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'He stood aside, and we were ushered into a room richly furnished in the oriental style then much in vogue. Further apartments in turn led of this.

'“Let me show you some of the best features,” said a voice, and we turned to see our hostess, Lady Somerville, emerging from one of the side-chambers. She was quite naked.

'“Yes indeed,” cried her husband, not in the least perturbed by his wife's appearance in a state of paradisiacal innocence before his guests. “But first we too must disrobe. There is no point in having a Nuditorium without nudity, after all!”

'He quickly suited deed to word. I glanced at Humphrey-he seemed mesmerised by the radiant and entirely naked beauty of our hostess-and nodded my eager assent. In a second we, too, had undressed, and stood sipping our champagne in the unclothed company of our fellow guests. I was taken particularly by the splendour of Captain Turvey's cock, which was already showing signs of rapid and considerable tumescence. My husband murmured his appreciation of the size and firmness of his hostess's bosoms, and vowed to have the better of them before the evening was out. I too took quite a letch to suck the tits of an English lady, and told him so, sotto voce.

'Leaving our clothes piled on the floor where we had stepped out of them, we made a tour of inspection of the apartments. Lord Somerville pointed out some of the features of interest-the ingenious system of mirrors whereby a watch could be kept on activities in the bedchambers directly adjacent; the large bed in the centre of the room surrounded by armchairs and divans, so that ladies and gentlemen might sit comfortably and enjoy a drink or a fine cigar while they watched others of their company disporting themselves on the sheets and pillows; the marble bath; the Italian piano; the countless fine prints and paintings showing scenes that would satisfy every conceivable erotic whim. It was, in truth, a veritable temple of Venus, and we loudly proclaimed our wholehearted approval to our ingenious host and hostess.

'“Of course,” said Lord Somerville, “one always takes great care to choose one's guests with taste and discretion, so that future friendships-not necessarily of a purely amatory nature-may have the chance to blossom here. Many a useful connection in the City or the House – or, dare I say it, at Court-has been forged here.'

'He pulled aside a curtain, and drew out a device not dissimilar to a magic-lantern, mounted on a wheeled trolley.

'“Guests who stay at Somerville House are, of course, cordially invited to sign the visitor's book. It is a source of no small gratification to my wife and I to look back over those pages from time to time on the long and lonely winter evenings, and to read once more the names of those brilliant and distinguished friends who have graced our humble home with their presence. As you will see, we also have an interesting record of the guests who have whiled away an hour or two in the Nuditorium.”

'He struck a vespa, and a searing beam of light lit up the room. Then a photograph, much enlarged, was projected on the wall directly opposite his Lordship's magic lantern.

'“Count von Buhlen, of Danzig, fucking the wife of one of our most distinguished portrait painters. And another-Sir Egbert Claughton, our ambassador to the King of Spain-proudly showing what is unquestionably the longest prick my wife has ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Now we see Sophie and Emma, the twin daughters of General Hapgood, licking the cunt of the splendid Lady Erinmore. See, here is Lady Erinmore again, with my own prick in her mouth while she is fucked from the rear by the Maharaja of Filthistan, a potentate with the finest collection of erotica in the whole of India. What exotic bout we ran that night, I can tell you! Here is my wife again, playing the fellatrix with the Bishop of Bath and Wells-what a pair of balls he has on him, to be sure! And now Mrs. Neaverson and Mrs. Dugdale-deadly rivals their husbands may be at Westminster, but here are their wives busy dildoing each other in fine style, while Her Majesty's Sergeant-at-Arms masturbates vigorously in the background.”

'I could not resist giving my husband Humphrey's cock a sly squeeze, and noted with pleasure that it was already as stiff as a regimental flagpole. Indeed, others had been similarly impressed with the photographs, for Mrs. Middleton was sitting with her legs apart while her husband played skilfully with her pussey. After we had seen the last lantern slide-a remarkable study of the operatic diva La Ciccone being fucked by Sir Constantine Learie, the sportsman and politician, while simultaneously being enculed in rear by the pianist Horobin-we all spontaneously burst into applause.

'Lord Somerville modestly acknowledged our tributes. “Something slightly more energetic now, perhaps!” he called, and his wife sat down at the piano. “My dear lady,” he beseeched me, “would you do me the pleasure?”

'I half expected to be pushed backwards on to a sofa there and then, but instead of this he led me off in a delightful waltz around the room while Lady Somerville accompanied us on the piano, exhibiting no small accomplishment at the musical arts. The others quickly joined us, Captain Turvey with Mrs. Middleton and his own wife, Annabel, in the arms of Hugh Middleton. My dear Humphrey was profitably employed in turning the music for his hostess.

'We were all, it should be remembered, entirely naked. Though I have experienced many sensations in a life largely devoted to the pleasures of the flesh, I had never encountered any that was quite so hovel, or as titillating, as that of dancing closely together in flagrante delecto. There is always the delight, when dancing fully clothed, of knowing that the press of one's bosom against a manly chest is discreetly acknowledged and appreciated, and similarly of feeling the insistent stirrings of one's partner's prick against a gartered thigh. But this was an entirely different proposition.

'“And how do you like my Nuditorium?” asked his Lordship when we had completed the second circuit of the room.

'“I think it is excellent,” I replied, lightly rubbing my Mound of Venus against him. He lightly squeezed my bottom-cheeks in acknowledgment. “My husband speaks of installing something similar at our own home. On a more modest scale, of course, for our means are perhaps not quite so limitless as your own.”

'Lord Somerville laughed gaily. “Nonsense, my dear girl! From what I hear at my club, old Humphrey is one of the richest men in all England. I am sure he can quite outdo me in that respect. My wife too has long admired his acumen.”

'We both burst into laughter at this wordplay, and glanced over at where our respective partners were seated at the piano. Lady Somerville's fingers flickered lightly over the keys, while Humphrey was leaning across and cupping her fine breasts as he had so often caressed my own. From time to time, they would exchange knowing looks.

'Presently we sank on to a divan, and watched the others as they progressed from waltz to polonaise to mazurka. Lord Somerville poured me a glass of champagne. Despite my nakedness, I was quite panting with the exertion of the dance, and welcomed the libation. Almost unconsciously, I lay closer to Lord Somerville and casually stroked his fine chest. He in turn drew his long, aristocratic fingers up and down my spine in a way that quite made me tingle with longing. In a second we were kissing deeply and passionately, our tongues flicking each other's.

'Fired by a fierce longing, I whispered lewd imaginings in Lord Somerville's ears. It was as though I had ignited gunpowder. He pushed me backwards, covering my body with savage kisses, his hands seemingly everywhere at once. The music resounded around the room, yet louder still seemed the rush of blood through my ears. I lay back on the cushions and within seconds he had mounted me, his questing cock probing deep within me as a voluptuous thrill coursed through my loins.