Everything was dark, odd shapes hanging from the walls as the two girls crept in. Tina gasped, her hand striking something while Betti groped in the darkness for a light switch.
"Is it safe?" Tina asked nervously.
"I don't have a choice."
Betti flipped on one light, the yellow glow immediately flooding around them. Gasping, Tina put both hands to her mouth, looking around in disbelief.
"MY brother… my brother's involved in this? I mean, Jack's fun and fast, but… but this? And they actually raped you here?"
Betti felt her cheeks redden. She wanted to tell someone about it, about the cruelty, the kicking, the beating, and finally the ass-fucking. But she just couldn't get the words out – at least, not yet.
"I've gotta tell my mom. I've gotta tell her about Joe or…"
Tina's words were cut short as the two girls caught sight of movement in the doorway. It was Jack, back from the dark with his buddies behind him. Joe was peering over Jack's right shoulder, looking a little sheepishly at his surprised kid sister.
"Hi, Tina!" Joe said.
"Shut up, kid. They were spying on us. Just like that lady. We gotta teach 'em again. And look who's back – little missy who likes to get her ass reamed out."
"Betti!" Tina gasped.
"Don't believe them, Tina!" Betti snapped, agonizing as she looked around for an escape route.
"And we're gonna do it some more, this time with your friend watchin' and even takin' part. You'd like that, wouldn't you baby? The more the merrier!"
Something snapped in Betti's head. She had brought her friend here as a witness to what had happened, not as someone who would laugh at her later. She broke from the girl's side, rushing to the door with her fingers curled as if to scratch out Jack's eyes.
He turned in a flash, watching as the girl tried to flee past him like a charlie tank. The youth was on top of her in a moment, leaping at her back, striking his knees against her lower back. Betti scrambled madly, screaming and clawing at the air as she felt the boy's power overwhelming her. She could hear Tina crying out in the background, begging her brother to stop this.
But no help came. A sharp blow between her shoulder blades knocked Betti to her knees.
"No, no, no more!" she protested dully, feeling weak from the force of that blow.
When she felt someone trying to tug off her black-and-white striped jersey she screamed, clawing her fingers back at the offending hand. With a furious yank at her hair, Jack pulled her head back and hit her jawbone. Betti thought he'd broken bones, the resulting crashing pain sending her reeling off to one side. The screaming stopped, her cries dying out slowly as the pain around her head throbbed.
"Now we'll show you just how we expect you two to behave… at least, around us." Betti's head lolled, her brain working at half power. She hardly heard what was going on. She could hear Tina protesting vehemently, her arguments turning into cries as the sound of smacking blows punctuated her protests. Yes, they were working her friend over. But there was little Betti could do. She passed out finally, her knees giving way…
How long she was out, Betti had no idea. When she awoke, she found herself bound to a large support pillar. A leather strap encircled her waist, cinched so tightly she could hardly draw a breath without feeling some pain in her chest. The restraints held her firmly against the timber, her wrists secured with half-inch line behind her back. Moving her fingers to get some feeling back in them, Betti felt her nails brushing against her naked ass. Yes, they had stripped her naked, stripped her naked and bound her up against the harsh wooden column behind her. "My God…"
Betti raised her head, peering through her curtaining blonde hair. She saw cords had been drawn under her armpits, then over her shoulders to be crossed behind her and knotted tightly. After a few attempts, the girl discovered she could hardly move, while breathing was an effort in itself. Her tits were thrust forward provocatively, although no man was around her right now to hurt her. She tried to move her feet, then peered down and saw that her ankles had been corded with two firm bands that bound both her feet in circle-eight fashion.
She groaned, twisting around in her bonds, feeling the ropes cutting into her flesh as she moved about and tried to let some blood back in her cold, numb limbs.
Turning, she saw Tina next to her. She examined the girl, seeing that she too had been roped in a similar way. None of the boys were here at the moment. There were bruises on the girl's face and neck, while a long cut extended from her shoulder to her elbow. They had played rough with Tina, despite the fact her brother was in their sick little gang.
"He did that," Tina sobbed, blinking the tears from her eyes as she nodded down at the wound. "MY own brother, calling me all sorts of filthy names before…"
"Oh, Tina, I'm so sorry. I should have had your father come with us. Or maybe my mother. Oh God, but if she ever found out… oh, I'd die."
"We might do that, right here," Tina said glumly, closing her eyes in defeat.
"No, don't say that! They may do… things, but they won't do anything like that. Never!"
She tried to give courage to the girl, feeling her own sinking. She talked to Tina, trying to keep her occupied while she racked her brain to think of something, anything to keep going. Footsteps at the doorway made Betti groan.
They were back, back to cause more mayhem while she and Tina suffered.
"Well, don't they look fine. I think I'm gonna try this one attain. The other screams too much for my blood," Jack said, sauntering up to Betti.
The other youths filed silent into the room. They moved to the side, closely witching Jack like pupils of a master. Betti looked at them glumly, realizing she and Tina were the class project.
"Now, what would you say if I told you your old lady was just here, gettin' fucked and likin' it all?" Jack said, his thick lips curling into a sick smile.
That familiar silhouette! No, no, it couldn't be! Betti spat in his face, struggling against the bonds, her muscles bulging against the ropes.
"I knew you'd react that way," Jack said, wiping the spit from his eye and reaching in his pocket.
"You're filth! And you want everybody to be down on your level. I won't go. I won't slide down with you," Betti said, feeling as if she had won this round.
She had other thoughts, however, when she saw Jack puling out his lighter and giving Joe a hand signal. The boy knew what that meant, disappearing in the dark only to reappear with a candle.
"Fucked your mother with this just recently. I'm gonna see if the two of you are alike."
"You lie! You all lie!" Betti said, her voice cracking as she thought of that all-too-familiar shape shrinking out of the garage. No, it couldn't have been her mother! Jack ignored her idle threats, lighting the tip of the candle and waiting until a long orange flame drew up gracefully from the blackened wick. He was chuckling softly, looking down at her pussy and waving the flame back and forth, back and forth, inches from her eyes.
Betti could feel the heat from the fire against her cheeks. Something was happening again in her, something she found agonizingly disgraceful as she stood there bound to the column behind her. She was feeling arousal, her cunt starting to twitch while her pink nipples were growing stiff once more and starting to tingle in that delicious war.
"No, take that away from me! No, don't!" she cried, shaking her head violently.
Jack's eyes gleamed as they always did when he knew he had a victim trapped in his lair. He brought the foe up to. Betti's nose, the flame singeing the tiny hairs while burning her flesh a light pink. Tina struggled, her eyes widening as she watched her friend writhing against the unrelenting ropes. Betti drew her head back, her eyes crossing while she gurgled out a cry of terror and pain. He was going to burn her eyes out! Oh God in heaven, he was going to blind her, just as they had during the Nazi concentration camp era.