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Nutrient Fluids were the pinnacle products of the new age. Not only could they slow down aging, but they could also discretely mend the injuries that could not be detected, regenerate body cells, develop the brain cells, and many more astonishing impacts. These items have already become must-haves for athletes and martial artists. However, they were very expensive, so the common folk could only occasionally buy a bottle to drink. After all, a month's salary was only so much. It was impossible for them to afford a bottle every three days. Only the wealthy were able to treat these Nutrient Fluids as drinks, constantly transforming their bodies.

Hundreds of years ago, very rarely would the children of wealthy families be ugly. Females would normally be beauties, while males would normally be handsome men. However, with the Nutrient Fluids in this current age, beautiful women and handsome men could be commonly seen throughout the streets.

A bottle of C-rank Nutrient Fluid cost 400 Credits.

A bottle of B-rank Nutrient Fluid cost 1,000 Credits.

A bottle of A-rank Nutrient Fluid cost 10,000 Credits.

As for the best S-rank Nutrient Fluids, those were items that could not be bought by common folk even if they wanted to. These Nutrient Fluids were only sold to the inner circles of society.

In his previous life, Shi Feng was fortunate enough to buy one because of his status as a core member of Shadow. The S-rank Nutrient Fluid was extremely expensive, costing a million Credits per bottle. However, its effects were similarly astonishing. A-rank Nutrient Fluids were far from being comparable to it.

Although S-rank Nutrient Fluids were very expensive, there were plenty of wealthy people in the world. The ones who could afford to buy it would not trouble themselves over such an amount of money. After all, who wouldn't want to trade money for their own youth?

It was truly hard to imagine; the dream of humanity hundreds of years ago had now become a reality.

The body was a needed asset to make a revolution. If Shi Feng wanted to improve his skills in God's Domain and stand at the very top of the game, then a strong body and nimble mind were indispensable. Hence, Shi Feng would not make the same mistake in this aspect as he did in his previous life.

Following which, Shi Feng went to a gourmet restaurant. He spent a hundred Credits purchasing two sets of nutrient set meals; one was for him to eat right now and another as takeaway for his lunch.

After eating, Shi Feng made a trip to a normal workout center. After spending 60 Credits, he trained for four hours before returning home.

In the evening, around 7 p.m., Shi Feng drank a bottle of Nutrient Fluid and laid on the bed. He activated the gaming helmet and connected to God's Domain.

After logging in, Shi Feng started arranging the items he obtained.

When he was done arranging the items, Shi Feng started feeling emotional. It was no wonder the Moonlight Forest was a land of treasures. Just the various Tier 1 Gemstones he obtained alone amounted to over 300 pieces. There were also tens of skill books, dozens of pieces of Bronze Equipment, five pieces of Mysterious-Iron Equipment, over fifty Card Sets, more than twenty recipes for Lifestyle Jobs, over thirty Tier 1 Magic Scrolls, and four Tier 2 Magic Scrolls.

The Magic Scrolls from Treasure Chests were much better than those sold in the Magic Shop. This was because the various scrolls in the Magic Shop did not even reach the standard of Tier 1. Meanwhile, Tier 2 Magic Scrolls were much more precious. Every piece would have a great purpose, and there would be nobody willing to sell it.

As for the thing that brought Shi Feng the most joy...

He finished collecting the Silvermoon Set Equipment. In addition, he also collected a complete set of Blackblood Set Equipment meant for Shield Warriors and Guardian Knights.

The Blackblood Set Equipment's value far exceeded that of the Silvermoon Set Equipment. It was one of the best Set Equipment for Shield Warriors and Guardian Knights that were below Level 10. If Cola were to equip this set at Level 6 or Level 7, then Hell Mode Dungeons below Level 10 would no longer be a problem.

With so many good items, Shi Feng already had a solid base for forming a twenty-man team. The only concerns remaining would be recruiting members and their skills.

After finished arranging his bag and confirming that there were no more profits to be gained from the Moonlight Forest, Shi Feng activated the Teleportation Magic Orb, leaving the Moonlight Forest.

TL Notes:

[1]quantum watch: something like a wristwatch version of a quantum computer...?

Chapter 69 - Lunatic

In the real world, the sky slowly darkened as the sun went under the mountain. On the other hand, players in God's Domain were welcoming the rise of the morning sun.

Red Leaf Town was currently brightly lit as if it were daytime. In the Trade Area, players could be found everywhere as they pushed their way through the streets. Compared to yesterday, there were a lot more players currently in Red Leaf Town, and a lot of them were new players who were Level 0.

After being officially active for two days, many people started to notice the difference between God's Domain and other virtual reality games. The battling alone was extremely attractive, not to mention other sources of entertainment. The monsters in God's Domain improved with the increase in Levels, making the battles seem increasingly real. It was no longer the usual simple bouts where players and monsters would take turns fighting each other. The battles in God's Domain were more similar to the fighting competitions in real life.

This was the age where the world's entire population would exercise. In the real world, people had already reached a level of obsession in regards to fighting competitions, making such competitions extremely popular.

Everyone wished for a battle in which they could fight to their heart's content, and even more so when exchanging blows with an expert. They wanted to chase after the intense feeling of excitement that made one's blood boil. It was an addicting feeling that was impossible to give up. Meanwhile, God's Domain had all of this, and there were no dangers to a person's life.