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After activating the Speed Scroll, the doppelganger immediately went to the storehouse to lure the Mountain Beast Warrior.

As expected, the scene from before replayed itself, and the doppelganger used Parry to block the flying death ax. It subsequently used Charge at the doppelganger. The doppelganger immediately used the Polymorph Scroll, instantly turning the Mountain Beast Warrior into a little white sheep.

The Mountain Beast Warrior reverted to its original form in less than a second. It then chased after the doppelganger, entering deep into the stone forest. The Mountain Beast Warrior's speed was slightly faster than the doppelganger, but the doppelganger activated Windwalk, its speed and the distance between them increasing once more.

A short distance away, Shi Feng watched as the Mountain Beast Warrior departed from the campsite. He let out a small chuckle, similarly activating Windwalk as he rushed into the storehouse.

This time, there were no monsters present to interrupt him when he entered the storehouse. Shi Feng first went up to the Mysterious-Iron Treasure Chest, opening it.

The Treasure Chest needed time to be opened.

1 second... 2 seconds...

The loading bar for the Treasure Chest was still going, causing Shi Feng to become slightly nervous. The time his doppelganger could delay was limited. Aside from the Mysterious-Iron Treasure Chest, there was still one more Bronze Treasure Chest and three Common Treasure Chests. Time was of the essence. As long as he opened a Treasure Chest now, it would not be possible to lure the tiger out of the mountain the next time around. After all, Special Elites possessed their own intelligence.

'Hurry, hurry...' Shi Feng impatiently looked at the loading bar.

Ten seconds later, the Mysterious-Iron Treasure Chest opened.

At the same time, a wrathful roar came from the stone forest. It would seem that Shi Feng's actions had been discovered.

Looking through the doppelganger's vision, Shi Feng could see that the Mountain Beast Warrior no longer paid the doppelganger any attention. Instead, it ran back towards the camp's storehouse.

Without pause, Shi Feng immediately stored all the items in the Treasure Chest into his bag. He then continued to open the Bronze Chest.

The Bronze Treasure Chest's loading bar started to move slowly. To Shi Feng, every second right now was crawling by.

Meanwhile, the sound of the Mountain Beast Warrior's bellow was getting closer and closer...

TL Notes:

[1] Beasts : A general category for monsters.

Chapter 67 - Ring of Nothingness

The loading bar for the Treasure Chest was currently only halfway done. Hearing the roar getting closer and closer, Shi Feng became extremely anxious.

'Hurry... Hurry...'

The Mountain Beast Warrior had already entered the camp, yet the loading bar was still a hair's breadth away from full.

When the Mountain Beast Warrior saw Shi Feng opening the Treasure Chest, its large pair of eyes turned crimson red. It aimed its giant ax at Shi Feng, throwing it at him. It could not help but wish for Shi Feng to go to hell immediately.

At this moment, the Bronze Treasure Chest opened.

Without giving the flying ax even a single glance, Shi Feng immediately activated Defensive Blade, blocking the attack from the flying death ax. Following which, his two hands swiftly stretched into the Treasure Chest, taking the items within and cramping them into his bag with lightning speed.

When Shi Feng finished storing all of the items from the Treasure Chest, the Mountain Beast Warrior also arrived before him. It picked up the fallen ax with both of its hands, raising it up high as it prepared to murder.

Having no plans to stay, Shi Feng turned and ran.


The earth split when the ax landed, leaving behind a scar and causing crushed stones to go flying. However, Shi Feng was already five yards away by the time the ax landed. He was running directly to the outside of the camp.

Seeing that its attack missed, the Mountain Beast Warrior turned to face Shi Feng and used Charge. It did not intend to give Shi Feng any chance to escape.

On the other hand, Shi Feng did not have any skills to deal with the Mountain Beast Warrior who was charging at him. He allowed the Mountain Beast Warrior to send him into a Fainted state, his body then receiving a slash from its ax. In an instant, the attack sent him flying over ten yards away.

The attack from the Mountain Beast Warrior could cause even a Level 5 Shield Warrior to harbor a grudge, yet Shi Feng acted as if it was nobody's business as he stood and started running out of the camp once more. Now, Defensive Blade could only prevent Shi Feng from receiving damage from a melee attack one more time.

Although only one chance remained, there was more than a 10-yard distance between Shi Feng and the Mountain Beast Warrior. As long as Shi Feng ran into the stone forest, he would be a lot safer.

However, an unexpected situation occurred. The Mountain Beast Warrior that should have used Charge only once used it a second time, sending Shi Feng into a Fainted state once more. It raised its giant ax, slashing it again at Shi Feng's body.

Shi Feng was sent flying for over ten yards again; this time it immediately threw him out of the camp. He was just a short distance away from the stone forest now.

However, Shi Feng's expression became much more serious. The current Mountain Beast Warrior was completely different from before. Previously, it only used Charge once. Now, it used Charge twice. That meant that there was a possibility for a third or fourth Charge, maybe even more. That meant, as long as the distance between Shi Feng and the Mountain Beast Warrior exceeded eight yards, the Mountain Beast Warrior would use Charge. This was definitely not good news.