marionette. She bounced up and down, screaming and begging them to leave her alone. Kathy shuddered, wanting to tear them all apart. But she knew their only hope was for her to remain sane, conscious. She wanted to beg for her daughter. But she knew no one would listen. And so Betti continued to twist and writhe, screaming as she threw her head back and looked wildly at the overhead rafters.
At that point, Kathy noticed Jack's hard-on. He then turned the switch off for a moment, signaling the others to drag the woman up to her.
"You'll suck me off while I fuck your daughter with this popping off her cherry."
"Oh, God!"
It was sick, sadistic, something she expected from the men by now.
"Take off your clothes. I like to see a naked woman suckin' cock."