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Seeing over a hundred Mountain Beast Fighters running towards him, Shi Feng remained unhurried. He used Phantom Kill, allowing his doppelganger to run into the stone forest while he faced off with the monsters.

Not to mention Shi Feng alone, even a twenty-man Elite team would not be able to handle over a hundred Mountain Beast Fighters at the same time.

As the distance between Shi Feng and the Mountain Beast Fighters shortened, Shi Feng's heart madly beat. His actions this time were insane. If there were even the tiniest mistake, only death awaited him. It had been a very long time since he had done something so exciting. His blood boiled, and his five senses grew even more sensitive.

When the Mountain Beast Fighters were no more than thirty yards from Shi Feng, a majority of the beasts were within the range to use Charge.

After a wrathful roar, a large majority of the Mountain Beast Fighters simultaneously activated Charge, with a few using it a moment later.

Shi Feng immediately activated Defensive Blade. The skill could block three melee attacks. At the same time, Shi Feng gripped the Abyssal Blade and prepared to use Parry.

When the first wave of monsters arrived, although Shi Feng used Parry, his body was still sent flying back. Following which, the second wave of monsters arrived, knocking Shi Feng into a Fainted state, preventing him from moving.

Seeing many Mountain Beast Fighters raise their niuweidao, ready to strike, Shi Feng persevered and did not use any skills.

Even when the blades slashed at him, Shi Feng still did not use the position swapping function of Phantom Kill. The Defensive Blade's damage immunity to three melee attacks instantly vanished.

Afterward, Shi Feng was struck by the large blade; his HP instantly fell by half. Another strike was all it would take to finish him off now.

At this time, the third wave of monsters had finally arrived. Shi Feng once more entered a Fainted state, the blade of the second niuweidao just before his eyes.

'Substitute!' Shi Feng shouted in his mind.

Within an instant, Shi Feng and the doppelganger in the stone forest swapped places. After the blade slashed the doppelganger, the Charge of the fourth and final wave of monsters arrived. The doppelganger was simply beaten to death.

Meanwhile, Shi Feng, who was hiding in the stone forest, immediately took out a bottle of Basic Regeneration Potion. He gulped it down in one go, a sweet and sour taste permeating throughout his mouth. Shi Feng's HP immediately recovered by 180 points, allowing him to barely be able to receive another attack.

After the doppelganger died, the Hatred of the Mountain Beast Fighters was directed towards Shi Feng, who was currently in the stone forest. Immediately, they swarmed into the forest.

Inside the forest was naturally Shi Feng's realm. He activated a Speed Scroll, facing off against the crazed Mountain Beast Fighters who were crowding through the narrow path. Shi Feng used Thundering Flash. Three streaks of lightning passed through the monsters, instantly taking over 100 HP from each of them.

Within ten minutes, all the lured Mountain Beast Fighters were dead.

At the same time, the remaining thread of experience Shi Feng needed to reach Level 4 had been filled up. He finally reached Level 4, catching up to the second tier players.

Shi Feng placed all 6 Attribute Points into Strength. Currently, damage was his priority. After cleaning up the loot, Shi Feng actually obtained another piece of the Silvermoon Set Equipment, a Silvermoon Leg Guard. He had also obtained 7 pieces of Moonstone, two Tier 1 Gemstones, and all sorts of materials and Common Equipment. His harvest was relatively good.

However, the most bountiful treasure was not these items. The main focus remained within the camp's storehouse. After all, Mountain Beast Fighters loved to place their collected treasures in the camp's storehouse.

After cleaning up the drops, Shi Feng quickly ran into the camp. He wanted to see just what sort of treasure was awaiting him inside the storehouse.

'As expected for the first time. There really is a lot of treasure.' From afar, Shi Feng could already see a few large Treasure Chests placed inside the storehouse. Amongst them, there was even a pitch black Mysterious-Iron Treasure Chest.

Filled with excitement, Shi Feng was just about to enter the storehouse and take a look at the items within the treasure chests when he heard a loud roar.

'Ao! Ao! Ao!'

A Mountain Beast Fighter, who was three sizes larger than its peers, rushed out from within the storehouse. The monster was covered in silver armor, and both its hands wielded a gigantic ax. Both its blood-red eyes stared tenaciously at Shi Feng.

Chapter 66 - Phantom Kill

After this silver armored Mountain Beast Fighter rushed out, before Shi Feng could observe it, it had already thrown its incomparably heavy Mountain Splitting Ax. The ax flew like a rocket, reaching Shi Feng in an instant.

Everything happened too quickly, too suddenly. If it were an average player in this situation, their head would have parted with their body before they could even react.

However, Shi Feng was not an average player. He pulled out the Abyssal Blade with great speed, and the moment before the ax could hack at his neck, he Parried this flying death ax.

The collision between the giant ax and the longsword did not produce any sparks, only the sound of an explosion.

Shi Feng's entire person was sent flying back over ten yards.

Following which, the giant ax landed on the ground, deeply penetrating the earth. Its landing caused the earth to start shaking. It could be seen just how heavy this giant ax was. Moreover, the silver-armored Mountain Beast Fighter who could simply throw this giant ax was even more terrifying.

Such strength did not exceed the normal Mountain Beast Fighters by just a level...

After landing, Shi Feng immediately used Observing Eyes on the new monster.

[Mountain Beast Warrior] (Special Elite)